Nursing Practice standards
Nursing practices standards are essential for self-regulating nursing professional. Medical experts affirm that, nursing practice standards outline acceptable necessities that enhance quality care of patients and clients (Schroeder, 1991). It is borne in mind; nursing practice standards are developed to promote nursing professional and offer guidelines for nurse educators to set objectives of educational programs. In this context, an advanced Nurse professional must put into consideration the nursing practice standards. Nursing practice standards provide guidelines that assist nurses in decision making, inform the public what they should expect from nursing professional, and educates nurses to articulate practice outlooks of the professional. This stands out that, every registered nurse should align with standards of nursing professional along with legislative requirements. Hence, the aim of this paper is to discuss a social reform-legal right that impacts the practice of nursing. In doing this, the essay will outlay knowledge of values that are critical to the professional behavior of the Nurse.
Social aspects that impact the practice of nursing
According to Rumbold (1999), in social reforms, nurses work as citizens or individuals through political action that enhance social change. Here, it is the responsibility of the nursing association to educate nurses on shaping health care globally particularly in legislation and health care policy that affects quality, accessibility, and health care cost. In this context, the professional association maintains alertness and actions that enhances effectiveness of health professional. It is considered that, health delivery extends to social-cultural issues such as homelessness, infringement of human rights, illness stigma, and hunger hostility. Nurses should bring social changes in the society through taking actions that ensures that human rights are protected. In nursing professional, the following should be considered; respect for human dignity, exceptionality of every person despite of economic or social status, the nature of health problems, and personal tributes. This stands out that; there should be respect to human dignity where nurses depict values and needs of clients and patients. Nursing practice stands advocate the need of establishing relationships to clients or patients with respect of human values and needs without favoritism or prejudice. Rights and dignity of human beings should be imposed irrespective of disability, disease, propinquity to death, or functional status. In promoting welfare, safety, and health for all people, a nurse should not only be aware of patient’s health needs but, eradicate health concerns such as environmental pollution, world hunger, violation of human rights, inadequate heath care services, and inequitable distribution of health care and nursing resources.
Research indicates that, nursing profession has indispensable elements of accountability that protects legal and human rights of patients (Schroeder, 1991). In this case, the nurse is the pivot foe effective health care delivery enabling patients to recover through the process of healing. Therefore, a registered nurse should work towards establishment of patient’s satisfaction taking into account what enhance health. At this point, code of ethics highlight that, nurses should advocate, promote, and endeavor to protect health, rights, and patients. In doing this, the nurse should be accountable and responsible for individual nursing practices that determine appropriate delegation of tasks and drugs prescription to provide optimum care of patients.
Social reforms highlight that; the patient should be handled with dignity because in doing the patient health is regarded. With this regard, social rights of nursing practice persist that the nurse should maintain and improve patient’s health by enhancing suitable conducive environment that enhance provision f quality health care (Rumbold, 1999). In this context, the nurse work in partnership with other public and health professionals in promoting health needs.
Conclusively, social reforms insist on respecting the dignity, worth, and rights of patients irrespective of their health problems. It borne n mind; every patient should not be sidelined because of the nature of the heath problem but, rather should be provided with supportive care until. It’s noteworthy, the measures to, which nurses deliver care determines the well-being of patients in emotional, physical, spiritual, and social. No wonder, nursing care should meet the comprehensive needs of patients with a continuum care. Additionally, respect should extend to all people that the nurse interacts. Nurses should maintain caring and compassionate relationships with their colleagues for effective nursing practice, which eventually enhances team work. In this case, the nurse’s core commitment to patients should be taking care of patients. With no doubt; addressing patient interest necessitate recognition of patient’s needs for a well-being. Effective nursing can only be accomplished when nurses take care of patients with in mind that, health should extend beyond health related issues. In other words, it should enhance effective interaction that improves the patient’s condition socially, emotionally, and spiritually.
Legal aspects that impact the practice of nursing
As per Schoen (2000) effective nursing care is accomplished when nurses work diligently for the excellent outcomes of nursing care. In this context, nurses are core determinants of excellent nursing care. To maintain high standards of legal rights that impact nursing, one should consider the following key principles when providing patient’s care. These include administering medication properly, examine and report deterioration, communicate effectively, delegate responsibly, document medical record accurately, recognize and follow facility procedures, and using equipment appropriately. According to Rumbold (1999), knowing the appropriate drugs to administer to patients is a significant element in the nursing practice standards. In this case, when administering drugs, the nurse is required to compile to the following rights of medication administration; the accurate patient, medication, dose, time, and delivery method. Administering medication appropriately is a vital element in legal aspects in ensuring that appropriate dosage is provided for patients. It is articulated that, a wrong drug prescription may harm or kill a patient hence; the nurse should prescribe a drug that compiles to medical administration rights.
In most lawsuits, nurses have been charged over failure to observe or identify changes in patient’s condition (Schroeder, 1991). Legal aspects demands monitoring and reporting deterioration in nursing process whereby, the nurse should evaluate patient’s stipulation and communicate the efficacy of the treatment. In this case, legal rights demands nurses