How to write nursing education essays

How to write nursing education essays

What is the impact of the nurse educator’s role on organizational effectiveness? 

Organizational effectiveness is the main goal of development and excellence across all organizations. Nurse educators ensure that students are adequately prepared to deal with the increasingly complex healthcare needs of the people. In their parent institutions, nurse educators affect organizational effectiveness by educating other members on how to do their job well. Through the utilization of evidence-based practices, nurse educators provide organizations with new ways to deal with complex issues. Nurse educators in healthcare organizations ensure that best practices like effective communication are implemented to improve quality care. These individuals also prepare organizations to utilize modern technologies that improve the effectiveness of teaching and care delivery in healthcare institutions.

Identify one area in a practicum setting organization that needs improvement. 

One area in my practicum setting that needs improvement is communication among nurses during shift handoffs. The lack of standardized communication in various units makes it difficult to communicate patient information. The result is increased errors during care and poor patient satisfaction that affects quality in the organization (Dorvil, 2018)

Choose a theory or change model with which you have experience. Applying the identified theory/change model, propose a change, and describe the organizational impact in your practicum setting.

Lewin’s change management theory can be used to implement a practice change to address the issue of communication in the organization. This theory explains change management in three steps that involve unfreezing, change, and refreezing. The change that I propose to address the issue of communication is bedside shift reporting. The unfreezing stage will involve educating the employees on the importance of communication and the proposed change. During the change and refreezing stage, the implementation of bedside shift handoffs will be done and monitored for effectiveness. Dorvil (2018) explains that implementing bedside shift reporting will improve quality and safety in the organization by reducing errors and improving communication.


Dorvil, B. (2018). The secrets to successful nurse bedside shift report implementation and sustainability. Nursing Management49(6), 20.

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