Debate on Global Warming

Global warming has become a debatable issue for the last ten years. This is because of the causes of global warming. People argue differently on the causes of global warming. Some people argue that global warming is caused by human activities while others argue that global warming is part of natural activities. The debate has drawn various ideas, and reactions from different groups like scientists. This paper focuses on the debate about global warming. It analyzes if global warming is caused by human activities, or if it is a natural process. It also focuses on the causes of global warming, the effects of global warming, and how to prevent global warming. The debate on global warming is heightened by the effects global warming has caused to the environment, and life. Global warming has affected the environment and life negatively.

Some of the effects of global warming are increase in hurricanes that result from increase in the sea level. Global warming also leads to changes in weather patterns, and climate. This affects agricultural activities, and food production in many countries. In addition, global warming causes an increase in diseases, and heat waves. This is because of the floods caused by rise in the sea level and melting of the ice sheet and glaciers. The negative effects caused by global warming have affected many countries. The effects have made global warming a debatable issue because if measures are not taken to control it, it might cause adverse effects. Lack of education on global warming has also led to different views on the causes of global warming.

Debate on global warming

Global warming is the increase in average temperature of the earth’s surface. Global warming is a continuous process, and it has happened since 20th century. The increase in temperature causes climatic changes, and this affects human life negatively. Global warming has raised a lot of concern (Mudhol, 2008, p38)[1]. Many people and countries are debating on global warming. This is because most people do not appreciate the causes of global warming. People who do not support the issue of global warming do not agree with causes of global warming. They do not believe if global warming is caused by human activities. This people argue that global warming is caused by natural factors. People who agree that global warming is a dangerous issue agree with causes of global warming. This people believe that the major cause of global warming is man made activities, but not natural factors. Every year large amounts of carbon dioxide are released to the atmosphere. This is mainly by planes that fly in the air space. The number of planes has increased for the last 50 years, and also the amount of carbon dioxide released has also increased. There are various factors that contribute to global warming.

The causes of global warming include green house gases released into the atmosphere (Mudhol, 2008, p 38). Another cause of global warming is carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere from industrial activities. Methane is another cause of global warming as human being burn fossils fuels, industrial, farming and deforestation activities. Many people believe on the causes of global warming, but there are many people who do not believe that human activities are the main causes of global warming. This people believe that global warming is as a result of natural climatic changes of the earth. Debatable causes, and solutions on theory of global warming include the natural climatic changes, the grounds of human causes, and the solutions used to prevent global warming. The issue of global warming does not need to be debated as the causes of global warming are clear. In addition the effects of global warming are clear, and the measures one should use to prevent global warming (Mudhol, 2008, p 38)[2].

Many people agree with the causes of global warming. This is because the evidence that supports human activities as the main cause of global warming is readily available. The debate about global warming has attracted attention from many scientists. Most scientists have different views on the cause of global warming( Leroux, 2005,p 21-330)[3].People against the issue of global warming do not have sufficient evidenced that global warming is caused by natural factors. They only argue that global warming is a natural part of the earth’s climatic change. For example, John Christy argues that carbon dioxide from fossil fuel is distributed evenly around the globe but, it is not concentrated in the Artic. He argues that people cannot blame greenhouse gases for causing an increase in temperature in the northern hemisphere. According to John’s ideas, the cause of warming in the northern hemisphere is natural change in climate, but not carbon dioxide.

He does not agree that excess production of carbon dioxide causes global warming. Other people argue that global warming is as a result of the sun. For example, David Bellamy who is conservationist connects global warming to the sun. This is because he believes that human activities cannot contribute to global warming, but only natural factors are responsible for global warming. Dr.Sami Solanki who is the director of Max Planck institute for solar system research connects global warming to the sun. He argues that people view the issue of global warming poorly, and that the sun is the main cause of global warming. According to Sami, the brightness of the sun is the major cause of global warming, but not human factors. Though he believes the sun is the major cause of global warming he still agrees that there is no enough evidence to show that the sun is the major cause of global warming. Another scientist who does not support human activities cause global warming is Sallie Baliunas. Sallie believes that the sun is the major cause of global warming. This is because of its varying activity. He supports his idea with many statistics showing the sun is the major cause of global warming. The different ideas the scientists hold bring contradiction in managing global warming. This is because it is difficulty to manage global warming if the causes of global warming are not well known. The argument of the causes of global warming is made up of two sides. One side is made up of people who believe that man made activities are the major causes of global warming. The other side is made up of people who think that global warming is a natural phase in the climatic habits of the earth. Each side provides scientific evidence to support the idea (Leroux, 2005, p 21-330)[4].

Most people do not support that global warming is a natural process. This is because they have enough evidence to show that global warming is caused by human activities. Many research organizations have written on the causes of global warming. This is because they do not believe global warming is a myth, or natural process. For example, in an article produced by the department of commerce, NASA argues that increase in solar does not have the ability to cause a large increase in global temperature. NASA argues that the major cause of global warming is human activities like greenhouse gases. According to the report produced by NASA, greenhouse gas plays a major role in global warming than other activities. Only a quarter of the amount of global warming is linked to the sun, but the biggest percentage is caused by greenhouse gas. According to NASA, one quarter is the natural part of global warming, but the other amount is mainly as a result of human activities. NASA view on causes of global warming is supported by many people. Majority of the people believe global warming is an effect of burning of fossil fuels.

Burning of fossil releases harmful gases into the atmosphere and the gases form a layer in the atmosphere. Burning of fossil releases carbon dioxide, methane and these gases affect the atmosphere causing global warming (Leroux, 2005, p 21-330)[5]. Fossil fuel is fuels that are formed by natural resources like anaerobic decomposition of organisms buried on the earth’s surface. Fossil fuel includes volatile substances with low carbon hydrogen like methane. When fossil fuels are burned they produce around 21.3 tones of carbon dioxide per annum. The amount is large for natural process to absorb it all. Natural process absorb about half the amount. Thus, the reason why there is an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide is about 10.65 billion tones. Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases. The gas increases radiative effects, and this contributes to global warming. The gas causes the temperature of the earth to rise. According to the Stanford solar centre, greenhouse gases cause global warming. This is because of burning of fossil fuels that release methane, and carbon dioxide. The gases cause increase in temperature. The main source of these gases is human activities like industrial activities, farming activities, and deforestation. Thus, human activities are the major cause of global warming, and people should agree with the debate on the causes of global warming. Human activities are evidenced every where in the day to day life.

The activities play a major role in causing global warming. For example, human beings have developed automobile vehicle that release carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide released is absorbed in the surrounding atmosphere. This cause increase in temperature if the amount is released much. Human beings have developed power plants, and industries that release carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The plants release large amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causing global warming. Human activities also lead to emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that absorb, and emit radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process causes green house effect. Examples of green house gases are carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane. Other green house gases include ozone, and nitrous oxide. The gas affects the earth’s temperature as they cause an increase in temperature. The gases occur in large amounts in the atmosphere because of human activities. From the debate it’s clear that human activities are the major causes of global warming. After analyzing the causes of global warming makes it is clear that global warming is caused mostly by human beings though natural factors take part. Thus, people should not continue debating on the issue, but they should look for ways of preventing global warming (Leroux, 2005, p 21-330)[6].

Causes of global warming

Human activities are the major causes of global warming. Human activities have more effect on the earth’s temperature than natural causes. Human beings cause global warming through various activities. For example human beings cause global warming through emission of green house gases. This is because human beings burn fossil fuel and the fuels release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This causes formation of layers in the atmosphere that allow more heat to be radiated. Other greenhouse gases also have an adverse effect on the earth’s temperature. Methane is a greenhouse gas formed after plants decay, and where there is no enough air. The gas is most found around swamp areas, and water reservoirs. Bacteria breakdown organic matter and produce high levels of methane. In addition, bacteria found in animals like cattle, sheep produce methane naturally (Oxlade, 2006, p 4)[7]. The production of methane from decay of plants, and animals has led to increase in methane gas in the atmosphere.

Other human activities like coal mining, production of oil, and natural gas have also contributed to high levels of methane on the earth’s surface. This is because high amounts of methane gas are produced during mining activities. The methane gas is absorbed in the atmosphere, and if released in large quantities it causes global warming. Farming activities like cultivation and dumping of garbage on the land causes high levels of methane. Hence, human activities lead to production of greenhouse gas. If methane gas released into the atmosphere stays there for ten years it has the ability to traps 200 times more heat than carbon dioxide. This leads to global warming. Another greenhouse gas that causes global warming is nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide is released naturally from oceans, and by bacteria in the soil. Human beings have contributed a lot to the increase of nitrous oxide gas in the atmosphere. This is because they use nitrogen based fertilizers when farming and they also dispose human and animal waste in sewage treatment plants.

Other cause of nitrous oxide gas is automobile exhaust. If large amount of nitrous oxide gas are released then they are absorbed in the atmosphere and this causes global warming (Oxlade, 2006, p 4)[8]. Engineering industries use fluorocarbons to manufacture products like refrigeration products, and air conditioners. Fluorocarbon is a group of synthetic organic carbons that can be converted into gas and liquids. Because of the ability to change Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) into gases or liquids, they are used in refrigerators, air conditioners and aerosol cans. CFCs are emitted into the atmosphere, and broken down into molecules in the ozone layer (Wods, 2005, p 29-46)[9].

The molecules mix with the ozone gas making it difficulty to prevent warming. This increase the temperature of the earth’s surface. Due to the effect, CFCs are banned from being used in many industries. The only fluorocarbon allowed to be used in the industries is hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs).HFCs do not break down into molecules when released into the atmosphere, but they cause greenhouse effect. This is because they trap heat into the atmosphere. This leads to increase in earth’s temperature, and global warming. HFCs are used in refrigerators, and air conditioners. This shows that human activities are a major cause of global warming. This is because human beings have used the knowledge acquired to build harmful products, and increase global warming (Oxlade, 2006, p 4)[10].

Another human activity that leads to global warming is deforestation. Deforestation produces carbon dioxide which is absorbed in the atmosphere. Deforestation occurs as a result of cutting down trees for use as fuel, or timber. Other causes of deforestation are farming activities. Human beings cut down trees to get areas to cultivate, and live. Trees are important in preventing global warming. This is because they absorb carbon dioxide, and release oxygen. If trees are cut down then the carbon dioxide is not absorbed. Instead carbon is absorbed into the atmosphere. Deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This in turn causes greenhouse effect, and global warming. The release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere causes greenhouse effect. This leads to rise of earth’s temperature (Silverstein, Silverstein, Silverstein &Nunn, 2009, p 18-92)[11].

The diagram below shows the green house effect, and how green house effect leads to global warming. The diagram explains how greenhouse effect leads to global warming. From the diagram heat from the sun is transferred into the earth’s surface. Solar radiation passes through the gases, and reaches the earth’s surface. The solar radiations heat the earth’s surface, and the heat produced from the earth’s surface rises back to the atmosphere. As the atmosphere contains some greenhouse gases, it is difficulty for the gases to pass through to the atmosphere. This is because the greenhouse gases form a layer that prevents heat from the earth’s surface from being transported in to the atmosphere. The heat is radiated back onto the earth’s surface. This heat in turn heats the earth’s surface and causes a rise in earth’s temperature. Hence, global warming occurs (Silverstein, Silverstein, Silverstein &Nunn, 2009, p 18-92)[12].

Effects of global warming

The effects of global warming are being felt every where in the world. Global warming has affected people in different ways. For example, global warming experienced over the last ten years has lead to change in climate( Pringle, 2003,p20)[13].This is because human activities, and natural factors that cause global warming also cause change in climate. Global warming has caused change in climate around the world as it has affected weather patterns experienced in different areas. The increase in temperature has led to increase in precipitation. There are three ways in which global warming causes change in climate.

First, global warming causes melting of ice, or formation of ice. This is as a result of increase in temperature. Secondly, global warming causes change in hydrological cycle. The increase in temperature as a result of global warming leads to increase in precipitation .It also leads to change in currents in the oceans, and air flow in the atmosphere (Pringle, 2003)[14]. This affects climate negatively or positively. If global warming affects climate negatively it leads to drought as there is no enough rainfall. Global warming causes change in ocean. Oceans are important in controlling global warming. This is because they absorb carbon dioxide that would remain in the atmosphere. The increase in carbon dioxide produced by human activities, and other natural processes has led to oceans becoming acidic. As the temperatures of the oceans increase, it becomes difficulty for the oceans to absorb more carbon dioxide. Global warming has several effects on the ocean.

Global warming causes a rise in sea level. This occurs as a result of thermal expansion, melting of glacier and ice sheets. It also causes warming of the ocean surface, and increase d temperature stratification. Global warming also leads to changes in ocean circulation. Acidification of oceans affect living organism in the ocean. This is because the PH of the ocean is high, and it cannot allow survival for sea animals. This leads to death of sea animals. Global warming leads to depletion of oxygen in the ocean. This makes it difficulty for sea animals to survive (Spence, 2005, p 1-189)[15].

Another effect of global warming is the rise in seal level. Global warming has affected oceans as it has led to increase in sea level (Spence, 2005, p 1-189)[16]. This is because global warming makes ice sheets, and glacier to melt. This increases the amount of water in the ocean leading to increase in sea level. Global warming leads to thermal expansion. This is because of the high temperature found on the ocean surface. The water expands, and this leads to rise in sea level. Global warming is likely to increase sea level for the next ten years as more and more heating is taking place. This will affect the living organisms in the ocean, and also people. It will also affect economic activities like shipping of goods. Global warming will also lead to shutdown of thermal circulation.

Global warming will through slowdown of thermal circulation cause cooling in the northern Atlantic, and lead to cooling and lesser warming in that region. Global warming also affects ecosystems. Organisms depend on the habitats for food, water and shelter. They also depend on the habitat for breeding opportunities, and to raise young ones. Change in climate affects organisms and their habitats in different ways. Global warming affects all life on the earth surface. It affects individual organisms to population, species and ecosystems. Global warming has an adverse effect on all living things, and it alters the composition of a population, species, and the distribution of species. Global warming also affects the stability of an ecosystem, and its function (Houghton, 2004, p231-243)[17]. Ecosystems in the oceans, mountains and glacier areas are more affected. Global warming leads to movement of living things like birds, and world animals. It also leads to death of different species as the habitat become unfit for animals to survive. This is because high temperatures cause melting of ice sheets and glacier. This affects area like oceans which are habitats for sea animals.

Thus, if global warming is not controlled it might lead to adverse effects on the ecosystem. It might lead to death of animals, and distinction of wildlife animals. This will affect economic activities in the region affected by global warming. Global warming also affects agriculture (Houghton, 2004, p231-243)[18].This is because global warming leads to change in climate. The effect of global warming is negative. Climate change affects agriculture and food production in the world in different ways. For example, global warming leads to more carbon dioxide being released in the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide is not utilized by plants, and this affects the production. Plants use carbon dioxide during photosynthesis to make food and release oxygen. With the increase in global warming it is difficulty for plants to survive. Global warming affects weather patterns. This is leads to altered precipitation. The change in precipitation affects agricultural activities, and food production. This leads to shortage of food and with high changes it might lead to death. Global warming leads to increase in weeds, pest and other pathogens. This is as a result of high temperatures and pressure. This makes it difficulty for human beings to control weeds, pests. Hence, the pests and weeds lead to low production (Houghton, 2004, p231-243)[19].

Another disadvantage of global warming is experienced in the health sector. Global warming has made it difficulty for countries to control diseases. This is because global warming leads to change in climate, and weather patterns. Human beings are exposed to the changes in weather patterns, and this affects their health. The high temperatures, change in precipitation, rise sea level and other events affect human health. The changes in weather pattern make it difficulty for diseases to be treated. This is because disease causing organisms adapt to the different weather patterns, and it becomes difficulty to eradicate some diseases. Flooding causes waterborne diseases. Flooding is common in areas affected adversely by global warning as high temperatures lead to rise in sea level. This in turn causes flooding. Thus, it is difficulty to control diseases in those areas. For example, it is difficulty to control malaria in areas with climatic changes. The organisms causing malaria adapt differently in those areas.

Global warming has affected the health sector a lot. Global warming also leads to increase in respiratory diseases. This is as a result of poisonous gases that accumulate in the atmosphere. The gases affect the air making it unsafe for human beings, and other animals. Global warming leads to drought and heat waves. Some countries become wetter as a result of global warming and others become dry. These countries face serious drought, and heat waves. This is because global warming leads to reduction in water supply. Global warming also leads to hurricanes. Hurricanes are experienced as a result of increase in temperature. Global warming causes heating to oceans, and this causes hurricanes. Increase in global warming leads to economic consequences. This is because hurricanes lead to deaths, and damage of property. High temperatures lead to diseases and make it difficulty to prevent disease. Global warming leads to high costs in health care and property (Farrar, 2007, p 6-34)[20].

How to prevent global warming

There are several ways to prevent global warming. First, countries should educate people on global warming, its causes, and effects. This is to make people aware of what is global warming, what causes it, and how it affects life on the earth’s surface. This will make it easy for people to accept to prevent global warming (Silverstein, Silverstein, Silverstein &Nunn, 2009, p 18-92)[21]. Provision of education on global warming will help in eliminating doubt if the global warming its real or not. People should be trained on how to prevent global warming. Another method of preventing global warming is finding renewable sources of energy.

The government should find renewable sources of energy. This is to prevent human activities that cause global warming. With alternative sources of energy the government will reduce mining of oil, coal and other fuels. Mining of coal, oil leads to production of carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Renewable energy sources will help the government eliminate production of green house gases. This will lead to reduction in global warming. Burning of fossil fuels should be discouraged. This is because fossil fuel is the main cause of green house gases, and global warming. Burning of Fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide, and methane. These gases accumulate in the atmosphere causing radiative effect. This in turn causes global warming. To prevent production of these gases the government should ban burning of fossil fuels (Silverstein, Silverstein, Silverstein &Nunn, 2009, p 18-92)[22].

Countries should come together and develop policies that govern global warming. These policies will prevent human activities that cause global warming. For example, the policies should discourage mining of minerals that produce green house gases. This is to prevent the gases from affecting environment, and causing global warming. Most mining activities and plants produce greenhouse gases, and are the major causes of greenhouse gases. Another solution to global warming is creation of good environmental policies (Mudhol, 2008, p38)[23]. Good environmental policies should be established, and implemented to prevent environmental pollution. Industrial plants should follow the environmental policies established to prevent global warming. This is because most industrial plants produce greenhouse gases during production activities. These gases are released into the atmosphere, and they form green house effect.

Using the environmental policies developed the government can control production of green house gases. This will help prevent the industries from releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Industrial plants are the major cause of environmental pollution, and greenhouse effect. Industrial plants release gases like methane, carbon diode, and nitrous oxide. This gasses escape into the atmosphere causing green house effect. The environmental policies used should not have biasness and they should be implemented well. Industrial plants should find better components of making products. For example, most engineering industries manufacture components using fluorocarbons.

The fluorocarbons are harmful to the environment and human beings. An example of fluorocarbon is hydro fluorocarbon and chlorofluorocarbon (Mudhol, 2008, p38)[24]. These components are used to manufacture products like refrigerators and air conditions. The components contain harmful gases that affect the environment and human beings. The components contain carbon dioxide, chlorine, fluorine and hydrogen. These gases are derived from methane and are poisonous. The gases are released into the atmosphere and mix with ozone. This makes it difficulty for the ozone layer to prevent radiation of sun rays. This in turn leads to global warming and green house effect. The gases cause depletion of ozone layer. The industries should find alternative components to manufacture refrigerators and air conditioners. People should look for alternative means of transportation so as to prevent emission of carbon dioxide. The more people use vehicle the higher the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere. To prevent such envisions people should look for alternative means of transportation. The government should educate farmers on how to use fertilizers. This is to prevent them from using excess quantities of nitrogen fertilizers (Mudhol, 2008, p38)[25].

Global warming has become a controversial issue in many countries. The issue has made people, countries and scientists to debate on it. This is because many people assume that global warming is a myth or natural process while others assume that global warming is real. The debate on global warming is accelerated by the effects caused by global warming on the environment and life. People differ on the causes of global warming. Some think that global warming is linked to the sun, and other natural process. Others think that global warming is caused by natural processes, and human activities. Human activities are the major cause of global warming. This is because human beings are involved in many activities that emit greenhouse gases. For example, human beings use harmful components in the industries. Components like fluorocarbons are used in industries to manufacture refrigerators, and air conditioners. These components contain harmful gases like fluorine, chlorine, and carbon dioxide. When the gases are released into the atmosphere they cause depletion of ozone layer. Human beings also cause deforestation. They clear trees and forests to get areas to carry out farming and live.

Deforestation leads to increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This causes greenhouse effects, and hence global warming. In addition, human beings are the major cause of global warming as they establish automobile vehicles that emit harmful gases to the atmosphere. Gases emitted by automobile vehicles like carbon dioxide cause greenhouse effect. Thus, it is clear that human beings or human activities are the major cause of global warming. The debate on global warming should be carried out critically so as to analyze the causes of global warming. The different views people have about causes of global warming have made it difficulty to control global warming. Global warming has become a debatable issue because of the effects it has on the environment. Global warming causes changes in weather patterns, and climate change. This cause diseases, and drought in many countries. Global warming also causes heating up of oceans, and this leads to rise in sea level.

The rise in sea level leads to hurricanes and floods. Thus, affecting livings, and causing more diseases. Global warming causes destruction of ecosystems, and habitats. This is because high temperatures cause melting of ice sheets and glaciers. This increases the level of sea and affects living things. To prevent global warming countries should educate people on global warming. People should be educated on the causes of global warming, its effect and solutions. This will make it easy for the government to control global warming. Educating people on global warming might change how people view causes of global warming. The government should establish policies to control environment pollution by industrial plants. The policies should be clearly followed. The government should ban mining of natural resources like oils, and coal as they emit greenhouse gases. Lastly, the government should look for alternative sources of energy and means of transport.

Annotated bibliography

Farrar, A. (2007).Global Warming. ABDO Group, page 6-34

The author analyzes the controversial views regarding global warming.

Houghton, J. (2004).Global warming: the complete briefing. Edition3.CambridgeUniversity Press, page 231-243

The book analyzes global warming and impact of climate change from a scientific view. The effect of climate change and global warming to the society is analyzed. The actions the government, industries, and people should take to prevent effects of global warming

Leroux, M. (2005).Global warming: myth or reality: the erring ways of climatology. Springer, page 21-330

The book talks about debate on global warming. It explains the causes and effects of global warming from a climatologically perspective. The author of the book analyzes reports provided by Intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) on global warming. This to make people understand global warming is reality, but not a fiction.

Mudhol, J. (2008).Global warming: executive predictions. Happy About, page 38

Debate about global warming is analyzed clearly in this book. The author has analyzed global warming, its effect and how to prevent global warming.

Oxlade, C. (2006).Global Warming. Capstone Press, page 4

The book describes what is global warming, its causes and effects of global warming.It also describes the Tokyo protocol, and how to prevent global warming.

Peach, J. (2005).Global Warming: Emission Reductions Possible As Scientific Uncertainties Are Resolved. DIANE Publishing, page 2-48

The book provides critical analysis of federal research on global warming in 1990 and policy issues for dealing with change in climate. It provides enough information for one to understand greenhouse effect and global warming. The effects of global warming are also analyzed in the book.

Pringle, L. (2003).Global warming: the threat of Earth's changing climate. SeaStar Books, page 20

The book analyzes the effects of global warming on the environment, ecosystem, climate, and economy. Then it outlines possible ways of preventing the effects.

Spence, C. (2005).Global warming: personal solutions for a healthy planet. Palgrave Macmillan, page 1-189

The effects of global warming are analyzed in this book. How global warming has affected the environment and people. Global warming has caused spread of diseases, pests and weeds. It has also caused killer heat waves and vector borne diseases. The book describes global warming so as to help people understand the issue.

Silverstein,A.,Silverstein,V., Silverstein,V .,&Nunn,L.(2009).Global Warming. Twenty-First Century Books, page 18- 92

The book analyzes global warming and the greenhouse effects. It also analyzes how the earth’s climate has changed since its formation and the effects of the changes and how to prevent the effects or reverse them.

Wods, W. (2005).Global Warming: A Natural Phenomenon. Trafford Publishing, page 29-46

The author has analyzed if causes of global warming are human activities or it is a natural process.

[1] Mudhol, J. (2008).Global warming: executive predictions. Happy About, page 38

[2] Mudhol, J. (2008).Global warming: executive predictions. Happy About, page 38

[3] Leroux, M. (2005).Global warming: myth or reality: the erring ways of climatology. Springer, page 21-330

[4] Leroux, M. (2005).Global warming: myth or reality: the erring ways of climatology. Springer, page 21-330

[5] Leroux, M. (2005).Global warming: myth or reality: the erring ways of climatology. Springer, page 21-330

[6] Leroux, M. (2005).Global warming: myth or reality: the erring ways of climatology. Springer, page 21-330

[7] Oxlade, C. (2006).Global Warming. Capstone Press, page 4

[8] Oxlade, C. (2006).Global Warming. Capstone Press, page 4

[9] Wods, W. (2005).Global Warming: A Natural Phenomenon. Trafford Publishing, page 29-46

[10] Oxlade, C. (2006).Global Warming. Capstone Press, page 4

[11] Silverstein,A.,Silverstein,V., Silverstein,V .,&Nunn,L.(2009).Global Warming. Twenty-First Century Books, page 18- 92

[12] Silverstein,A.,Silverstein,V., Silverstein,V .,&Nunn,L.(2009).Global Warming. Twenty-First Century Books, page 18- 92

[13] Pringle, L. (2003).Global warming: the threat of Earth's changing climate. SeaStar Books, page 20

[14] Pringle, L. (2003).Global warming: the threat of Earth's changing climate. SeaStar Books, page 20

[15] Spence, C. (2005).Global warming: personal solutions for a healthy planet. Palgrave Macmillan, page 1-189

[16] Spence, C. (2005).Global warming: personal solutions for a healthy planet. Palgrave Macmillan, page 1-189

[17] Houghton, J. (2004).Global warming: the complete briefing. Edition 3.Cambridge University Press, page 231-243

[18]Houghton, J. (2004).Global warming: the complete briefing. Edition3.CambridgeUniversity Press, page 231-243

[19] Houghton, J. (2004).Global warming: the complete briefing. Edition3.CambridgeUniversity Press, page 231-243

[20] Farrar, A. (2007).Global Warming. ABDO Group, page 6-34

[21] Silverstein,A.,Silverstein,V., Silverstein,V .,&Nunn,L.(2009).Global Warming. Twenty-First Century Books, page 18- 92

[22] Silverstein,A.,Silverstein,V., Silverstein,V .,&Nunn,L.(2009).Global Warming. Twenty-First Century Books, page 18- 92

[23] Mudhol, J. (2008).Global warming: executive predictions. Happy About, page 38

[24] Mudhol, J. (2008).Global warming: executive predictions. Happy About, page 38

[25] Mudhol, J. (2008).Global warming: executive predictions. Happy About, page 38