Competency Assessment Supplement

Competency Assessment Supplement

Status of your RPN application
We have received your information from the National Nursing Assessment Service
(NNAS), including your NNAS Advisory Report.
According to the Report, the outcome of the NNAS’ evaluation of your education was
Not Comparable. Enclosed is a Competency Assessment Form (CAF) prepared by the
College outlining your competency gaps based on the results of the NNAS’ assessment of
your nursing education.
What are my next steps?
Given that competency gaps were identified in your nursing education, you must decide
how you wish to proceed with your application. You can complete one of the following
options or you can pursue more than one option at the same time.
1. You can choose to have your nursing practice assessed to see if it helps you meet
the competency gaps identified in your nursing education. For a list of documents
we have already received you may refer to the section below titled “What practice
information have we received?”
Please note:
• If you have additional nursing practice information since graduating from
your nursing program that you have not declared to NNAS, and that you
would like for us to review, please ensure you provide all of the
documentation outlined in the section below, titled “What if I have nursing
practice since graduation that I have not declared to NNAS?”
• You must notify us in writing if you do not have any additional practice,
besides what you already declared to NNAS. This step is important to
allow us to proceed with the assessment of your application.
• Your application will only be placed into our assessment queue after we
receive all of the nursing practice information that you would like reviewed.

• We are currently reviewing applications placed into the assessment queue in
February 2020
• If the assessment of your nursing practice identifies that you have competency
gaps remaining, you may still be required to complete further evaluation
and/or to complete additional education.
You may wish to consider the options below, along with arranging for your
practice to be reviewed, to ensure that you continue to move forward in the
application process.
2. You can choose to complete a Competency Assessment Supplement (CAS),
which must be typed. The CAS is a document that you write to us and provide
examples from your own nursing practice and education that shows us how you
demonstrated each of the competencies listed in the enclosed CAF. If you
provide examples associated with practice for which we have not received a
Verification of Nursing Practice form or job description, you may be asked to
provide these documents.
Before you write your CAS, review the information about the Entry-to-Practice
Competencies for Ontario RPNs, which can be found on our website at by clicking onto Standards & Learning and then selecting College
Also, the College checks every CAS for plagiarism, through an online third party
plagiarism detection service called Turnitin. Turnitin compares your CAS for
similarities to texts from a variety of other sources. If the College finds plagiarism
in your CAS, then the College will stop assessing your CAS and advise you in
writing of next steps. Please read the information about the CAS and our
plagiarism process, on our website at
If you choose to complete a CAS, you must submit it with a completed Applicant
Declaration and Checklist form (form) directly to the College. Also, there is a fee of
$254.25 for the CAS, which must be paid by credit card. The College does not
collect payment information in writing. Once your form and CAS are received,
the College will contact you about making your payment. Please do not contact
the College to provide payment until we have notified you that your form has
been received.
We will only review your CAS once we receive your completed form and your
payment has been processed.

3. You can choose to complete additional nursing education to address the
competency gaps. However, you may need to complete the CAS or to have your
practice reviewed if you still have competency gaps after completing additional
It is your responsibility to select your education and training courses. Using your
CAF for guidance, contact a school for information about admission requirements
and to identify courses at an appropriate level that could address your competency
gaps. Once you have completed the additional education, ask your school to send
an official transcript to the College. The College will review the transcript and
advise you in writing of required next steps. For further information on
completing additional education, visit our website at:

What practice information have we received?
We have received your Nursing Practice/Employment Form and job description from

What if I have nursing practice since graduation that I have not declared to NNAS?
If you have additional nursing practice information since graduating from your nursing
program that you have not declared to NNAS, and that you would like for us to review,
please provide the following:
• a completed Summary of Nursing Practice form listing all employment since
• a completed Verification of Nursing Practice form and job description from all of
your additional employers.
• An updated Verification of Registration Form. Please ensure that this form is
completed and signed by the Nursing Board of Registration in the jurisdiction
where you worked/volunteered as a nurse. The Board should complete the form
after your last date of nursing practice. If the Verification of Registration form we
receive is signed and dated earlier than your last date of nursing practice (e.g. date
of the last shift worked), you will be asked to provide an updated Verification of
Registration form that covers the entire period of your nursing practice.
If we already have this official information, you do not need to re-send it to us.
What are the registration requirements?
A complete list of all the registration requirements can be found on our website at You have to meet the requirements for the class of
certificate of registration you are applying for.

When sending documents to the College
Documents must come to us directly from the following sources, in sealed envelopes
showing the official letterhead, seal, stamp, or logo:
• Educational institutions
• Registration boards
• Employers and voluntary organizations
• Translation services
All documents must be in English or French. To learn how to get documents translated,
visit our website at
How long will my application remain open?
The College will keep your application open as long as there is evidence of progress
toward meeting registration requirements. If there is no progress for two years, we will

close your application. You will have to submit a new application, including fees, to re-

Has your contact information changed?
Please inform us immediately if there is any change to your name, mailing address,
telephone number, or email address. If your name has changed, you must send us a copy
of an official name-change document, such as a marriage certificate.
Go to our website at
Or, contact us through the Customer Service Centre:
In Toronto: 416-928-0900
Toll-free in Canada: 1-800-387-5526
Email: [email protected]
Registration Administrator
Entry to Practice
1. Verification of Nursing Practice form
2. Verification of Registration form
3. Summary of Nursing Practice form
4. Competency Assessment Form
5. Applicant Declaration and Checklist

Applicant Declaration and Checklist

I, ______________________________ hereby declare that the following statements are
1. The information contained in the Competency Assessment Supplement being
submitted by me in support of my application for a Certificate of Registration has
been prepared by me, is the result of my own work, accurately reflects my
education, training and experience and contains no material previously published or
written by another person, except where properly and fully acknowledged.
2. I have not allowed any other person to copy any portion of my submission.
3. I will take all reasonable care to ensure that my submission is protected so that no
other person will be able to copy or otherwise use my submission for any improper
4. I understand that:
a. my responses will be electronically submitted by the College to a third
party called Turnitin (, which is an online
plagiarism detection service that conducts textual similarity reviews of
submitted text.
b. When text is submitted to Turnitin, the service will retain a copy of the
submitted work in the Turnitin database for the sole purpose of detecting
plagiarism in future submitted works.
c. I retain right to my original CAS work.
d. The College’s use of Turnitin is subject to the Terms of Use agreement
posted on the Turnitin website.

Please use the following as a checklist in filling-out the Competency Assessment

Check List ✓

1. I have reviewed the RPN Entry to Practice Competencies before
completing the Competency Assessment Supplement.
2. I have provided specific examples of situations from my practice
that demonstrate clear evidence of a nursing based evaluation.

3. I have reviewed my responses to ensure a link to the RPN Entry-to-
Practice Competencies is demonstrated.

4. I have included this completed Applicant Declaration and Checklist
with the submitted Competency Assessment Supplement.

Signature:_______________________________ Date:___________________