How to Write a Case Study Paper: Full guide 2022

How to Write a Case Study Paper: Full guide 2022

Writing a case study is a common task in college, particularly for anthropology, psychology, and sociology students. Many students find crafting a compelling case study paper challenging. This article offers a comprehensive guide on how to write a case study paper.

What is a Case Study?

A case study is a research paper that delves into specific issues and proposes solutions. Case studies can vary in form, depending on the subject and type, and can range from academic research to business promotional tools aiming to market an idea.

How to Write a Case Study Paper

A case study aims to conduct thorough research on a particular issue, such as communities and individuals, to help readers understand all the factors involved in the subject matter and the research process. The goal is to present a well-supported solution based on the research.

Sources of a Case Study

The common sources of a case study include documents, interviews, archival records, physical artifacts, direct encounters and observations, facts and statistics, and participant’s observations.

Differences between a Case Study and a Research Paper

Case studies go beyond research papers as they focus on specific issues and require in-depth investigation using various research methodologies. They often involve narratives and are shorter in length, typically around 500-900 words.

Types of Case Studies

A case study encompasses a comprehensive report that offers detailed information about an event, institution, location, person, or various subjects. There are different types of case studies, each chosen based on the specific topic under investigation. The following are the various types:

Historical Case Studies

Case studies that delve into the past serve as valuable learning resources. Historical events provide abundant information sources, enabling researchers to draw diverse conclusions. These perspectives can be continuously utilized, compared, and thoroughly examined in present-day contexts.

Problem-Oriented Case Studies

Primarily used to address challenges, problem-oriented case studies are often presented as hypothetical scenarios where researchers immerse themselves in the issue to investigate it. For instance, if you work for a startup and identify a significant problem in the product’s design, you would thoroughly examine the situation and propose remedies before informing a senior manager. These case studies play a crucial role in relevant socio-economic discussions on a larger scale.

Cumulative Case Studies

Cumulative case studies gather data and provide comparisons between different objects or situations. Businesses and organizations use such case studies to demonstrate a product’s value.

Critical Case Studies

Critical or theoretical case studies investigate the causes and consequences of specific situations. Researchers conduct detailed empirical analyses, focusing on analyzing contradictions or myths.

Illustrative Case Studies

Illustrative case studies describe events while exploring their outcomes and lessons learned.

Case Study Paper Format

To excel in a case study, adhering to the correct format is essential. Typically, a case study paper format comprises eight parts, including:

Executive Summary

This section presents an overview of the subject matter and the factors to be examined in the case study. It should contain the thesis statement and summarize the results in no more than three sentences.

Background Research

Here, you provide necessary background information for the study and isolate the research issues.

Evaluation of the Case

This section separates different aspects of the research for focused analysis. It explains what worked and what did not.

Proposed Solutions

Accurate solutions to the identified issues are presented, along with strategies to improve the research’s current condition. The chosen strategy is justified as the best approach.


The conclusion summarizes the main points from the proposed solutions and case evaluations. It should not introduce new information.


This section discusses new strategies that can be implemented to improve the situation, along with recommendations for further research.


The implementation section explains how the chosen strategy should be put into action, considering the effects and adaptation process.


All citations for the work should be provided following the correct citation style instructed by the professor or instructor.

How to Write a Case Study

Setting up the Research Process

Research is the initial step in writing a case study. It involves going through various sources and analyzing relevant points to develop creative solutions. The research process includes:

Defining the Objective of the Research

Clearly explaining the reasons for presenting the chosen topic and deciding the format for the case study (written, infographic, podcast, etc.).

Determining the Best Candidate for the Case Study

Seeking permission, quotes, and other relevant information to enhance the effectiveness of the case study. Examining the candidate’s situation and identifying the factors that led to it.

Determining Various Outcomes of the Scenario

Considering different potential outcomes that may result from the situation.

Steps to Get a Case Study Started

Search the internet for general information and reliable sources.

Conduct background research and take note of crucial facts and issues.

Focus on a few key points and explore their impact on the research topic.

Select the best option and thoroughly investigate it.

Case Study Rubric

While instructors may use different criteria, a case study rubric typically evaluates eight outcomes:

Correctly identifying the concepts, theories, and practices of the discipline.

Applying relevant ideas and principles to the specific subject.

Analyzing and applying legal and ethical arguments to decision-making.

Recognizing the global significance and impact of the case.

Creating a logical overview and explanation of the research.

Demonstrating critical and analytical thinking abilities.

Explaining the interconnection between the environment and nature.

Integrating the discipline’s theory and practice into the analysis.

Case Study Outline

Similar to other academic papers, case studies follow a specific outline. The basic case study outline includes:


A captivating introduction that provides background information about the topic, states the problem statement, explains the significance of the research, and outlines the hypothesis.


The body section discusses the topic’s background, presents data, arguments, and evidence, and explores potential solutions with their benefits and drawbacks.


In the conclusion, the problem statement is restated, and a summary of the information presented in the body section is provided. Additionally, the conclusion offers solutions and recommendations for further research.

Writing a Case Study Draft

After completing the research and planning, it is time to focus on the case study draft. Follow these guidelines:

Include Four Sections

Ensure that your draft consists of at least four sections: introduction, background information, preliminary results, and conclusion, along with proper references.

Set the Tone

Set the tone for the presentation in the introduction, providing sufficient background information on the subject and engaging the readers’ attention.

Analyze Prior Studies

Include analyses of prior studies related to your topic in the background section. State the purpose of your case and the issues you aim to address.

Describe the Method of Study

Explain the research methodology used, such as interviews, observations, or academic publications, and present the findings of your investigation.

Include Data Quotes

Support your case with data and quotes, adding a personal touch and enhancing credibility.

Checklist for Finishing the Draft

After writing the case study, polish it by ensuring proper case study formatting, consistent reference and citation style, and error-free grammar and spelling.

Avoid Issues like over-generalization, failure to document restrictions, and failure to extrapolate all conceivable implications.

By following these guidelines and adhering to the proper format, you can create a well-structured and informative case study.

How to Write a Nursing Case Study

Nursing case studies have distinct characteristics compared to other academic case studies. Creating a good nursing case study paper requires thoughtful consideration and planning. It typically consists of four sections:

1. The Status of the Patient
2. Assessment of the Patient
3. Care Plan and Recommendations

How to Write a Case Study Title Page

The title page of a case study depends on the citation format provided by the instructor or professor. Key elements to include in the case study title page are:

1. A Title Describing the Research and Attracting Reader’s Attention
2. The Phrase “Case Study” in the Title
3. A Title Length of Five to Nine Words
4. Contact Information

How to Cite a Case Study

Citations are crucial to confirm the findings in a study. Various formats can be used to reference a case study paper, including:

1. American Psychology Association (APA) Format
2. Modern Language Association (MLA) Format
3. Chicago Format
4. Harvard Format

How to Write a Case Study in APA Style

APA referencing style is commonly used in case studies. The following sections outline the structure of a case study in APA style, which shares similarities with other research papers:

1. Introduction:
– Introduce the topic and highlight the current research status.
– Present an exciting fact to emphasize the study’s importance.
– Include a thesis statement focusing on the research work.

2. Objectives:
– Address the questions and objectives of the study.
– Formulate queries aligned with the thesis, creating a logical progression.

3. Methods:
– Describe the research methodology, including interviews, questionnaires, or observations.
– Specify the context and conditions of data collection.

4. Results:
– Present the study’s outcomes, including unexpected findings or particular circumstances.

5. Discussion:
– Interpret the results and relate them to the stated approaches and research aims.

6. Recommendations:
– Specify follow-up research and address any knowledge gaps or unresolved questions.

Case Analysis Format Outline

An effective case study allows for gathering sufficient evidence and analysis of real-life situations, challenging assumptions, and providing new recommendations. Critical and analytical thinking skills are essential for differentiating the case study and making it stand out. The case study analysis involves techniques such as brainstorming, selecting ideas, and creating a rough draft before refining the paper.

Mistakes to Avoid in Your Case Study Analysis

To ensure a well-executed case study analysis, avoid the following mistakes:

1. Excessive Use of Colloquial Language: Maintain a formal tone in your writing.
2. Lack of Statistical Data: Include relevant statistics in percentages and figures.
3. Excessive Detailing: Focus on presenting significant facts without overwhelming the reader.
4. Inconsistency in Methods: Develop a unique and coherent case study research approach.
5. Applying Trivial Means of Research: Utilize appropriate data collection methods, such as questionnaires or surveys.

Case Study Examples

Reviewing case study examples can enhance your writing skills and provide insights into different case study formats. By examining various topics and their real-world applications, you can improve your writing and achieve better scores in your own case study.

Example of a Case Study Introduction

The introduction serves as the initial point of contact for readers, making it crucial to create an engaging one that captures their attention. It should include a thesis statement and a brief summary of the outcome, typically one or two sentences.

For guidance on writing an appealing introduction, you can refer to case study examples available on our website.

Some Ideas for Drafting a Case Study

Merely understanding the definition of a case study is not sufficient; comprehending its outline and learning how to create it effectively is essential for its value. A case study template can be a helpful guide in planning your work.

Several strategies can aid in developing an excellent case study that satisfies the expectations of your professor or instructor:

1. Write About Familiar Topics: Choose subjects that you can relate well to your arguments. Avoid approaching contexts with limited understanding, as it may hinder the creation of a compelling outcome. Opt for topics that align with your concepts and allow for easy expounding.

2. Narrate the Context Clearly: When writing the case study, ensure that you explain the context accurately, helping the reader understand when you link the situation with your ideas. A clear narrative of the context facilitates the reader’s ability to relate to the concepts being discussed. Failing to convey the context properly can make it difficult for readers to connect it with the underlying idea.

3. Be Honest in Explanations: Provide complete explanations to avoid leaving readers confused. When discussing specific data in a case study sample, state precise numbers to enable readers to comprehend the information effectively.

4. Use a Specific Style of Approach: There are different ways to structure a case study. You may choose to explain a concept and provide immediate illustrations, or describe the full context first and then introduce the relationship afterwards. Organizing your work coherently is essential for reader comprehension, leading to better scores in the report.

In Summary

Writing a case study helps understand what occurred in a particular situation, involving individuals or a group. It entails conducting research and finding solutions to the problems highlighted in the subject matter. This article offers a comprehensive guide on how to write a case study paper.

For those in need of expert assistance with case study writing, our website offers affordable case study writing services. Whether you require help in selecting a compelling topic or crafting a well-written case study, we are here to support you.