Chapter 8 deals with protein (we have addressed protein already – but there is one relevant question below), and Chapters 9 and 10 in your textbook address the vitamins (water soluble and fat soluble), minerals, and water. Please remember to copy each question onto your answer document and type your answer below the corresponding question – leaving a space in between. If you put question in bold but your answer in regular font – it is more readable. Your assignment for Week 5 is drawn from these three chapters: 1) Outline what are the human requirements for protein (in terms of amount) at different stages of life or by biological characteristics. Are there any particular calculation formulas? (If so, what are they and make sure any numbers used are labeled.) What are some of the factors and/or health conditions that may affect protein needs? Are there any known possible health risks associated with excesses? If so, please describe. Also comment on whether there are any known main differences in protein intake between highly developed versus less developed societies. 2) Describe, overall—the functional roles of vitamins in the body. What are the different solubility characteristics, categorically? After first providing an introductory paragraph on the roles of the vitamins, overall, then 2a) Draw two tables – each with two columns (You may go to Assignments > Assignment Tools & Templates, and copy and paste table template (or use that document as a starting point that has table in it) document in MS Word set up and formatted already so that rows don’t break across pages and the top header row repeats across each page on which a table continues. Please properly format so that tables do not run off the page. You can adjust font size and/or change Page Set Up (in your file menu) to landscape (horizontal) if that works better) 2b) In one table – list all of the fat-soluble vitamins (left column), and on the right, describe their a) their scientific as well as their popular names; b) their key functions in the body in a specific way (and if there are different forms of the vitamin, distinguish by name and characteristics); c) how much does the human body need? (Are needs different by sex/age groups?) d) What conditions do deficiencies cause; and e) What are the toxic effects with excess, if any? f) What are some common good food sources? (Remember If there are any vitamins that have different forms – like an animal versus a plant form and/or more than one biologically important variations that meets human nutrient requirements—make sure to list & describe them.) 2c) Draw a separate table with the water-soluble vitamins in spelling out the same information as above for the fat-soluble vitamins (in 2a). (Although the B-complex vitamins are considered to be in the same category, for the purposes of the this assignment and in this table—treat each B-vitamin as a separate vitamin.) 3) For the minerals, describe some of their overall or key functions, categorically (understanding that different minerals have different specific roles as you will show below). You will also draw a table as you did for the vitamins above – and provide the same relevant information in columns as above for vitamins) on these selected minerals (the exception is that minerals don’t have popular names—so please provide their respective abbreviations). (Note: This selection does not minimize the importance of the roles of other minerals in the human body.): a) Calcium b) Phosphorous c) Iron d) Magnesium e) Sodium f) Potassium g) Sodium h) Zinc Remember, as for any assignment, you are asked and will receive a higher level of credit when you provide more rather than less detail and precision in your descriptions and naming of relevant items. Remember to avoid over generalizing that can compromise the scientific/nutritional accuracy of what you are reporting. ____ Include citation(s) from your reference(s) as relevant for mentioning any specific data from your sources – in strict compliance with APA style (by the 5th week – you all are expected to have perfected this), and of course also list the textbook and/or any other reference in APA style as well. (Please do not provide an inaccurate listing of the textbook from somewhere you may found on the web by doing a quick search – for the 4th edition; the correct APA listing of our textbook was correctly provided to you in Assignments > Assignment Tools & Templates > Scientific Writing Guide.)
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