Violent Behaviors

The rate of riots and violent behaviors in learning institutions has increased. Most students in the university prefer to address their grievances using unethical methods. For instance, the students and other people resolve conflicts through fighting and humiliating. This has had negative impact on the institutions. For instance, violent behaviors among the students have led to disagreement between the staff and students as it has affected their interpersonal relationships. It has also led to damage of properties and loss of lives in learning institutions.

As a result most institutions have looked for alternative ways of solving grievances among the students instead of using violent means. For instance, the institutions have adopted conflict resolution programs and mediation programs. Conflict resolution programs and mediation programs have become common in many institutions. This is because of the benefits associated with conflict resolutions and mediation programs. Conflict resolution and mediation programs provide better methods of resolving conflicts and other issues. This paper analyzes the implementation of conflict resolution programs at a college community. It reviews past literature about the topic.


Literature review

This section reviews literature work on implementation of conflict resolution programs and mediation programs at a college community. Different researchers have carried out research to determine different methods that can be used to resolve conflicts at a college community. The methods include conflict resolution and mediation programs. Conflict resolution is used to refer to a series of methods that are used to eliminate the causes of conflicts in the college community. The process of conflict resolution consists of various stages.

The first stage in conflict resolution is negotiation. In this case, the parties in a disagreement are allowed to negotiate or agree to resolve their conflicts. Negotiation is considered a dialogue between two people or more who are aimed at understanding, resolving their differences. The negotiation process is always fair as each member benefits from the process. The conflict resolution programs implemented in learning institutions use similar methods (Jones, 2004).

Mediation is a kind of alternative dispute resolution technique. It is used to resolve disputes between two parties or more. The mediation process should have   a third party or the mediator. The mediator is required to help the parties settle their differences. Mediators are allowed to give their own opinion in some cases. This is to ensure the mediation process is fair and reasonable. This happens when all the parties agree the mediator to give his views on the matter. The mediation process is different from the normal negation process.

First, the mediation process has privacy and confidentiality which is not found in a normal negation process. It also has a mediator, but the normal negation process does not have a mediator. The mediators use various techniques to solve the dispute. In most cases, the mediators rely on their skills and training to resolve the dispute (Jones, 2004).A series of research has been carried out to determine the benefits of implementing conflict resolution programs and mediation programs in schools. Miller carried out a study to determine the implementation of conflict resolution programs and mediation programs in colleges.

He argues that the increase in violence in most learning institutions like colleges has forced college managers and leaders to incorporate conflict management strategies in their curriculum. Miller claims that principals play an important role in planning, implementing and evaluating conflict resolution programs. For example, principals are supposed to ensure proper implementation of conflict resolution programs in the institution. The researcher also carried out a study to determine the functions of principals in implementing conflict resolution programs and mediation programs.

The researcher used principals from the Northern cook county elementary schools. The researcher used various methods to collect data. That is interviews and surveys. The research concentrated on principal’s functions, but not the components of conflict resolution programs being implemented. After collecting the data the researcher analyzed it using qualitative method. The results from the study showed that principals were vital in implementing the conflict resolution programs and mediation programs. For example, the principals helped in planning and allocation of resources needed to implement the conflict resolution programs.

Most institutions find it hard to implement conflict resolution programs and mediation programs because of lack of enough resources and knowledge on how to implement the programs. A large section of the institutions do not provide the staff needed to implement the programs with adequate education and this affects the outcome of the programs. Most of the programs have not been effective in preventing conflicts in colleges. This has forced the college community to use unethical ways to resolve the conflicts. For instance, the community members use violent behaviors to settle their differences (Hansen, 2008).

In addition, Ferra (1994) carried out a study to determine the implementation of conflict resolution programs and mediation programs at college community. Like other researchers, Ferra and Judith argued that conflict resolution and mediation programs are vital in any institution. This is because it helped reduce the rate of violence and conflicts in learning institutions (Burrell, Zirbel &Allen, 2003). Moreover, the authors claimed that the implementation of the mediation and conflict programs needed support from various stakeholders in the institution. For instance, it needed support from the students, staff and parents.

Many institutions do not consider the needs of various stakeholders when implementing and designing the programs. This makes it hard for the program to meet the needs of the stakeholders. It also makes it hard for the implantation of the programs to be effective. The first step in designing conflict resolution programs and mediation programs is to identify the needs of the students, staff and parents. This will help align the goals of the program with the goals of the stakeholders.

The researchers used students in their sty to determine how a mediation program became part of a school culture after being implemented. The researchers determined how the implementation of the conflict and mediation program was effective and beneficial. They interviewed various students. The results from the study showed that most students accepted the programs and this led to effective implantation of the program. The findings also revealed that the conflict resolution and mediation programs were effective in preventing violence and conflicts (Hansen, 2008).

.Eisler (1995) also carried out a study to determine the benefits of implementing conflict resolution programs in colleges and other learning institutions. The researcher examined a conflict resolution program implemented in the whole district between 1992 and 1993.Most of the schools and colleges in New York City had embraced the conflict resolution programs because of the benefits associated with the programs. The programs helped students   and the teaching staff learn how to resolve their conflicts well.

Before the implantation of the programs, the students and staff used non violent ways to resolve their conflicts. This in turn affected their relations. The programs empowered the college community to resolve conflicts using non violent means. For instance, it helped them learn how to resolve conflicts through mediation. Additionally, the programs helped the students and staff learns how to use conflicts for personal growth. The findings from the study showed that the schools in New York City made a good progress in resolving   conflicts.

Further, Rebecca determined the effectiveness of implementing a peer mediation program in low income elementary institutions. The researcher examined 520 students in different levels. The students were trained on how to mediate conflicts between 1998 and 1999.Diring this time, the researcher trained12 students from fifth trade-In 2000, 12 fifth grade students were also trained on how to resolve conflicts through mediation. They were also trained how to become conflict managers. The students were educated using the San Francisco community boards programs. The researchers used questionnaires to collect data during the training session.

The student participants were supposed to answer research questions indicated in the questionnaire by listing the conflicts mediated and the strategies used before the mediation. They were also list the solutions arrived at after the mediation. The outcome of the sty showed that most students used violent methods to resolve conflicts before the introduction of conflict and mediation programs in the institution. The researcher noted that the rate of conflicts reduced after implementing the programs as students were able to resolve the conflicts well (Hansen, 2008).

William Warter (2000) has analyzed the implementation of conflict resolution programs and mediation programs in universities and colleges. The author provides tips on how to design effective conflict and mediation programs. Warters argues that most of the campuses and colleges rife with conflicts that result from various resources. The conflicts result from disagreement between room mates, financial problems and academic issues like plagiarism and grading. Most of the colleges and universities deal with conflicts via the on campus mediation programs (Marie, 1994).

A large percentage of the institutions have implemented on campus mediation programs. The on campus mediation programs have helped solve a wide range of conflicts in universities and colleges. For instance, they have helped solve conflicts between student organizations and interdepartmental conflicts. They have also helped solve problems between roommates and unethical behaviors and misuse of language. In addition, the on campus resolutions have helped solve conflicts resulting from misuse of power and violation of academic rules.

However, the on campus mediation programs have not been effective because of various reasons. First, lack of corporation between the parties has made it hard for people to resolve conflicts using on campus mediation. It has also not been effective in resolving conflicts that need to be investigated like misuse of funds and power (Warter, 2000).Warter (2000) and Daniel (2009) argue that the number of campus mediation programs has increased greatly. In 1990, the number of mediation programs in campuses was 18.

Since then the number has increased to over 200 in1998. In 1998, most institutions in United States started using campus mediation programs to resolve conflicts. This led to increase in number of campus mediation programs in the country. However, the number of campus mediation programs is declining for the last few years. For instance, the number of mediation programs in colleges and universities has reduced by 100 programs. The decline in number of campus mediation programs is as a result of lack of proper evaluation and monitoring. Most institutions have not been monitoring the programs well and this has made it difficulty to make the necessary changes.

In addition, the institutions have not been evaluating the programs regularly and they are unable to get the necessary information needed to improve the campus mediation programs. This is evidenced in a sty carried out by Daniel (2009).The study was aimed at collecting information from Campus mediation program directors in the country about the use of program evaluation. The researcher used campus program directors from different parts of the country. Also, the researcher used surveys to collect data from the directors. The researcher used a web survey and telephone interviews to carry out the research for six months.

The web based survey was established by Rick Osaka total of 108 directors were yused.55% of the respondents participated in the survey.9 participants participated in telephone interview. The results from the sty showed that most managers did not give program evolution a priority and this affected the campus mediation programs. This made it hard for the managers to improve the programs and reduce conflicts in the institutions(Gabon Monique, 2009).Though most people have carried out research on implantation of conflict resolution and mediation programs in college, there is still some things that are missing in the current literature.

First, most of the researchers have not been able to determine factors that have led to reduction in number of mediation programs and conflict resolution programs in learning institutions. This is evidenced by the study carried out by Daniel (2009) and Warters (2000).The studies have revealed that most researchers have not been able to explain the causes of reduction in exiting literature. Many researchers have found it hard to address the shortage of mediation programs and conflict programs due to lack of adequate empirical research on the topic.

There is minimal research that has been carried out on implementation of conflict and mediation programs in colleges for the last two decades. In addition, the researchers have found it hard to identify the factors that have led to decline in mediation programs and conflict programs due to lack of enough published data. There is no adequate data on campus mediation programs   and conflict resolution programs. As a result this research will determine factors that affect the implantation of mediation programs and conflict resolution programs (Monique, 2009).

Moreover, the studies done on implementation of conflict resolution and mediation programs do not clearly show the benefits of implementing conflict resolution programs and mediation programs in learning institutions like colleges and universities. This has hindered many institutions from implementing conflict resolution and mediation programs. Most of the managers are not aware of the benefits of implementing conflict resolution programs and mediation programs.

Thus, they do not monitor and evaluate the programs as expected. Determining the benefits of conflict resolution and mediation program will help increase the number of schools that rely on conflict resolution and mediation programs. It will also help reduce the rate of conflicts in the institutions (Schrage, Giacomini &Stoner, 2009).The implementation of conflict and mediation programs at college community contributes a lot to the academic world.

For instance, it has helped improve the curriculum in most institutions. Many institutions have incorporated conflict resolution and mediation in their program so as to equip students with the right knowledge on how to resolve conflicts. For instance, the institutions have provided regular training to students on how to manage conflicts. This has in turn helped eliminate conflicts. In addition, they implantation of conflict programs and mediation programs has helped improve management in the institution.

This is because students and parents use the right method to resolve their conflicts. This has reduced riots and violent behaviors among students. The programs have offered better ways for different people in the institutions to resolve their differences and thus ensuring smooth management of the institution. The programs have also helped in enhancing academic achievement in many institutions. This is because students spend most of the time reading instead of resolving conflicts (Schrage, Giacomini &Stoner, 2009).


Research purpose

The main purpose of the research is to identify the benefits of implementing conflict resolution programs and mediation programs in colleges. It will also determine factors that hinder the effectiveness of the conflict resolution programs and mediation programs in college.

Research questions

The research questions are based on the literature review. The researcher will determine the benefits of introducing conflict resolution programs and mediation programs. He will also identify factors that hinder the effectiveness of the programs. In addition, the researcher will identify factors that have led to decline in use of mediation programs and conflict programs in the institutions. The research questions include;

What are the benefits of implementing conflict resolution programs and mediation programs in colleges?

What factors affect the effectiveness of conflict resolution and mediation programs?

What has led to reduction in number of conflict resolution and mediation programs?

Research design

The researcher will use quantitative research method and qualitative research method to determine the benefits of implementing conflict resolution and mediation programs in institutions. Also, the researcher will examine factors that affect the implementation of the programs. The quantitative research design has a lot of advantages. First, the sty gives the researcher an opportunity to study a large sample size. It also gives the researcher an opportunity to analyze data collected using statistical methods. Also, the quantitative research design helps the researcher determine relationship between two variables. That is the independent variable and dependent variable.

In this case, the researcher will study the relationship between implementation of conflict resolution and mediation programs and the reduction in violent behaviors. He will also determine how the programs help in resolving conflicts better. Also, the researcher will identify factors that affect the implementation of conflict resolution and mediation programs. The independent variables include reduction of conflicts, reduction of violent behaviors. The independent variable is the implementation of conflict resolution programs and mediation program.

The quantitative research design is expensive and time consuming. The qualitative research design will help the researcher answer questions such as how and why. The research design does not allow the research to use a large sample. It is cheaper and does not consume a lot of time. Using the qualitative and quantitative research design will help the researcher overcome the shortcomings of each design hence ensure the results are valid and reliable (Schrage, Giacomini &Stoner, 2009).

Data collection methods

The main instruments that will be used to collect data include questionnaires and interviews. The researcher will use a questionnaire that contains various questions related to the topic of study. The questionnaires will have two sections. That is the demographic section and program profile section. In the demographic section, the participants will be required to provide personal information like age, sex and occupation.

In the program profile section, the participants will be required to answer the questions provided appropriately. The researcher will also use interviews to collect data from the participants like phone interviews. Using the two methods will ensure data collected is not subjective, biased and thus reliable and valid (Schrage, Giacomini &Stoner, 2009).


The researcher will use more than 200 participants from various colleges. The participants will include staff and students from the colleges. A total of 10 colleges will be used. Each college will have 10 students and 10 staff. The selection of the participants will be based on gender, occupation and age. The participants will consist of 100 males and 100 females aged 21 years and above.

The selection of the participants will be done using stratified random technique. The stratified random technique makes it easy for the researcher to select the participants without encouraging biasness. The stratified random method will enable the researcher to select an equal representation of men and women in the society. The sample size used in the study will be a representation of the population being studied (Karp &Allena, 2004).

Ethical issues

The researcher has to consider ethical issues when carrying out the research. There are various ethical issues that the researcher can consider. That is the confidentiality and privacy. The research should ensure the information collected during the sty is confidential. The information should not be used in other studies without the permission of the participants. The researcher should also not provide the information to third parties. This is because it affects the participant’s confidentiality. Also, the researcher should ensure the participants privacy is taken into account when carrying out the study.

The study should not infringe on the privacy of the subjects. This is because it will affect the outcome of the research. The researcher should only use the important part of the information provided by the client. He should not expose personal details like names   when carrying out the study. Moreover, the researcher has to adhere to the requirements of an informed consent. For instance, the researcher should train the participants thoroughly before allowing them to participate in the research.

He should also ensure the participants are aware of the consequences of the research so as to make an ethical decision. He should state the advantages and disadvantages of the research clearly. He should also inform the participants the benefits of the research. This will make it easy for the researcher to conduct the research. The researcher should not force the participants to participate in the research if they are not willing as this might affect their rights (Karp &Allena, 2004).


The researcher wily use statistical methods to analyze the data collected. For instance, he will use graphs, charts and statistical packages like ANOVA and SPSS to analyze the data collected. The kind of method used should show the relationship between the variables listed above clearly. For instance, it should the relationship between introducing conflict resolution programs and mediation programs and conflict rate. After analyzing the data collected, the researcher should make the necessary conclusion. The conclusions made will depend on the outcome of the study (Karp &Allena, 2004).


In conclusion implementing conflict resolution programs and mediation programs in colleges has a lot of benefits. Most learning institutions including high schools, colleges and universities have implemented conflict resolution programs. This is because the programs provide alternative methods that people can use to resolve conflicts. Institutions that have implemented conflict resolution and mediation programs have had low rates of conflicts unlike institutions that have not implemented the programs.

This is because members are able to solve problems in the institution using non violent methods. The institutions also have had low levels violent behaviors among students as students acquire new skills of resolving problems. On the other hand, institutions that have not implemented conflict resolution and mediation programs have experienced violent behaviors as students use violent means to solve their problems.

Hence, the programs contribute a lot to the academic world.T6he implementation of conflict resolution and mediation programs has been affected by the poor evaluation process and failure to identify the needs of the students and other stakeholders when designing programs. It has also been affected by lack of enough training and resources.


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