umuc hcad640 Research Paper: WRITING STANDARDS Effective managers, leaders, and teachers are also effective communicators. Written communication is an important element of the total communication process. The Graduate School recognizes and expects exemplary writing to be the norm for course work. To this end, all papers, individual and group, must demonstrate graduate level writing and comply with the format requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition. Careful attention should be given to spelling, punctuation, source citations, references, and the presentation of tables and figures. It is expected that all course work will be presented on time and error free. The paper is to be doubled spaced with Times New Roman typeface and 12pointfonts. The paper is to have an abstract and Table of Contents. While there is no maximum number of references,your paper is to have no less than six references. This paper presentsan opportunity for you to research an area in greater depth than we will cover in class.Additional purposes of this assignment are to expose you to economics and financial writings found in the health care literature; to better your understanding of economics and financial concepts; to relate the economics and financial concepts in the articles you have chosen to the material studied in class; and to relate the concepts in the articles and class to your own experiences in the real world. While the paper should focus on one topic of your choosing, it must relate to health care economics and/or financial management. It should be as long as you need to comfortably cover the topic,and should be no less than(12)pages (does not include references).The maximum as noted in the syllabus is (15) pages (does not include references).In choosing a topic, you should guard against the paper being too broad that it lacks focus or too narrow that you cannot find sufficient references.The final paper should be uploaded in the assignment folderand your Turnitin account by the due date.Please note the Writing Rubric for insights as to how the paper will be evaluated. Typical journals from which you may choose include those outlined by the U.S. National Library of Medicine's Health Economics Core Library Recommendations, 2011 found at this site: ,and duplicated here: Core Health Economics Journals A Note to the Reader The following is a list of journal in general, domestic health economics. Journals marked with a single asterisk (*) are considered to be leading medical journals that contain articles on health policy and should be considered as core to all health-related libraries. Journal Title Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research American Journal of Managed Care American Journal of Public Health Annals of Internal Medicine* Applied Health Economics & Health Policy BMJ* Developments in Health Economics and Public Policy Forum for Health Economics and Policy Harvard Business Review Health Affairs Health Economics Health Economics Policy and Law Health Services Research Inquiry International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics JAMA* Journal of Health Care Finance Journal of Health Economics Journal of Health Policy Politics and Law Journal of Human Resources Journal of Policy Analysis and Management Lancet* Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law Medical Care: Official Journal of the Medical Care Section, APHA Medical Care Research and Review (MCRR) Medicare & Medicaid Research Review (MMRR) Milbank Quarterly New England Journal of Medicine* Pharmacoeconomics Quarterly Journal of Economics RAND Journal of Economics Social Science and Medicine Value in Health ** Although this journal is now defunct—it was replaced byMedicare & Medicaid Research Review—articles from 1998-2008 can be accessed and searched at Research Paper Details 6/21/12 In addition to those noted above, these journals are useful as well: Health Care Financial Management; The Journal of Nursing Administration; Nursing Economics; Health Care Supervisor; Nursing Management; Nursing & Health Care; Nursing Administration Quarterly; American Journal of Nursing; Health Care Management Review; Health Care Management Quarterly; Topics in Health Care Financing. Above all, the Research Paper assignment is meant to be a valuable learning experience, and one that is relevant to you. Along the way it should be an enjoyable experience, or at least one devoid of pain and anguish. If you are following these general guidelines, then you are likely doing the right thing as far as the assignment is concerned.
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