Nursing Essay Writing Punctuation: Commas

Nursing Essay Writing Punctuation: Commas

Understanding the basics of commas:

Commas serve various purposes in punctuation. The following instances require the use of commas:

1. Serialized lists: When listing three or more elements, commas are used to separate each item.

Example: This KAM consists of Breadth, Depth, and Application.

2. Nonessential clauses: Commas are used to set off clauses that provide nonessential information to the sentence’s meaning.

Example: Walden University, established in 1970, offers many degree programs.

3. Compound sentences: A comma is used to separate two independent clauses connected by a coordinating conjunction.

Example: Smith (2001) conducted the research, and Heller (2008) commented on the results.

4. Dependent introductory clause, phrase, or word: A comma is used after a dependent introductory clause, phrase, or word.

– Introductory clause: If you are using this sentence structure, place a comma after the dependent clause.
– Introductory phrase: Before completing the interviews, I must obtain Walden University approval.
– Introductory word: Therefore, I created three research questions.
– Introductory word: However, further research is needed.

5. Dates: Commas are used to set off the year in exact dates.

Example: The hospital’s pursuit of Magnet status was successful (R. Jones, personal communication, September 18, 2009).

6. Citations: Commas are used to separate elements within a citation.

Example: The research was “inconclusive in its implications” (Sanders, 2009, p. 45).

7. Introducing quotations (not seamless): A comma is used when an independent clause introduces a quotation but is not seamlessly integrated into it.

Example: Freud (1900) claimed, “the dreamer…assumes that the dream–even if it does not come from another world–has at all events transported the dreamer into another world” (p. 5).

To learn more about comma usage and practice, refer to varying sentence structures and take grammar diagnostic quizzes. Watching webinars on mastering mechanics is also recommended. For further guidance, consult APA 7, Section 6.3.

Common Errors to Avoid with Commas:

The following situations do not require the use of commas:

1. Months: When mentioning a month within a specific year, commas are not used.

Example: I conducted the study in June 2003.

2. Complex sentences: A comma is not used in a sentence that combines an independent clause and a dependent clause.

Example: Smith (2001) found that the results were consistent although some details in the approaches differed.

3. Introducing quotations (seamless): A comma is not used when an independent clause seamlessly introduces a quotation.

Example: Freud (1900) claimed that “the dreamer…assumes that the dream–even if it does not come from another world–has at all events transported the dreamer into another world” (p. 5).

4. Comma splices: A comma should not be used to separate two independent clauses. This results in a comma splice.

Example: Jessica and I went to the movies, we had a good time.

To correct comma splices, refer to information on run-on sentences for proper ways to join independent clauses.