Title Write a study providing a comprehensive account of the care planning process in learning disability. Professional interventions for people with complex needs are not a random process but proceed systematically within a framework which provides a person centred approach. As Jukes (2007) points out the aim for learning disability nurses is to ensure a partnership where a holistic assessment and comprehensive person- centred care plan reflects individual needs. Planning is integral to this process and is central to the provision of good quality care (Lloyd, 2010). The skills of planning include assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation (Lloyd, 2010). This process is often given the mnemonic APIE- see also ASPIRE (Barrett et al,2012) – and is a problem solving cycle. It is important to note that you will be working in a range of different settings with their own specific approach to planning care interventions, and so within this context, the notion of care is considered to be one of having concern for the individual. General Guidelines • Word Limit 2500 words (+/- 10%) • Provide an introduction and conclusion. • Discuss how each element of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation contributes to the care planning process. • Harvard referencing required References & Reading Aldridge J (2004) Learning Disability Nursing: a model for practice, in Turnbull J [Ed.] Learning Disability Nursing, Oxford, Blackwell Aldridge J (2010) Promoting the independence of people with intellectual disabilities, Learning Disability Practice, 13, 9, 31-35 Barrett, D. Wilson, B. Woollands A. (2012) Care Planning: A Guide for Nurses (2nd edition) Pearson Harlow Gates B & Barr O (2009) Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing, Oxford, Blackwell Holland,K. Jenkins,J. Solomon,J. Whittam,S (2008) Applying the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model in Practice [2nd Edition] Churchill livingstone Elsevier Philadelphia Jukes M & Aldridge J (2006) Person-Centred Practices: a therapeutic perspective, London, Salisbury, Quay Books Jukes M & Aldridge J (2007) Person-Centred Practices: a holistic and integrated approach, London, Quay Books Lloyd, M (2010) Care Planning in Health & Social Care, Open University press, McGraw Hill, Berkshire Roper N., Logan W.W. & Tierney A.J. (2000) The Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing: Based on Activities of Living. Edinburgh: Elsevier Health Sciences · Schultz M. & Sheila L. Videbeck (2008) Lippincott’s Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans (Manual Psychiatric Nursing
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