Obesity and the Professional Nurses Role, addressing teaching and learning needs of patients and families contains 2 parts adult or childhood obesity and develop a teaching plan to support the needs of a specific individual from the patient population you selected :Nursing 105 Essentials of Nursing Care, Health Differences Minimum of 6 pages not including cover or reference page, using APA format. Minimum of 3 current professional references, including professional publications or websites dated within 5 years. Paper consists of 2 parts. 1st part explain the health problen specific to the population u chose, examine the causative factors, elaborate on the consequences of obesity and discuss if the facts would be short or long term. Part 2 how you will assess the patients learning needs and consider barriers. What are the expected outcomes and include realistuc time frames. What information will you teach the patient and why are you selecting this information. How will you evaulate the effectivenss of this teaching and conclusion.
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