Paper 2: Facing the Ethical Dilemma: Creating DM Model to Resolving an Ethical Issue

Question descriptionYou are now asked to do the following….”If given the opportunity to make an ethical decision, how would you go about doing this?” Paper 1 caused you to reflect on the meaning of ethics and your own personal beliefs about what is moral, right and ethical. Now Paper 2 is meant to lead you to develop your own model for making ethical business decisions. In order to accomplish this, you will choose a case from the Beyond Integrity book and then follow a “classic decision-making” process for resolving the issue, keeping in mind what you have previously said about your beliefs and what is important to you.

This Paper 2 should be 3-4 pages long and follow APA format. Case Study Grading Rubric found under Course Resources will be used to review and grade your assignment.

Paper 2: Facing the Ethical Dilemma: Creating a DM Model to Resolving an Ethical Issue.

Paper 1 caused you to reflect on the meaning of ethics and your own personal beliefs about what is moral, right and ethical. Now Paper 2 is meant to lead you to develop your own model for making ethical business decisions. In order to accomplish this, you will choose a case from the Beyond Integrity book and then follow a “classic decision-making” process for resolving the issue, keeping in mind what you have previously said about your beliefs and what is important to you. Chapter 1 of the text allows us to discuss at least 3 models for making ethical decisions; and we supplemented this with a number of other examples. You have the opportunity to create your own model and use it to resolve a case from the text, and then to critique this model for its effectiveness.

Below is Dr. Bucci’s Model for Ethical Decision-Making (ETHIC2)

Introduction: E –Examination. You have already developed you views on your feelings, motivations, worldview and responses to injustice. Now it is time to organize these thoughts:

  • T – Tenets or Guiding Beliefs. What have you determined are the underpinnings of your ethical point of view? What have you said you believe about God, about people, about business? Articulating Scriptures, moral principles, and beliefs from your readings that form the foundation of your theology of business. These should be clearly defined, drawn from cited sources.
  • H – Hierarchy of Values. What are the principles upon which you will make choices? What standards of behavior will guide your on-going decisions? Your values need to be prioritized to avoid conflicts. Consider elaborating on what your values mean and how this order developed.
  • I – Identification: State the Issue – “Is it ethical to …”
  • C – Consideration of Outcomes OR Consequences: Now work through your DM process to resolve the issue. Model a checklist from the examples given out in class or make your own, based on your values. How will your beliefs & values stand in light of the following?
  • C – Convincing Moral Argument: Using your DM model, you formed a pattern for making a decision. Now, using a persuasive style, defend your position with a Convincing Moral Argument speaking in the language of business with consideration of the Business impact. Express your beliefs and values using Moral reasoning but with consideration of the Business impact:

You will now choose a case from the Beyond Integrity book and then resolve it this way:

  • Define the issue and establish the facts
  • Who is affected (stakeholders)
  • Understand the nature of how this happened (and why)
  • Others’ Rights
  • Existing Laws / Standards
  • Social Mores and Principles
  • Cultural Uniqueness
  • Economic
  • Legal
  • Social
  • Financial
  • People / Stakeholders
  • (you do not have to use all of these, but they need to be understood and demonstrated)

Conclusion – Summarize: Now do a critique of Your Model. How did it help, what might need to change? Were your values aligned to guide the decision? Did you clearly defend your values?




1 Facts 2 Issue 3 Stakeholders 4 Consequences 5 Obligations 6 Character & Integrity 7 Potential Actions 8 Gut Check


1 Ask 6 Qs 2 Clarify Role 3 Clarify Facts 4 Clarify Decisive Values/ Principles 5 Clarify Options & Conseq. 6 JB Choose Action 7 JB Defend Choice


1 Examination (P1) 2 Tenets or Beliefs 3 Hierarchy of Values 4 ID Issue / Stakeholders 5 Consider Outcomes / Conseq 6 Convincing Moral Argument 7 Sum / Critique