PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is for students to evaluate and compare agency menus to analyze the current menu being offered, and suggest and revise the menu for healthier food choices according to the age group and/or cultural group it is intended for. COURSE OUTCOMES This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: Please list course outcome (i.e., CO 1) DUE DATE Please see Course Calendar for campus. Online students will submit this assignment by Sunday of Unit 5 by 11:59 p.m. MT. TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE 100 points REQUIREMENTS This is a TEAM project. The guidelines below will be followed in addition to completion of a team charter you will find in the Assignments tab. PREPARING THE PRESENTATION .jpg”> This is a TEAMproject. You will be assigned to teams and given an age group and type of facility (according to class size—typically three to five students will be in a team). You must select a TEAM LEADER, who will be responsible for submission of the Power Point AND Word document, which will contain ONLY the speaker’s notes.(See sample picture below)!! You will still leave all speaker’s notes within the presentation itself. .gif”> Speaker notes are below the slide itself, but cannot be viewed by the audience if presenting live! Please do not ask to change teams, because the teams will not be changed. As nurses, we need to be able to participate as part of a multidisciplinary team, no matter where we are located and regardless of whether or not we are familiar with a particular individual. All team members must complete as a team the Team Charter Form. Each team member will identify their personal skills inventory, including strengths, weaknesses, areas of responsibility, deadline for completion of work, etc. on the Team Charter Form. Teams are encouraged to use the team collaboration discussion forum to discuss deadlines, responsibilities, appointing the team leader, etc. Teams will approve a final version of the form prior to the deadline. Once approved by all team members, each team member must then submit the Final Team Charter Form to their individual student Dropbox by Sunday, end of unit 2, by 11:59 PM MT acknowledging their assigned deadlines, due dates and responsibilities for their portion of the Team Project. ***You will use the Group Project Team Collaboration Threads in the Course home as a “meeting” or communication venue. Be sure you are documenting in YOUR Team’s discussion area, identified by a color assigned to your team! This will also serve as documentation/verification for group members should there be instances where a group member is not contributing to the project. (See photo below!) It is up to the team to communicate this to the faculty. ONE, and ONLY ONE designated group member (Team Leader) is required to submit the presentation in the drop box ***. The team leader will also need to submit the speaker notes in a **WORD document, which will be going through Turnitin as well. .gif”> If more than one team member submits the project, the Turnitin report will be very high, and Academic Integrity will be a concern for your presentation. YOUR ENTIRE TEAM COULD THEN RECEIVE A ZERO GRADE, so PLEASE do not make this mistake! **For the Turnitin process and submission of the speaker notes—REMEMBER to leave the notes IN THE POWER POINT as well! This way, I will be able to see which slides they go with! J The Power Point WILL be going through Turnitin, so be certain to carefully paraphrase and cite your work! This includes the SPEAKER NOTES! See above paragraph and sample photo. Any questionable Turnitin score WILL be evaluated, and it could result in a ZERO grade for the team, if work is not your own. •Application: Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, 2010 or higher. •Length: The completed presentation should be between 10-18 slides, NOT including the title and Reference slides. DIRECTIONS Begin to research your assigned technology EARLY! The topic, along with your group members, will be assigned to your team in Week 1, and can be located in Doc Sharing (team discussion forum for this will be found in the Course Home). Please be considerate of your team members! Remember, if you do not participate/collaborate, you will NOT GET CREDIT! So in other words, waiting until Saturday of the week the assignment is due will NOT work for this presentation. You all must agree on how you will divide the work, and make sure to set deadlines for all members of your team, AND FOLLOW THEM. I expect ongoing and FULL communication between all team members. 1. Coordinate individual assignments with your team. Designate a Team Leader! 2. Complete the Team Charter document, found in the Unit 1 Assignment tab. All team members must complete as a team the Team Charter Form. Each team member will identify their personal skills inventory, including strengths, weaknesses, areas of responsibility, deadline for completion of work, etc. on the Team Charter Form. Teams are encouraged to use the team collaboration discussion forum to discuss deadlines, responsibilities, appointing the team leader, etc. Teams will approve a final version of the form prior to the deadline. Once approved by all team members, each team member must then submit the Final Team Charter Form to their individual student Dropbox by Sunday, end of unit 2, by 11:59 PM MT acknowledging their assigned deadlines, due dates and responsibilities for their portion of the Team Project. 3. Your team will be assigned the specific type of facility menu to research. As a team, you will determine in which two regions(see United States map)to locate these facilities. The project will be completed in a PowerPoint presentation. The types of facilities assigned to your team could be from the following: a. Daycare center: Preschool-aged children b. Daycare center: Geriatric adult c. Hospital i. Visitor menu ii. Specific hospital units (postoperative, obstetrical, or medical units) d. Nursing home e. Elementary schools f. High schools g. College h. Senior center i. Meals on wheels j. Assisted living k. Summer camp for school age children l. Community Center m. Soup Kitchens n. Correctional Facilities o. Military facilities p. Fire or Rescue Personnel 4. Analyze the menus that the team has selected based on the following criteria. a. Are menu selections healthy choices or not? Explain your rationale. (This means you must provide evidence of your analysis of the menu— Think about proteins, fats, carbohydrates as well as vitamins and minerals here!) It is NOT AN OPTION to say it is “Healthy” and not provide an analysis. You MUST ALSO provide a sample menu regardless. b. SHOW the selected menu for the week! c. Nutritional requirements of age group-Is this age group getting their RDA in all nutritional aspects of each meal? Look at one full day, how about the entire week? d. Explore cultural and regional influences. Are these included in the current menu? Are they healthy influences? Why or why not? How could they be made healthy, if they are not? 4.Select a day’s meals from each facility’s menu and create a sample menu with healthier choices. (Please display the entire menu for the week, including where it is from). When doing so, consider age, potential health concerns, cultural influences, and regional influences. Provide a breakdown of the menu’s nutritional components as well as the sample menu, and explain why the sample menu is a better choice. 5.What barriers exist to prevent the provision of optimally healthy meals for this age group? Think geographic area, socioeconomic issues, or other barriers prevention a healthy and balanced diet. 6.What nutritional benefits are being achieved for this age group? How can this be improved upon even further? DIRECTIONS AND GRADING CRITERIA Category Points % Description Title Page 2 2% Facility type, 2 different regions chosen, and team identification and title page Introduction 3 3% Presentation introduction and purpose • Age group • Type of facility • Specific dietary needs References are provided (at least one) Current Menu Analysis 5 5% Menu analysis of current facility menu offered; include appropriateness of this menu to the age group and population served in this facility. What are some potential health problems that may result with inappropriate meal planning? How do the two regions differ? Weekly menu is presented. Create Sample Menu 20 20% Creation of a sample menu with healthier diet plan for each region. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner). Consider culture, religion, socioeconomic status of areas. Compare Current Menu to Sample Menu 20 20% Provides breakdown and analysis of current menu versus your team’s sample menu. Why is the sample menu a better choice? Provide a minimum of two resources to back up your statements here! Barriers 20 20% Identified barriers that exist that may prevent the provision of optimally healthy meals for this age group. (Think geographic area, health, culture, socioeconomic issues, or other barriers.) Nutritional Benefits 10 10% Lists nutritional benefits that are being achieved for this age group with a healthier dietary plan. Is it healthier to reside in a specific region? Why or why not? Summary 10 10% Summarizes key points from the presentation. No new information Introduced. What surprised you? What did you take away from this assignment? Presentation Appearance APA Format and Length of Presentation 10 10% Quality of professional presentation and visual appearance of PowerPoint. Some color, graphics are highly recommended. Use of speaker notes to avoid overcrowding of slides. Length should be no more than 15-18 slides. (Title and Reference slides do not count in totals!) Include APA formatting, with four to six references, excluding the textbook. In-text citations should be found on slides where resource information is included and properly paraphrased. Total 100 100 A quality presentation will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
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