Protecting the scope of practice for nurses as an APRN and the clinical practice in your state
Protecting the scope of practice for nurses, particularly advanced practice registered nurses, is a major initiative at the American Nurses Association (ANA) 2016. The ANA is working together with our Constituent Member (State) Associations to help remove geographic and practice setting limitations for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs). The ANA is working state by state to ensure that state laws affecting APRN’s are both fair and consistent across the country, and that your scope of practice is not unfairly limited.
Discuss how this initiative and how it will impact your future as an APRN and your clinical practice in the state in which you live. Include sources to support your assignment.
I live in the state of California. Please include at least 5 references.
Protecting the scope of practice for nurses as an APRN and the clinical practice in your state