Epidemiological Studies: Interpretation and Presentation This assignment will allow you to explore and understand the strengths and limitations of how studies of similar phenomenon differ in interpretation and presentation. access and review the following two articles of opposing conclusions: • McCullough, M. L., Bandera, E. V., Patel, R., Patel, A. V., Gansler, T., Kushi, L. H., Thun, M. J., & Calle, E. E. (2007). A prospective study of fruits, vegetables, and risk of endometrial cancer. American Journal of Epidemiology, 166(8), 902–911. • Rogers, L. Q., Courneya, K. S., Paragi-Gururaja, R., Markwell, S. J., & Imeokparia, R. (2008). Lifestyle behaviors, obesity, and perceived health among men with and without a diagnosis of prostate cancer: A population-based, cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 8, 23. • Click here to read about an overview of epidemiologic study designs. Based on your readings and understanding, create a 1- to 2-page assessment of each study design and results in a Microsoft Word document. Your assessment should include: • A comparison of the merits in each approach • An analysis of the results and indication (s) of which study is more credible and why (if so) based upon your readings and knowledge of epidemiology till date • An analysis of whether you support the results or not along with the reasons • Suggestions, observations, or recommendations you may have for supporting or disputing how the results were presented
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