Self-care model paper

Self-care model paper

Witmer and Sweeny (1992) developed the Wellness PIES model to help individuals practice balance and wellness.  There are 5 areas in the original wellness model:

  • Physical- refers to appropriate nutrition and exercise
  • Emotional- refers to emotion regulation, identifying and responding to affective experiences in an age-appropriate fashion. Also includes stress management
  • Intellectual- refers to cognitive stimulation
  • Social- refers to networks of support, social engagement and connections
  • Spiritual- refers to aesthetics, beauty, creativity, and imagination

Journaling in each area provides a method for tracking wellness. Students are encouraged to journal and to pay close attention to periods in which wellness is more challenging to maintain.


Physical- _____________________________________________________________________



Intellectual- ___________________________________________________________________



Emotional- ____________________________________________________________________



Social- _______________________________________________________________________



Spiritual- _____________________________________________________________________
