Part I(3 PAGES)
Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Mem. Hosp. 323 F.2d 959 (4th Cir. 1963) and the opinion of Sobeloff, Chief Judge.
The case is a good example of how federal laws came into play in the affairs of state action.
- At what level of the judicial court system did this legal opinion occur?
- What was the opinion of the lower court that was finally overturned in Simkins?
- Explain at least one the federal laws that was highlighted in Simkins v. Moses H. Cone .
- How did the federal law play a role in deciding this case?
- Identify and discuss the Constitutional amendments and issues in the case.
- Explain why the case was limited in its reach.
- Identify the federal official and agency that finally extended the cases’ ruling and how the cases’ outcome spread across the Nation.
- Read the blog “Basic Health Access”; Is the Institutes of Medicine Waking Up? (February 22, 2013) Discuss why you think that Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Mem. Hospital makes or fails to make a big difference in decreasing health inequities?
Part II( 2 PAGES )
PLEASE THE REFERENCE BELOW TO answer the following:
The Purpose and Goals Of Risk Management. May 19, 2010 – Risk Management in the Health care Setting.
The Role of Risk Management in Healthcare Operations. Sharon Hall (October 2010) Parker, Smith & Feek.
Bromiley, Philip, et al. “Enterprise Risk Management: Review, Critique, and Research Directions.” Long Range Planning 48.4 (2015).
Pekkinen, L. and Aaltonen, K. (2015) Risk Management in Project Networks: An Information Processing View. Technology and Investment, 6, 52-62.
- Explain how enterprise risk management is or is not different from basic risk management.
- Give one example of each and how to negate the risk.