Instructions Course Turnitin number and password: 8004322 Course Number in Turnitin 1qaz2wsx Password There is a required format for ALL papers. Be certain to follow the format. Turnitin Is Required. Points will be deducted for failure to use the format. 1. Project- Organizational Chart & Stakeholder Relationship Diagram (30%) 30 points out of a course total of 100 points The organizational chart is the standard way that organizations depict reporting relationships. The relationship diagram (research this if it is unfamiliar to you) is a helpful way of assessing interactions and relationships in an organization or process. You will be using these tools and other information to describe the organization and identify the stakeholder relationships for a health care organizationof your choice. This does not have to be a hospital. It can be a dental office, health insurance carrier, pharmaceutical company, or other organization that deals with health care. It must be large enough to have a formal organizational chart. If you are unsure about the organization you would like to write about, please contact the professor in advance. The Lepley article and articles you find researching relationship diagrams and mapping will be help guide you. Introduction, Overview, Analysis: (20 points out of 30) – Based on the organizational chart and your research on organizations and Relationship Diagrams, submit a 5 page paper with citations, excluding title page, abstract and references, that describes the organization, its mission, vision, goals. Research the type of organizational structure and compare it to other similar organizations and the pros and cons of this type of structure. Summarize what you have learned in this exercise. Following is a format you MUSTuse.The paper should be in APA format with appropriate references. An abstract is required, and the title page does not count in the 5 page limit. Apply Blooms taxonomy of critical thinking to this paper. See the grading rubric for detailed descriptions of the elements of the taxonomy.This format and section sub-headings…..REQUIRED. These section sub headings must be used in your paper Title Page Title of paper Course Number and Section number Your Name (page numbers on all pages) Your name in the file name Date Turnitin scores Abstract: One paragraph describing the paper, findings, key words Sub headings for the paper: (required) Knowledge and Comprehension: Brief Background or description of the organization, including the mission or purpose, number and types of employees, and a description of the stakeholders/customers. Demonstrate your understanding as to why this organization is structured as it is.Scholarly research showing that you know and understand the organizational concepts. approximately 1 page) Application:Give an example of similar organizations and research findings as to the benefits and downsides of this type of structure. Show that you can apply the theoretical concepts of organizations to real life applications. (approximately one half page) Analysisof the organizational structure/type and the effectiveness (or lack of) for meeting the mission and vision of the organization.Comparative analysis as to why this structure is better/same/worse than others they could use (approximately 1.5 pages) Analysisof the stakeholder relationship diagram/map explaining the relationships, interconnections, and impacts of the relationships on the organizations operations. How does organizational structure drive operations? (approximately 1 page) Synthesis and Evaluation:Offer a new idea that might improve the effect of the structure on operations and evaluate the pros and cons of the idea and offer your conclusions supported by research. This can be your idea or a best practice discovered from your research. (approximately 1 page) References/Footnotes APA style. Use scholarly research This section will count for 20 of the 30 possible points.Late points will apply to late papers. Point deductions will apply if you do not use the above format for the paper. Organizational chart (5 points) – Submit the organizational chart for the organization you have selected to the Conference area andsubmit to the Assignment Folder. Note any characteristics that make the organizational structure unique. The organizational chart does not need names, just position titles. Submit to the assignment folder. Follow this format for the file name: Your last name_660_OrgProject_Spring 2014 term 1402 Relationship Diagram (5 points) – Identify/diagram/chart how your organization relates to at least seven (7) of its external stakeholders and/or customers, including at least two (2) other entities in the broad health care community. Submit the Relationship Diagram to your Assignment Folder.Your last name_660_RelatDiagram_Spring 2014 Term 1402 A maximum of 30 points total
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