Professional Socialization of Nursing Student Name: Institutional Affiliation: Course/ Number: Date: Ellis and Hartley argue, in their article “Nursing in Today’s World. Chapter 1, pp 26-28, Characteristics of a Profession”, that there are quite astronomical qualities and attitudes that are more often than not associated with a particular profession. These could be related to the experience, expertise, and the job skills which are associated with the profession. The purpose of this paper is to examine keenly how such skills are developed and nurtured. In other words, the paper tries to give an in-depth diagnosis of the process by which amateurs and apprentices become well versed in their profession (Masters, 2014).In our case, we would consider how this transformation takes place in nursing. The paper is covered under the following five sub-categories:1. Professional socializationAccording to Ellis and Hartley, professional socialization refers to the acquisition of values, attitudes, skills and knowledge pertaining to a professional subculture. It may involve all those things that may make a worker be assimilated to the working environment that is more often than not associated with education and socialization.
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