Today’s health care organizations face a variety of dilemmas related to these critically important HR functions. Reflect on your own experiences working within different evironments as you consider the following questions: Is it better for an organization to hire based on the perceived “fit” between a candidate and the organization, or to seek individuals with different, innovative perspectives? What considerations need to be taken into account regarding the selection of internal versus external candidates for particular positions? What are the potential political ramifications of making a hiring choice between two internal candidates? What happens when there is a mismatch between a job description and the actual requirements of the job? What is the most effective way to gather information about applicants? How can technology be used cost effectively? How can you assess whether an individual will feel comfortable and be successful within the organizational culture? What legal guidelines do managers need to follow when conducting a job interview or making a selection decision? Brainstorm additional challenge-related questions on your own as you review this week’s Learning Resources and conduct additional research. (You may draw ideas from outside the health field as long as they are applicable to health care organizations.) Identify a challenge related to recruitment, selection, and/or retention, and select at least one resource related to that challenge for your analysis. Based on information in the Learning Resources and the resource(s) you have chosen, what are the root causes of this challenge? What would you recommend to address this issue? Identify the challenge you have selected in the first line of your posting. Describe insights you have gained about this issue through the Learning Resources, your research, and your own experiences. Include an analysis of the root causes of the issue and suggestions for how it might be addressed. (Be sure to cite at least one credible resource that you located through your own research.)
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