Health care initiatives focus on changing demographics and emerging health problems. Health care professionals need to develop skills in conducting gap analyses within their own communities, to design effective health education and wellness programs to address those gaps, and to remain mindful that effective care depends on the ability to build trust within the community being served.
For this assignment, you will develop a proposal for a wellness program that will help bridge the gaps in health care service delivery for the population you identified in your Windshield Survey assignment.
Use the Capella library and the Internet to find scholarly and professional resources that will help you design a wellness program for the health concern of your population. Find at least four resources to use in this assignment.
Building on your Windshield Survey and Organizational Evaluation assignments, complete the following:
Design an evidence-based wellness program to address the primary health concern of the population that integrates:
Cultural considerations: Will you need to consult with someone from the population on how to approach the delivery of your program?
CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality considerations
Linguistic considerations: Will you need interpreters or translators for either written or oral presentations?
Educational considerations: What will be the best way to educate the population?
Describe how you will market or advertise the wellness program.
What are the benefits the program offers the population?
Will you need incentives to ensure participation and completion of the program?
Explain the ethical, legal, and economic factors that impact the health and wellness of the population. For example:
The ethical considerations (such as justice, non-malfeasance, and duty) that can affect preventative care and health promotion.
Local laws, federal laws, and the Affordable Health Care Act that can affect preventative care and health promotion.
The potential economic impact of clinical prevention and health promotion related to health disparities of your population.
ntegrates cultural considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population, and shows a clear relationship between the considerations and the population.
integrates CAM (Complementary, Alternative, Medicine) , traditional medicine, holistic health and spirituality into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population, and explains how it will promote positive outcomes.
Integrates linguistic considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population and shows how errors in communication can negatively impact the health of a population.
Explains strategies for educating a population about health promotion and disease prevention, and identifies ways to market an education plan to the population.
Explains the long-term and short-term benefits of a health and wellness plan for a population.
Describes the ethical principles that can affect preventative care and health promotion in both positive and negative ways for the organization and the population.
Explains how local laws, federal laws, and the Affordable Health Care Act can affect preventative care and health promotion in both positive and negative ways for the organization and the population.
Explains the economic impact of clinical prevention and health promotion related to health disparities for a population in terms of both positive and negative aspects for the organization and the population.
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