Nursing Assignment: Covid-19 Research
During this Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen a lot of things change and our social fabric has been torn down to shreds all the way to the nuclear family level. Schools have been shut down, restaurants closed, places of worship closed, mass airplanes-landing, jobs lost, livelihoods lost, frustration leading to police brutality all over the world, domestic violence among other negative effects. Are there any other effects that you know the world is feel that is connected with COVID-19 Pandemic?
Support with evidence(Try researching and citing from articles, memos, articles, websites, journals, and books. MUST PROVIDE LINKS).
Second, we have seen people stepping up to keep themselves busy. Coz of being frustrated from being cooped inside their homes bored having nothing to do even during a weekend, thus we have seen wanting to go outside, and do something meaningful because they have done all they could do inside. And every research we hear keeps saying this is the new norm, we have to accept our new norm. Furthermore, if we are to have a research, it may until the beginning of next year. Also, in as much we are tring to reopen our places of work, everytime we try to step outside there is a new wave threatening It is waiting we try to step outside and it swoops right in.
What are the effects of the fears of a new wave?
We have seen people relocated to their villages, and everyone is skilled in this profession or the other. But now after covid there are a very few remaining professions that will be viable. We need to create new professionals, right from our viallges because we are not even sure that we are going to back to the same professions or skills that we had. We have to create new professions and we feel hobbytwin will fill in the gaps and fill in and compensate for the overqualified graduates we have and other self taught professionals that will no longer have employment because of the competition we shall witness in the world.
But since this disease has affected everyone from the kindergarten level, we need to start asking the to maximize even on the most basic skills they have.
Also, we have witnessed people trying to go out more often and do physical activities. Dont you think since the old fabric has been broken and we have been given a new norm, adopting to a new normal, including socially will be more than important?
We must devise ways of adapting to the new norm socially to sustain our economy, and that means people coming us with new ways of making money, and that is why we have seen China approving street kiosks. Hell, there are so many along the bypass and all-around all other roads around the world.
Those are some of the effects on the economics, and if people didnt have options, and also learn to adapt quickly it wouldnt be possible.
So we have to teach accumulation of skills at the most basic level, in the village, hence the 100mtrs matching. You also been given a second chance to make more meaningful relationships from the most basic level. All these skills you brought back from nairobi, whatever you had accumulated along the way, start there. And this time do things right. Do what you have been passionate about and if you have the skill and you accumulated it, give it a chance and see if its going to create a new path for you.
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