An article written by Elish a health correspondent identified various issues that affect the diagnosis of deaf children. The author argues that most deaf children are not diagnosed early and this leads to more problems. For instance, it leads to hearing loss as the children do not get proper tereatment.75% of the deaf children do not get timely medical services. The author has attributed the late diagnosing with lack of proper equipment to diagnose young children. Most countries do not have the right equipment that can be used to diagnose deaf children and treat them. This has in turn made treatment of children having hearing difficulties hard. Moreover, the author argues that lack of enough personnel has also made it hard for the treatment of deaf children. There are many children who are born having moderate hearing loss which can be corrected through treatment. Lack of right technology and personnel has led to development of severe hearing loss. I agree with the author about lack of proper diagnosing for children having disabilities like deaf children. The number of children having disabilities has increased due to lack of proper medical care. Most children are not able to get the correct treatment to correct minor disabilities and this leads to severe disability as stated above. Thus, the deaf children should be provided with adequate treatment so as to reduce the rate of hearing loss (O'Regan, 2011). After reading the article, I have learned that not all hearing looses are severe. There are different types of loses like moderate and profound. Some of the hearing losses that are not severe can be treated. In addition, I have learned how lack of proper technology and enough
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