Online Patient education/Role of APN

Online Patient education/Role of APN

Assignment instructions:
1. Benefits (see articles uploaded), then you can discuss about:
- “It is undeniable that the web has become a widely-used resource for people seeking health information. However, the quality of this Online Health Information (OHI) [5] has the potential to critically affect health outcomes for many users”
- “While the potential benefits of OHE have been widely published in the literature, there are studies indicating concerns from health professionals regarding consumers relying on online material”
- “OHE can improve a patient’s emotional state and satisfaction. [20,21] observed that learning is a way for patients to gain some control of the situation and, thus, decreases anxiety”
“It is believed that a consumer, who is educated about his or her health-related problems, will have better adherence to treatments [24]”
- Explain about the importance for the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN/NPs), to identify people who has access to computer based technology (Digital divide) –see Mastrian textbook
“To maximize the benefits of Online Health education (OHE), it may be necessary not only for decision makers to exert shifts in their thinking and strategies, but also to instigate reliable management in order to harmonize the processes of policy and decision making for the benefit of the consumers”
“It is crucial for patients to be educated about online search (Advance Practice Nurse responsibility to guide patients on finding material/resources that are evidence based practice EBP), on how to recognize credible websites in order to prevent Patient harm (some patients has harmed themselves by following health information found on the Web (Mastrian and McGonigle (2017” ADD ALL RECOMMEDED WEBSITES FOR PATIENTS.