Common App: An Informative Guide

Common App: An Informative Guide

The Common Application, often referred to as Common App, is a comprehensive system utilized by college and university students to submit their application letters and papers. Created over 40 years ago, it was designed to aid counselors dealing with a large number of applications. This software simplifies the time-consuming process of filling out multiple applications.

With the surge in college students applying to their dream institutions, Common App has become increasingly popular. To gain a better understanding of Common App transfers, continue reading this article. Here, we will explore Common App practice and delve into the different features of a Common Application. But first, let’s establish what a Common App is.

What is the Common App?

The Common Application, a web-based application service, allows high school graduates to apply to multiple colleges and universities simultaneously. It centralizes the application process, encompassing personal data, educational background, extracurriculars, and essays, just like any other application. Over 900 U.S. colleges and universities, as well as some international schools, accept Common Application forms. This system not only makes the application process easier for students but also aids institutions in streamlining the application review process.

How to Use the Common Application:

Using the Common Application is a straightforward process involving several steps:

1. Create an account: Visit the Common App website, provide your personal information, create a username, and set a password.

2. Add schools: Once you have an account, add the schools you want to apply to by searching for them based on name, location, or other criteria.

3. Fill out the application: The Common App includes sections for personal information, educational background, extracurricular activities, and essay prompts. Carefully complete all sections and proofread before submitting.

4. Request recommendations: Seek recommendations from teachers, counselors, or others who can vouch for your academic and personal qualities. Allow them enough time to complete their letters.

5. Pay the application fee: Each school may have its own application fee, which must be paid for your application to be considered. Some schools offer fee waivers for financially needy students.

6. Submit your application: After completing all sections and receiving recommendations, submit your application. Review all information for accuracy.

7. Track your application status: You can track your application’s status through your Common App account, receiving notifications about missing materials or updates.

8. Write the Common App essay prompts: The Common App essay is an essential part of the application process, allowing you to showcase your writing skills and personal story.

9. Pay attention to deadlines: Each school has its own application deadline, so submit your application on time to be considered.

10. Seek help: If you encounter any issues with the Common App, utilize the Help Center on the website, offering articles, tutorials, and a FAQ section to assist you.

Advantages of Using Common App:

The Common Application offers several advantages for students applying to college:

1. Streamlined application process: Using one application for multiple schools saves time and effort.

2. Consistent format: The standardized format enables clear and easy comparison of applications.

3. Access to multiple schools: Common App provides access to over 900 member schools, broadening students’ options.

4. Time and effort-saving: Filling out just one application instead of many simplifies the process.

5. Simplified recommendation process: Requesting recommendations directly through the platform eases management.

6. Flexibility: While standardized, Common App allows students to add additional information to showcase their uniqueness.

Disadvantages of Using Common App:

Despite its advantages, Common App has some disadvantages:

1. Limited customization: Using one application may limit the ability to customize applications for individual schools.

2. Limited word count: The essay’s word count limit (650 words) may be challenging for some students.

3. Technical issues: The platform may experience technical glitches, potentially affecting the application process.

4. Limited school options: Not all schools use Common App, requiring direct applications.

5. Standardized questions: The same questions are asked of all applicants, making it difficult to stand out.

Closing Remarks:

The Common Application simplifies the college application process, increasing your chances of acceptance. By following the tips provided and utilizing available resources, completing your application becomes manageable. The information in this guide has been collated by professional writers with extensive experience in understanding how the Common App functions.