Details: Social welfare policy class. Attend an advocacy/policy meeting that is of interest to you (ideally related to your policy area of interest). (Keep in mind that I live in (NY, New York City ) Write a brief response paper that addresses the following in 2-4 pages: 1. Describe the group holding the meeting 2. Describe the agenda/purpose of the meeting (if there is a written agenda, please attach) 3. Who was at the meeting/event? (please describe in terms of roles, professions, how many were in attendance, describe the attendees in terms of what seemed relevant) 4. What was discussed? 5. What were the dynamics in the room? (Who had the power, how were decisions made?) 6. What were the main policy objectives of this meeting? 7. How did this meeting relate to the policy-making process we have been discussing in class? Please complete the meeting checklist and attach to the paper. • The checklist is intended to evaluate effectiveness and democracy in running meetings. • Each section is worth a maximum number of points; to complete the checklist you should award points to each of the items in each section, noticing that there is a maximum that each is worth to achieve the best score. The total possible points are 100, for the perfect meeting! • (Note that some items may not be appropriate to the type of meeting you attend, if so please use N/A for Not Applicable) Length: 2-4 pages, plus the checklist and agenda (if available) MEETING CHECKLIST Adapted from Community Tool Box ( Did the Meeting Leaders prepare thoroughly? (15 points) _____State the purpose and goals of the meeting. _____Circulate an agenda in advance of the meeting. _____Invite the people needed to accomplish the goals. Did the Committee confront the issues? (30 points) _____Lead the group through the issues. _____Take a stand on tough issues. _____Seek definition of the solution. _____Bring the meeting to the point of decision. _____Ensure that assignments are made and deadlines set. Did the Committee members participate effectively? (30 points) _____Establish and adhere to participation guidelines. _____The chair firm and assertive, yet, at the same time, fair to all participants. _____The Chair encouraged others to speak out and state their new ideas. _____ The members are open minded to the possibilities when new ideas are expressed. _____The Chair and the members adhered to the start and stop times. Were follow-up activities outlined? (15 points) _____Confirm assignments and deadlines Did the members evaluate the meeting? (10 points)
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