In about 1,500 words, explain and assess the advantages and challenges of one of the three emerging organizational structures and payment reform approaches featured in this module (accountable care organizations, patient-centered medical homes, bundled payment). In your paper, please draw upon and cite at least five high-quality references not included in the Module 3 reading list. In the paper, please relate the organizational structures or payment approach to the Saint Leo University core value of community. HCM 590 Midterm Examination and Presentation Instructions For the HCM 590 midterm, you will prepare and submit a narrated PowerPoint presentation detailing your Medicare reform recommendations. Please prepare a 30-slide PowerPoint presentation with self-running embedded narration according to the following outline: · Title slide (1 slide) · Medicare Reform Actions Favored (15 slides) · Medicare Reform Ideas Opposed (10 slides) · Conclusion (2 slides) · References Cited (2 slides) The running time of the recorded presentation should be about 30 minutes. Therefore, you have about one minute per slide to explain the Medicare reform options you favor (15 slides) and oppose (10 slides). In addition to assigned Module 1-4 readings, recommended references include: · Kaiser Family Foundation. (2013). Policy Options to Sustain Medicare for the Future. Retrieved from · AARP Public Policy Institute. (2012). Perspectives: Options for Reforming Medicare. Retrieved from /compilation-of-options-medicare-AARP-ppi-health.pdf · Weissert, W. & Weissert, C. (2012). Governing Health: The Politics of Health Policy. 4th ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. · Plus recently published resources retrieved through your own research. Categories of Medicare reform options include (but are not limited to) such areas as: · Beneficiary Cost Sharing · Medicare Advantage Plans · Beneficiary Premiums · Medicare Program Structure · Delivery System Reform · Patient Engagement · Eligibility Age · Prescription Drug Coverage · High-Need Beneficiaries · Provider Payments Note: the above ten areas were extracted from “Policy Options to Sustain Medicare for the Future” (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2013). Your views on additional Medicare reform issues discussed in the module pages (e.g., a premium support approach) should also be included in the Midterm presentation. Recording Assistance: To record narration for a slide in your presentation using, for example, PowerPoint 2007: · Go to the third slide · Click on “Slide Show” · Click on “Record Narration” · Click “OK” · Click “Current Slide” · · Hit “escape” · Click “Save” Many websites provide additional instructions for embedding narration into a PowerPoint presentation, for example: · Microsoft. (2013). Add narration to a presentation. Retrieved from · For Dummies. (2013). How to Record a Narration in PowerPoint 2007. Retrieved from The Midterm presentation is due no later than 11:59 pm on Sunday at the end of Module 4. The presentation is to be submitted to the Midterm Dropbox. Policy Critique Paper: “Medicaid Expansion and Dual Eligible Policy in My Home State” The paper should be approximately 1,500 words in length (excluding the list of references cited at the end) and incorporate the Saint Leo University core value of community. Please upload your assignment to the Policy Critique Dropboxno later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin.)
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