Subject: Health
Study Level:Bachelor
Page Count: 6
Number of sources:20
Deadline: Fri, Aug 21st, 4 pm
Topic: Schizophrenia in the movie SHINE
Order Number:3887
Details:Background Hicks, S. (Director). (1996). Shine. [Motion picture]. Australia: Fine Line Features/Miramax. Based on the true story of Australian pianist David Helfgott (portrayed by Alex Rafalowicz; Noah Taylor; andGeoffrey Rush in his Oscar winning role), this movie charts his traumatic early years through adulthood. Telling the story in flashback we see David as a child prodigy and as he grows up while his patriarchal father abuses him and his siblings with the memory of his childhood in Europe and the loss of his family in the concentration camps. David finally breaks away from his father and goes away to study overseas; he later suffers a breakdown and returns to Australia and a life in an institution. Many years later he is released and through several twists of fate he starts playing a piano in a bar before finally returning to the concert hall.While David’s diagnosis is never formally given in the film, his presentation is most consistent withSchizophrenia. Task 3a) Perform a critical literature review on the following question: “When considering the causes of mental disorders, recent biological and neuroscientific advances have been so dramatic that psychosocial factors have been rendered redundant.†Discuss the evidence both for and against this contention using the disorder depicted in your chosen film.(approx. 1000 words; 45 marks) 3b) What biopsychosocial factors are suggested in the movie and what biopsychosocial factors would you speculate might be important for the character’s disorder, given what you know from your review regarding the disorder? You should reference aspects from biological, psychological, and social factors; and precipitating/predisposing/ perpetuating/protective factors). consider the strengths (protective factors) the character demonstrates in their life and in dealing with their problems. (approx.. 300 words; 15 marks) 20-30 references Part 4: Stigma (approx. 200 words; 10 marks). Refer to the movie shine (1996) David Helfgott. consideration of the stigma that is associated with mental illness, along with public knowledge of the mental disorders (i.e., society’s “mental health literacy”). The media has had a strong influence about how we understand mental illness and is the main source of information regarding thisfor most individuals in society. Therefore: You should spend some time evaluating the positive and negative messages the movie gives the public about people with this specific disorder – and if depicted, the mental health profession in general. Note: this section should specifically refer to the movie, and not just be a general discussion of stigma relating to mental illness. If you are referring to a specific point in the movie, please indicate an approximate time [h:mm] Total 1500 words
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