RL is a 57 y/o Asian man with a history of bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety and explosive disorder. He is married to PL a 49 y/o Caucasian female with a history of generalized anxiety disorder and depression they been married for 20 year. They have two children an 18 y/o male that just graduated from high school and 16 y/o female that is currently a junior in higschool. Then have been coming to therapy for 6 months, the initial reason for coming to terapy is due to RL iniciated to have an explosive disorder his temper and anger outburst as well as challenges with substance abuse. His drug of choices is alcohol, he admitted to drink about two cans of vodka everyday and her wife feels that he is more explosive whe he drinks and he does not believe that he has a drinking problem and is not willing to go to a rehab or alcoholic anonymous. PL saids rhat RL has been physically, emotional and mentally abusing her in the past last time she was physicaaly abuse was 4 months ago which police was called but she did not want to persue any charges at that time in hopes that he would improve. the expected outcome was less explossive outburst from RL, beeter insight about his drinking problem and better communication between the family. The therapeutic approach that is been used for this couple and family is the existential therapeutic approach which this approach all member of the family are encourage to speak honestly on what he orshe see and hears feel and thinks. Wife and kids are afraid of him because they think that he will get easilly angry. Homework assignment has been given to RL to help to manage his anger as deep breathing and relaxation techniques and exercises. Perhaps narrative family therapy could be a better option for this family, narrative therapy helps peopleto sepatate themselves from problems and saturate stories.
Reference to be used American Nurses Association. (2014). Psychiatric-mental health nursing: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: Author.Standard 5B “Health Teaching and Health Promotion” (pages 55-56)Nichols, M. (2014). The essentials of family therapy (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.Chapter 8, “Experiential Family Therapy” (pp. 129–147)Chapter 13, “Narrative Therapy” (pp. 243–258)Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice. New York, NY: Springer.“Genograms” pp. 137-142Cohn, A. S. (2014). Romeo and Julius: A narrative therapy intervention for sexual-minority couples. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 25(1), 73–77. doi:10.1080/08975353.2014.881696Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.