Career Autobiography

Question descriptionCareer Autobiography: prepare a 4 page autobiographical paper discussing their own career development. Students will address the following topic areas:

Demographics: Briefly identify details of socioeconomic characteristics (age, sex, education level, marital status, income level/socioeconomic status, etc.) These items may include particular culture, ethnicity, etc. you identify with. Indicate if you speak any languages in addition to English.

Personal and social history: brief description of your background, family history, other relevant events details to your life.

Educational history: high school and beyond

Vocational history: Work history, specialized training, indicate if you served in the military, other skills/training/licensures that are relevant

Personality variables: specific traits that may be strengths and potential “limitations.” Career Counseling Checklist: Take the Career Counseling Checklist in Appendix D of the textbook. Discuss some of the items that were true for you.

Personal evaluation of these factors: what makes you most marketable to employers? are their characteristics or items that need further development? What are ultimate goals for career (think 15 years from graduation)?