Analysis of Community Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) to Health
In order to intervene effectively to address health issues and concerns and develop initiatives that will improve the health of the community you must analyze relevant data.
Community health nurses need to collaborate with other health professionals and community partners to understand the strengths and challenges that affect the health of vulnerable populations. To accomplish this, the nurse must have knowledge of the health status of the defined aggregates. This knowledge can be obtained by means of a SWOT analysis.
Using the community’s profile and characteristics as well as epidemiologic data that influences and defines the health of the population you will identify:
Strengths of the community related to the public’s health, in Miami, Florida.
Weaknesses in the community that can be barriers or deficiencies affecting access and delivery of care
Opportunities for improvement
Threats to health
Once you have analyzed data related to key health indicators in your community. Using the worksheet provided, you will address the four elements of the SWOT (S= Strengths; W= Weaknesses; O= Opportunities; and T= Threats) analysis. You will meet the criteria listed below.
Identify three strengths of the community related to the public’s health.
Identify three weaknesses in the community that can be barriers to access and delivery of health care.
Identify three opportunities for improvement.
Identify three threats to health.
Your paper should include an introductory paragraph and one concluding paragraph that provides a succinct summary of the health of the community based your analysis.
NOTE: Use the SWOT Analysis Worksheet located in Course Resources for this Assignment. I am going to attach the worksheet that needs to be used.
Assignment Requirements
Use principles of sound reasoning, such as identifying the issues, formulating inferences, determining conclusions, and assessing implications.
Use a minimum of three references. One can be your text.
Include a title and reference page(s).
Before finalizing your work, you should:
be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.
Your writing Assignment should:
follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics;
be double spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman font for your introduction and summary; and
use APA 6th Edition formatting and citation style.
Refer to the Assignment Grading Rubric under Course Resources for grading criteria.
Submit your Assignment to the Assignment Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2017). National Center for Health Statistics. Retrieved from
County Health Rankings. (2017). How healthy is your community? Retrieved from
The Kaiser Family Foundation. (2017). State health facts. Retrieved from
U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). American fact finder. Retrieved from
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