NURS 4020:Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare Week 1 Leadership Theories and Personal Identification of Style and Strengths Resources Media Course Media: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010).Leadership competencies in nursing and healthcare.Baltimore: Author. “Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare,” featuring Dr. Kenneth J. Rempher, Dr. Diane Mancino, Dr. Don Arthur, Dr. David Nash, Dr. Cecilia K. Wooden, and Dr. Leslie Mancuso Required Readings Course Text: Sullivan, E. J., & Decker, P. J. (2013).Effective leadership and management in nursing(8th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall. Chapter 4, “Leading, Managing, Following” Course Text: American Nursing Association. (2010).Nursing: Scope & standards of practice.Silver Springs, MD: Retrieved”> Course Text: Fowler, M. (2008).Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses: Interpretation and application.Silver Springs, MD: Retrieved from”> Articles: Jackson, J. R., Clements P. T., Averill J. B., & Zimbro K. (2009). Patterns of knowing: Proposing a theory for nursing leadership.Nursing Economic$,27(3), 149-159. Kerfoot, K. M. (2009). Denial and immunity to change: It starts with the leader.Nursing Economic$,27(6), 422-423. Optional Resources are listed in the Week 1 Learning Resources. Threaded Discussion Leadership Theory and Health Care Reflect on the information presented this week and on your own work environment. Then, respond to the following: Which theory of leadership do you think is most effective in today’s health care environment? Why? How does ANA’sNursing: Scope & Standards of Practiceinfluence nursing leadership? Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. Post your response byDay 3of this week. Respond byDay 7to at leasttwoof your colleagues’ postings. See the Week 1 Discussion area for details. Application Leadership Theory Paper Throughout this degree program, you have been exposed to many great leaders in nursing and health care. Reflect on the leadership demonstrated by individuals such as Dr. Maggi McClure, Dr. Diane Mancino, Dr. Karen Drenkard, Ms. Joan Marren, Dr. Leslie Mancuso, Maria Manna, and Dr. Kenneth Rempher. Great leaders share common characteristics. As you have heard in this week’s media presentation, leadership skills can be learned and developed. The first step in developing leadership skills is increasing your self-awareness of your leadership qualities and abilities. In order to be an effective leader, you must find a style, or styles, that meet both your needs and those of the institution. Complete at least one of the following assessment inventories. Gallup Strength Finders Myers-Briggs DiSC Review your assessment results, and determine your leadership style, strengths, and growing edges. Consider how your leadership strengths are demonstrated in your nursing practice. Then, review the list of leaders presented below. Winston Churchill Margaret Thatcher Eleanor Roosevelt John F. Kennedy Martin Luther King, Jr. Mahatma Ghandi Rudy Guiliani Abraham Lincoln César Chavéz Mao Tse Tung Lillian Wald Mother Teresa Select one person from the list. Research that individual, and write a 2–3 page summary of the selected leader’s leadership style and specific leadership characteristics demonstrated. Include in your summary any strengths or characteristics you have in common with the leader you selected. Also include how your identified strengths demonstrate mastery of ANA’sNursing:Scope & Standards of Practice, Standard of Professional Performance: Standard 12: Leadership as evidenced in your nursing practice. Due byDay 7. See the Week 1 Application area for complete instructions. Virtual Practicum Team Discussion Practicum Activities: Identify a Change Project This week introduced the concepts of leadership and leadership theories. In addition, the media presentation and textbook readings discussed the difference between leadership and management. As you begin your practicum this week discuss with your manager possible change projects needed in the agency. Observe your manager and other leaders at your location. Identify how management and leadership activities contribute to successful change initiatives. Informally discuss options with your manager Please address the following: What did you see as the difference between a leadership activities and a management activities? How do management and leadership activities contribute to the success of change initiatives What change projects are needed in your agency at this time. Post your response to this Discussion byDay 5. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7 Week 2 Organizational Behavior and Change Theory Resources Media Course Media:Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare “Implementing Organizational Change,” featuring Dr. Brenda Freshman, Dr. Cecelia K. Wooden, Kevin F. Smith, Maria Manna, Dr. Karen Drenkard, and Dr. Leslie Mancuso Required Readings Course Text:Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing(8th ed.) Chapter 2, “Designing Organizations” Chapter 5, “Initiating and Managing Change” Course Text:Nursing: Scope & Standards of PracticeRetrieved”> Course Text:Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses: Interpretation and ApplicationRetrieved”> Articles: Holden, L. M. (2005). Complex adaptive systems: Concept analysis.Journal of Advanced Nursing, 52, 651–657. Optional Resources are listed in the Week 2 Learning Resources. Threaded Discussion Chaos and Complexity Theory in Health Care Based on this week’s readings and what has been presented on organizational theory, respond to the following: Do chaos theory and complexity theory have any place in health care systems? Why or why not? Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. Post your response byDay 3of this week. Respond byDay 7to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings. See the Week 2 Discussion area for details. Application Assignment Organizational and Change Theory Paper Based on the theories of organizational and change management presented in the text and this week’s readings, analyze a change that has happened at your place of employment, including how effectively this change was handled. Write a 2–3 page paper addressing how well the change process worked. As a nurse leader, what would you have done differently to make the change more effective? Due byDay 7ofWeek 3. See the Week 2 Application area for complete instructions. Virtual Practicum Team Discussion Practicum Activities:Apply Change Theory to the Proposed Change In week one, you formulated some initial ideas about a Leadership Change Project. You discussed possible change projects with your manager. This week has presented information on change, change management, and how an organization’s mission, vision, and values are reflected in its strategic plan. Using the information presented in the resources, complete the following two activities with the guidance of your instructor. Your instructor has assigned you to apply change theory to the proposed change. Check for consistency between the proposed change and the mission/vision/values/strategic plan for the agency. Read more about change theory in your textbook. Please address the following: Which theory will you use as a framework for your change project and why? Is there consistency between the proposed change and the mission, vision, and values of the agency? If so, describe. If not, how will you address the inconsistencies? Post your response to this Discussion byDay 5. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7 Week 3 Translating Strategic Vision Into Action: Communication Skills Resources Media Course Media:Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare “Communication, Teamwork, and Managing Conflict,” featuring Kevin F. Smith, Dr. Leslie Mancuso, Dr. Don Arthur, Dr. Louis Rubino, Maria Manna, and Dr. Cecelia K. Wooden Required Readings Course Text:Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing(8th ed.) Chapter 8, “Thinking Critically, Making Decisions, Solving Problems” Chapter 9, “Communicating Effectively” Chapter 11, “Building and Managing Teams” Chapter 12, “Handling Conflict” Articles: Baldwin, D., & Daugherty, S. (2008). Interprofessional conflict and medical errors: Results of a national multi-specialty survey of hospital residents in the US.Journal of Interprofessional Care, 22, 573–586. Michaels, C. L. (2002). Circle communication: An old form of communication useful for 21st century leadership.Nursing Administration Quarterly,26(5), 1–10. Shirley, M. R. (2006). Authentic leaders creating healthy work environments for nursing practice.American Journal of Critical Care,15(3), 256-268. Institute of Medicine Shaping the Future for Health (2000).Crossing the quality chasm: A new health system for the 21st century. Retrieved”> Optional Resources are listed in the Week 3 Learning Resources. Threaded Discussion Strategies for Resolving Conflict Based on the case study, respond to the following: What conflict resolution strategies should Lydia utilize first? Which techniques for effective communication would be the most practical, as well as the most beneficial? Why? Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. Post your response byDay 3of this week. Respond byDay 7to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings. See the Week 3 Discussion area for details. Application Assignment Organizational and Change Theory Paper dueby Day 7. See the Week 2 Application area for complete instructions. Virtual Practicum Team Discussions Practicum Activities:Collaborative and Communication Strategies This week your instructor has assigned you to seek input on the possible change from stakeholders, attend a multidisciplinary team meeting, and interview a leader from another clinical discipline. Part I: Observation Attend a multidisciplinary team meeting. Observe the communication skills used by the team leader and the group process. Consider the following questions as you observe the meeting: Who served as the team leader? What leadership style did you observe? How well did the team work together? Was there group conflict? If so, how was it resolved? Were there any outcomes from the group meeting? Did you see evidence-based care or decisions during your observation? How was nursing involved in the multidisciplinary group? Part II: Interview Interview a leader at least one level above your current or immediate past position from another clinical discipline (pharmacy, respiratory, case management, social work, medicine—not nursing). Ask the following questions: How would you describe your leadership style? What communication skills do you use? What conflicts have you had to manage in the last 3 months? What techniques and strategies do you use to work together to promote multidisciplinary teamwork? Please address the following: Identify ways in which you collaborated with other professionals regarding your activities Think about the stakeholders impacted by the change. How can the change theory you have chosen influence the success of a change project? How can the multidisciplinary team of leaders impact the change project? What is the best way to communicate the change within the agency? Post your response to this Discussion byDay 5. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7 Week 4 Translating Strategic Vision Into Action: Managing Resources Resources Media Course Media:Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare “Managing Human Resources,” featuring Dr. Kenneth J. Rempher, Maria Manna, and Dr. Don Arthur Required Readings Course Text:Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing(8th ed.) Chapter 10, “Delegating Successfully” Chapter 14, “Budgeting and Managing Fiscal Resources” Chapter 16, “Staffing and Scheduling” Chapter 17, “Motivating and Developing Staff” Course Text:Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses: Interpretation and ApplicationRetrieved”> Articles: Hu, J., Herrick, C., & Hodgin, K. A. (2004). Managing the multigenerational nursing team.TheHealth Care Manager,23(4), 334-340. McConnell, C. R. (2004). Managing employee performance.The Health Care Manager,23(3), 273–283. Optional Resources are listed in the Week 4 Learning Resources. Threaded Discussion Motivation Based on the case study, respond to the following question: What advice do you have for the nurse supervisor to improve the motivation of staff nurse Charlie? Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. Post your response byDay 3of this week. Respond byDay 7to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings. See the Week 4 Discussion area for details. Virtual Practicum Team Discussion Practicum Activities: Manage Resourcesfor Leadership Change Project This week your instructor has assigned you to develop a budget to fund the Leadership Change Project. Review the vision, mission, and values of the organization, and examine how the strategy, values, an Determine if the resources are available for the project (i.e., salaries, supplies, equipment, technology, and education). Post your response to this Discussion byDay 5. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7 Week 5 Translating Strategic Vision Into Action: Leadership Role in Improving Quality and Safety Resources Media Course Media:Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare “Impacting Quality and Safety Through Leadership,” featuring Dr. Kenneth J. Rempher, Dr. Karen Drenkard, Dr. Margaret L. McClure, Dr. Louis Rubino, and Maria Manna Required Readings Course Text:Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing(8th ed.) Chapter 6, “Managing and Improving Quality” Course Text:Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses: Interpretation and ApplicationRetrieved”> Articles: Blegen, M. A. (2006). Patient safety in hospital acute care units.Annual Review of Nursing Research,24, 103-125. Bolton, L. B., & Goodenough, A. (2003). A magnet nursing service approach to nursing’s role in quality improvement.Nursing Administration Quarterly,27(4), 344-354. Conerly, C. (2007). Strategies to increase reporting of near misses and adverse events.Journal of Nursing Care Quality,22(2), 102-106. Gantz, N. R., Sorenson, L., & Howard, R. L. (2003). A collaborative perspective on nursing leadership in quality improvement: The foundation for outcomes management and patient/staff safety in health care environments.Nursing Administration Quarterly,27(4), 324-329. Lachman, V. (2009). Ethics, law, and policy. Practical use of the nursing Code of Ethics: Part I.MEDSURG Nursing,18(1), 55-57. Lachman, V. (2009). Practical use of the nursing Code of Ethics: Part II.MEDSURG Nursing,18(3), 191-194. Wachter, R. M., & Pronovost, P. J. (2009). Balancing “no blame” with accountability in patient safety.The New England Journal of Medicine,361, 1401-1406. Wurster, J. (2007). What role can nurse leaders play in reducing the incidence of pressure sores?Nursing Economic$,25(5), 267-269. Website: American Society for Quality (n.d.)Cause analysis tools: Fishbone diagram. Retrieved”> Optional Resources are listed in the Week 5 Learning Resources. Threaded Discussion Culture of Safety Respond to the questions below: What’s wrong with Renee’s approach to medication errors? What first steps would you take to change the culture? How do you think the ANA Code of Ethics applies, or does not apply, to this situation? Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. Post your response byDay 3of this week. Respond byDay 7to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings. See the Week 5 Discussion area for details. Application The Role of the Leader in Evaluating Data to Improve Quality and Safety Paper Recall how nurses can use data to improve patient safety and quality-care delivery. In NURS 4005, you analyzed a Dashboard to determine nursing practice improvements. This week, you reviewed the importance and focus on patient quality and safety. The following data are shared by the unit manager with her staff at a recent staff meeting. There has been a higher than acceptable level of patient falls on the telemetry unit in the last 4 months. The distribution of falls is outlined below. Information about the unit also includes: The average age of the patients is 72.4 years old, and every patient has a cardiac diagnosis. The majority (68%) of the patients are women. Recently, 1 FTE of nursing assistants were moved from the night shift (11P–7A) to the evening shift (3P–11P). The rooms on this unit are all private. 94% of the patients are on diuretics. 12% of the patients have secondary diagnoses of confusion or disorientation. In a 3–5 page paper, respond to the following: Describe some possible interpretations of the data related to the patient fall rate on the telemetry unit. Discuss the quality management process you would follow to improve patient fall rates on the unit. What change management strategies would you incorporate in your quality improvement plan? What leadership characteristics are needed to assist in improving the patient fall rates? Review the table and chart presented in the online classroom. Post your response to this Discussion byDay 5. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7 Virtual Practicum Team Discussion Practicum Activities:Address Quality and Safety Issues This week your instructor wants you to identify one quality or safety issue in your setting that will be addressed by the Leadership Change Project. Please respond the following: What data did you use to identify the quality or safety issue? How will the Leadership Change Project address the quality and safety issue? The Practicum Experience Time Log due byDay 7ofWeek 6. Week 6 Shaping a Preferred Future for Nursing Resources Media Course Media:Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare “Shaping a Preferred Future for Nursing,” featuring Dr. Kenneth J. Rempher and Dr. Leslie Mancuso Required Readings Course Text:Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing(8th ed.) Chapter 7, “Understanding Power and Politics” Course Text:Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses: Interpretation and ApplicationRetrieved”> Course Text:Nursing: Scope & Standards of PracticeRetrieved”> Course Text: American Nursing Association (2010).Nursing’s social policy statement: The essence of the profession (3rd ed.). Silver Springs, MD: Retrieved from”> Articles: Cowen, M., Halasyamani, L., McMurtrie, D., Hoffman, D., Polley, T., & Alexander, J. et. al (2008). Organizational structure for addressing the attributes of the ideal healthcare delivery system.Journal of Healthcare Management,53(6), 407-419. Huston, C. (2008). Preparing nurse leaders for 2020.Journal of Nursing Management,16, 905-911. Milstead, J. A. (2003). Interweaving policy and diversity.Online Journal of Issues in Nursing,8(1), 5. Porter-O’Grady, T. (2003). Innovation and creativity in a new age for health care.Journal of the New York State Nurses Association,34(2), 4-8. Rossen, E., Bartless, R., & Herrick, C (2008). Interdisciplinary collaboration: The need to revisit.Issues in Mental Health Nursing,29(4), 387-396. Tofte, S. J. (2005). Why standards of practice?Dermatology Nursing,17(1), 9. Website: Health Workforce Solutions LLC & Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2008).Innovative Care Models. Retrieved”> Optional Resources are listed in the Week 6 Learning Resources. Threaded Discussion Discussion 1: Innovative Delivery Care Models Respond to the following: What model of care do you think should be created to meet the future demand of the elderly, the increasingly obese, and the information-savvy health care consumer? How might this model of care change or support the role of the nurse as defined by ANA’sNursing: Scope & Standards of Practice,Code of Ethics,andNursing’s Social Policy Statement? Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. Post your response byDay 3of this week. Respond byDay 5to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings. See the Week 6 Discussion area for details. Practicum Practicum Activities:Present Leadership Change Project This week your instructor has assigned you to create and post a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your Leadership Change Project. Post your PowerPoint presentation byday 5of this week. (See Rubric in Course Info) In this Discussion, post the Leadership Change Project you developed. In addition and based on your experiences, observations, and readings, compose a Discussion post that responds to the following: Review all of your team members’ presentations in your group and summarize the challenges and opportunities inherent in facilitating change in a interdisciplinary environment. Present strategies for addressing these challenges. Post your response to this Discussion byDay 5. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7. Course Evaluation Please complete the course evaluationby Day 7. Tutorials for this Question Available for $85.00 walden university NURS 4020 full course Tutorial # 00002034 Number of words in this Tutorial: 6 Posted On: 10/11/2013 07:45 PM Feedback Score: 100% (by 3 users) This tutorial has been purchased 3 times. Posted By: neil2103
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