Prompt: Reflections on the significance of purchasing and maintaining my own malpractice insurance.
You are expected to journal at least one page (single-spaced) for each week of Week 1, 3, 5, 7. You may choose to journal more if you wish. Entries not meeting the one-page requirement will be returned for no grade.
You should address and reflect the Reflection Topic assigned for each week. You will not be graded on the content of the journal, as long as it is relevant to the reflections guided topic for the week.
Completion of at least one page per week (or equivalent) throughout the course will receive full credit. APA formatting is not required for this assignment. Your thoughts and reflections should be free-flowing.
See rubric, the papers must be at least 1 complete page, 12 font Roman Times, 1-inch margins, no line spaces, no title and no headings.
Save the file with Student First Name_Last Name_Reflection
Submit completed assignment to the D2L Dropbox.
As an alternative to writing, the student may choose to create a vlog, screencast, YouTube, podcast, or another format for your reflective journal. Feel free to be creative, as long as you are journaling week 1, 3, 5, 7. Any alternate format must consist of at least five (5) minutes of content. Please ensure that you have the correct settings and link for publically viewing your submission. Copy the link to the video onto a Word document and submit in the respective week’s D2L Dropbox.
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