Rationale for Congestive Heart Failure Nursing Interventions Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a medical syndrome associated with the constellation of symptoms that present from hypoperfused tissues and congested organs (Weber, 2004). Its manifestation is attributed to a salt-avid condition involving Na+ retention (like urinary K+/Na+ < 1.0) which is based on the activation of circulating renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), that has an effector hormone which overwhelms the effective performance of natriuretic peptides (Weber, 2004). This essay will provide a rationale on nursing interventions for Sallie Mae Fisher’s health condition (aged 82). She suffers from CHF, atrial fibrillation, and hypertension, which have prompted her to be hospitalized four times due to exacerbation of her CHF. Nevertheless, she has been discharged and the interventions have been put in place to help her manage her health condition. Ms. Fisher needs urgent medical care not only because of her age but also because of the myriad of life threatening illnesses she is suffering from. For instance, atrial fibrillation is a chronic heart rhythm disturbance that has been associated with thwarting the quality of life for about 4% of aged populations (Shea & Sears, 2008).
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