Preeclampsia and eclampsia

Preeclampsia and eclampsia

A copy of this journal article must be included with the paper at the time of submission.
• Papers will be submitted to Safe Assign prior to submission to the instructor.
• 3-5 page paper (plus cover page and reference page) in APA format
o no Abstract needed
o must be typed
o must include a cover page
o must include reference list
• At least 1 peer reviewed (Nursing) journal (within the last 5 years) used for reference
–more than 1 reference may be used
• All resources listed on reference list MUST also be referenced in-text
• All in-text citations MUST be listed on reference list
• Level 2 headings should be used to identify each of the topics below
Must include:
An introduction/Identification of the problem
Pertinent assessment data
Underlying physiologic/psychosocial factors in determining care
Priority Nursing Diagnosis/Potential Complication
Appropriate Outcome/s (pt. centered, measurable with a time frame)
Nursing Interventions
Rationales for Interventions
Peer reviewed nursing journal
APA and Format