PURPOSE Thepurposeofthisassignment is topromote theuse of effective strategies learned in New Student Orientation (NSO) to promote success as anonline student. COURSEOUTCOMES Thisassignmentenablesthestudent to meet thefollowingcourseoutcomes. CO #5. Apply concepts of professionalismwhen planning for personal,intellectual,and professional development. (PO#5) CO #9.Demonstrate accountability forpersonal andprofessional developmentbyassessing information and technology competence,implementing plansforupgrading technologyskills, and using effective strategiesforonline student success using resources provided to Chamberlain students. (PO#5) DUEDATE Submit the assignment to the Week4Dropboxby Sunday,11:59 p.m.MT. POINTS Thisassignmentisworthatotal of100points. PREPARINGTHENew Student Orientation Assignment 1. Carefully read thisdocument (New Student Orientation Guidelines),includingtheRubric. 2. From Doc Sharing,download theNew Student Orientation Template.Renamethat document asYour Last NameNew Student Orientation.docx. Save itto yourown computerorflash drive in a location where you will be able toretrieve itlater.Type youranswers directlyon the saved document.Remember that onlyMicrosoftWord 2010oralater version is acceptable.The document mustbesaved as a .docx.Save yourworkfrequentlyas you type to preventlossofyourwork. 3. When you viewed theNew Student Orientation, you downloaded the Certificate at the end of the orientation and saved it to your computer or flash drive as a PDF file in a location where you can retrieve it. 4. Upload that saved Certificate of completion to the Week 4 Dropbox. See theWeek4 Assignments pageforstep-by-step instructionsonhowto usethe Dropbox. 5. CompletetheNew Student Orientation Template with your answers to the assigned questions. 6. Upload the completed New Student Orientation Template to the Week 4 Dropbox. 7. There are TWO documents to upload: a. Certificate of completion of the New Student Orientation (NSO) b. Your completed New Student Orientation Template DIRECTIONSANDGRADINGCRITERIA Category Points % Description: See Rubric for details. Certificate of NSO Completion 50points 50% Submit Certificate of NSO Completion as PDF that is clearly readable. Specific Items Learned in NSO (3 required) 30points 30% Clearly state three (3) different items learned from NSO.Details and depth are expected. Statement of how NSO will help you to succeed 10points 10% Clearly state how NSO will help you to succeed as an online student.Details and depth are expected. Specific Strategy you will use to promote your success 10 points 10% Clearly state one specific strategy you will use to succeed as an online student.Details and depth are expected. Total 100points 100% Aqualityassignmentwillmeetor exceedalloftheabove requirements. New Student Orientation Template Student Name: Date: Directions: 1. Carefully read the New Student Orientation Guidelines found in Doc Sharing. This provides specific details on how to complete this assignment. Carefully read the Rubric prior to completing this assignment. 2. Rename this document by clicking Save As. Change the file name so it reads Your Last Name New Student Orientation.docx. For example, if your last name is Smith, type Smith New Student Orientation.docx. 3. Save the document as a .docx compatible with Microsoft Word 2010 or later. 4. Type your name and date at the top of this template. 5. Type your answers directly on the template. Follow all instructions. Save frequently to prevent loss of your work. 6. Prior to the due date, post questions about this assignment to the Q & A Forum so your classmates can read the advice, too. You may also e-mail questions to your instructor. 7. Submit to the Dropbox by the end of Week 4, Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT: a. Certificate of completion of the New Student Orientation (NSO) b. Your completed New Student Orientation Template Item Instructions Type your answers below. Certificate of NSO Completion: Submit Certificate of NSO Completion as PDF that is clearly readable. Do not type in this box. Specific Items Learned in NSO (3 required) Clearly state three (3) different items learned from NSO.Details and depth are expected. #1: #2: #3: Statement of how NSO will help you to succeed Clearly state how NSO will help you to succeed as an online student.Details and depth are expected. Specific Strategy you will use to promote your success Clearly state one specific strategy you will use to succeed as an online student.Details and depth are expected. GradingRUBRIC Assignment Criteria A:(92–100%) Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance B:(84–91%) Very Good or High Level of Performance C:(76–83%) Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance F:(0–75%) Poor or Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance Certificate of NSO Completion 50points Submits Certificate of NSO Completion as PDF that is clearly readable. (50 points) Did not submit certificate OR certificate is not readable. (0 points) Specific Items Learned in NSO (3 required) 30points Clearly states 3 different specific items learned in NSO with excellent depth and detail. (28–30 points) States 3 different specific items learned in NSO with some depth and detail. (25–27 points) States 3 items learned in NSO with minimal depth and detail. Items may overlap somewhat. (22–24 points) States 1–2 different items learned in NSO with minimum depth and detail OR no items stated (0 points). (0–21points) Statement of how NSO will help you to succeed 10points Clearly states how NSO will help you to succeed. Depth and detail are excellent. (9–10 points) States how NSO will help you to succeed. Depth and detail are good. (8 points) Vaguely states how NSO will help you to succeed. Depth and detail are minimal. (7points) Vaguely states how NSO might help you to succeed. Depth and detail are absent OR no statement (0 points). (0–6points) Specific Strategy you will use to promote your success 10points Clearly states one specific strategy from NSO that you will use to promote your success. Depth and detail are excellent. (9–10 points) States one strategy from NSO that you will use to promote your success. Depth and detail are good. (8 points) Vaguely states one strategy from NSO that you will use to promote your success. Depth and detail are minimal. (7 points) Vaguely states a strategy from NSO that you might use to promote your success. Depth and detail are absent OR no statement. (0–6points) TOTAL: 100 points possible
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