Science Project using the scientific method. Question descriptionPlease complete a science project at a 4th grade level.Using the scientific Method following the instructions enclosed. Title: Meltdown. Problem statement: Does ice melt faster with salt or sugar? Independent variable: Salt, sugar Dependent variable: Ice that will melt Related posts: Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination of your EBP project results. For example, an internal method may be the hospital board, and an external method may be a professional nursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report your results to both of these groups. How will your communication strategies change for each group? List three important items that belong within a project management plan, and the importance of breaking the project into phases. Please comment on the importance of obtaining sponsorship approval when concluding each phase of the project Select any sexual health program that has been evaluated. In 3–4 pages, describe the project. What were the results of the evaluation of the project? What were future recommendations and implications for project? Philosophy of Science, social science homework help Laboratory Technician: Scientific laboratory technicians are involved in the process of carrying out biological and chemical investigations aimed at providing scientific data that can be used in medical research or treatment. Ethics: Through observation and research we begin to understand the world around us. Consider research you have read about or been a part of: Was the Scientific method followed? How? What ethical considerations are important to research? steps using the scientific method as a process model for answering research questions The Scientific Method Complete scientific method SCI 110 Assignment 1: Applications of the Scientific Method