Chronic Health Challenges (CHC) essay.Reflection on diabetes as a chronic illness

My topic is reflection on diabetes as a chronic illness but feel free to pick up any health challenges you are best to write about from the list provided and adapt it to the instructions of the paper already attached.



Write a descriptive paper that describes your reflective process of thinking, feeling, and deepening your understanding and learning about a critical issue important to persons who live with a chronic health challenge.

Select a Chronic Health Challenges (CHC)- Issue of interest Diabetes give appropriate age specificity for people 65 to 75 rather than broad categories

Examples of Chronic Health Challenges (CHC)

  • Poverty
  • Chronic Illnesses like Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Disability, Dementia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, COPD, CHF, etc.
  • Autism
  • Intimate Partner Abuse
  • Schizophrenia
  • Disability and Difference
  • Stigma and Judgment by Others
  • Deafness, Blindness
  • Mental Health Challenges



Compose a 5-page description (excluding title page and references), double-spaced, about your issue of interest. Include your responses to at least 4 of the following questions. Please address the questions you find most interesting and/or troubling:

What are your thoughts and feelings about your chosen CHC?

What assumptions do you have about this challenge?

In your experience, what do people say or express about this issue--what are their stories and what have their stories taught you?

What has shaped your current views, feelings, and understandings about your CHC?

What does the research literature say about what people experience when living with the chronic health challenge you are interested in?

How will you relate, as a nurse, with a person living with this CHC? What will you focus on?

What issues of ethical relating might surface in practice that link with this CHC?

What does social justice have to do with your specific chronic health challenge?

How do the social determinants impact chronic health challenges in general?

Paper should be no more than 5 typed pages double-spaced (excluding cover sheet and references) and must follow APA format, including a cover page and judicious use of headings you can use any of this format for headings (centred, Bold, Title Case, Left-aligned, Bold, Title Case, Indented, Bold, Title Case, Period. Text begins on the same line.


You can use any of these fonts when writing

  • Times New Roman (12 pt.)
  • Arial (11pt)
  • Georgia (11pt)
  • Calibri (11pt)

Lucida Sans Unicode (10pt)

Please find below the APA folder that contains an example template for how to format your assignment (cover page +5pager texts + 5references). No running head is needed for the cover page check for clarifications.  The reference example below under line 42 is in APA format 7th Edition and please you use this as your template for references.  I prefer that you single-space your references.

APA Feedback for Papers

  1. Page margins incorrect, should be 1” (2.54cm) all around, not 1.25” or 0.98” or any other margin at top/bottom/left/right.
  2. Do not leave an extra line between paragraphs or before/after headings; paragraph spacing should be 0pt before and after, so not 6pt, 8pt, 10pt, 12pt, etc. (check ‘Paragraph’ section in Word); align left, so do not right or full justify.
  3. Need to use tabs not space bar for indenting paragraphs; set tabs at 0.5”; indent first line of all paragraphs.
  4. Need to use only Times New Roman 12pt font for this course and at all times, so for page # as well as all text.
  5. Need to insert page numbering automatically and from 1st page; if incorrect margins then will have incorrect placement.
  6. Title needs to reflect the purpose of the assignment and it should be ‘catchy’ and fairly short; use title case; bold.
  7. Need title on 1st page of text (so p. 2); must be exact same as title on cover page; use title case; bold.
  8. Do not give a heading for introduction section on p. 2 of paper.
  9. Conclusion section should be at end of paper, not on References page; do not start with a phrase such as “In summary...”.
  10. Need to use headings and subheadings in all papers for this course; use meaningful language for headings/subheadings; learn correct format for each level of heading/subheading; use title case; for this course, use levels 1 & 2, then 4 as needed.
  11. Use Canadian spelling throughout papers for this course, e.g., behaviour rather than behavior.
  12. Need to use past tense not present tense for published material, e.g., ‘Steele (2019) noted that ....’.
  13. Do not anthropomorphize; a paper cannot do anything, nor can research, literature, a study, an approach etc.
  14. Need to mostly use active voice, not passive, e.g., ‘I did...’ rather than ‘... was done by...’.
  15. Check how to use commas correctly; check correct use of commas when at least 3 items in a list; do not overuse.
  16. Check how and when to use semi-colons and colons; do not overuse. In general, use punctuation to support meaning.
  17. Need to be concise & clear; use shorter words, sentences, paragraphs; need continuity & flow; need smooth transitions.
  18. Do not use contractions, e.g., use Will not rather than Won’t; do not use colloquialisms or jargon.
  19. Check when to use # vs. word, e.g., 5 vs. five; in general, words for one through nine but #s for 10 and higher.
  20. Need a referent for this or similar word such as these, i.e., also need a noun; pronouns (e.g., he, it, they) can be a challenge and might need to use noun instead to increase clarity if referent is not clear, especially when multiple people in a sentence.
  21. When a noun is singular, then verb must be too, e.g., if the patient then the verb would be has, not have; similarly ensure a match with verb if noun is plural; note that they is now acceptable as a gender-neutral pronoun for a singular noun.
  22. Check when to use we and do not use in this course; similarly with us, our, etc.; do not use you/your in this course.
  23. Need to use who or whom for human beings, not that or which.
  24. Check use of which vs. that; in general, which starts a phrase/clause after a comma and that is within the main sentence.
  25. Use since and while correctly, so usually when they refer to time; otherwise use because, although, despite, etc. in this course
  26. Do not use According to … or similar; make your point and then provide a reference in (); tightens up flow, improves clarity.
  27. Check how and when to capitalize, e.g., headings, reference list, words in text of paper.
  28. Check how and when to use abbreviations, e.g., CNO; do not use in title; do not use in heading unless already used in paper.
  29. Use first person when appropriate (will use in this course); do not write about self in third person.
  30. Do not use direct quotes in this course; paraphrase and provide correct referencing.


  1. Give year & p. # with author, do not separate; check when no need to repeat year within a paragraph - but need when in ().
  2. Check re how to reference in text; pay attention to & vs. and; use of commas; correct use and format of et al., naming authors as per APA & correct spelling; spacing with p. # & pp. #-#, with year; do not overuse a reference within a paragraph.
  3. Ensure alphabetical order for all references - in reference list, and in text (when multiple references, separated by ;).
  4. Volume # in reference list should be italicized; journal title and book title are italicized; issue # is not.
  5. Use hanging indent, not tab - if you highlight the reference and then press ‘Control’ and ‘T’ buttons at the same time then that creates the hanging indent; or set up in word-processing program.
  6. Include doi as URL in references when available (not just doi #) - most periodicals (& some books) now have doi as URL, so search for it if not clearly provided; do not underline URLs but may leave as hyperlink; print URLs in black.
  7. Do not use “Retrieved from” or retrieval date when providing URL: use only stable and scholarly sources in this course.
  8. Do not provide any URL that links to York’s library, EBSCO host, or any other such York University database - an external reader (so someone who is not a York University student/faculty member) needs to be able to access the URL; the URL should lead directly to the reference; do not reference course materials, e.g., PowerPoint slides, not even as “Personal Communication.”
  9. I prefer you use single-spaced referencing (see the reference list in the course outline), so each reference is single-spaced and needs to be 1 line space between references to clearly show different references; do not leave extra lines between 2 references.
  10. Need page number(s) for all references within the text/body of your papers for this course; when a single page number then use p. x; when multiple pages then use pp. x-x. Do not reference more than 2-3 consecutive pages; need to be as specific as possible.
  11. Check how to reference using ‘a’, ‘b’, etc. when multiple references with same author and year.
  12. Check how to reference a chapter in a book or edited book - do not reference whole book for this course; use correct chapter author(s) + title to match pp. #s; give full range of pp. #s in list; use specific p. # in text; e.g., in your paper, Burkhardt et al. (2018, p. 76) or (Burkhardt et al., 2018, p. 76) [note use of ‘et al.’ because x3 or more authors] and in list the reference would be:


Burkhardt, M. A., Nathaniel, A. K., & Walton, N. (2018). Ethical principles. In Ethics and issues in contemporary nursing (3rd Canadian ed., pp. 49-85). Nelson Education.

Grade will reflect the extent to which you meet the following criteria (See Further Grading Criteria-Senate Guidelines):

  • A clear chronic illness issue and the related problem is identified
  • The audience is identified (i.e. Children 2-4 with Cystic Fibrosis; Elderly aged >65 with Fibromyalgia)
  • A concise background information is provided on the topic,
  • Challenges the target audience faces

Implications for your nursing practice with these patients/clients

Thank you