The Big 5 Personality Inventory

The Big 5 Personality Inventory

The Big 5 Personality Inventory on p. 387 in our book. Write a 400- to 600-word summary of your personality, as described by the Big 5 Inventory. Discuss the upsides and the downsides of the pattern of the five dimensions or traits of your personality. We know that three of the Big 5—conscientiousness, openness, and extroversion—are closely associated with leadership effectiveness. How do your scores reflect your readiness to become a leader? Include a reflection about how your personality shapes your behavior toward work, school, and teamwork.

I scored highest in the Conscientiousness, follow very closely by openness to experience. Then agreeableness and very low on neuroticism.

That’s what my textbook has to say about those scores.

A meta-analysis of studies on personality and leadership supports the following generalizations:

■  People high in openness to experience tend to be broad-minded, creative, insightful, and curious. They enjoy variety and adventure. These qualities are important in jobs that are fluid and dynamic, requiring innovational and unconventional thinking.

■  People high in conscientiousness tend to be thorough, organized, self-disciplined, and dependable. They like order. They are responsible, able to plan, achievement-oriented, and rarely get into trouble. These qualities correlate positively with work success across a broad spectrum of occupations.

■  People high in extroversion tend to be active, outgoing, assertive, and sociable. They typically have a large group of friends. These qualities are associated with jobs requiring high social contact and service to others.

■  People high in agreeableness tend to be good-natured, courteous, approachable, and cooperative. These qualities are helpful when tasks require getting along with others and dealing effectively with conflicts.

■  People high in neuroticism tend to be anxious, emotional, tempermental, and worrying. They have vivid imaginations. People low in neuroticism perform well in work requiring a calm demeanor, positive attitude, and keeping things in perspective.

Manning, G., Curtis, K. (01/2014). The Art of Leadership, 5th Edition. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from

Some information that may help.

I have been nursing supervisor in the small community hospital for almost three years. I have four kids and very busy life with work, school and household chores.