Assignment 1: Discussion Assignment: Variables in a Research Study and Data Collection

Assignment 1: Discussion Assignment

W3 A1

Variables in a Research Study and Data Collection.

In this assignment, you will explore the variables and data collection involved in a research study.
Complete the following task:
• Read the following and choose one of the articles from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) Database in the South University Online Library.

– Romero-Collado, A., Raurell-Torreda, M., Zabaleta-del-Olmo, E., Homs-Romero, E., & Bertran-Noguer, C. (2015). Course content related to chronic wounds in nursing degree programs in Spain. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(1), 51-61. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12106


• Read the process for data collection employed in the study. As a part of your discussion response, identify the method used in the study.
• Provide a bulleted list of the five tasks performed as part of data collection in the study. Follow the bulleted list in the summary as key points.