Nursing community health Curriculum Design and Development

Nursing community health Curriculum Design and Development Course Description

A. Course Overview The community health nursing course emphasizes the care of patient populations by utilizing health services in a variety of home and agency settings. This course will provide learners with an opportunity to develop skills to manage individuals, families, and groups in the community. Among the key areas of emphasis in the course include fundamentals of community health, community health nurse roles, health promotion, disease prevention, and vulnerable groups in the community. Built on the nine essentials of baccalaureate education for nursing practice, the course emphasizes the concepts of patient-centered care, quality improvement, patient safety, evidence-based practice, cultural sensitivity, professionalism, and nursing informatics. Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to appreciate the unique roles of community health nurses in promoting population health.


B: Title of module Concepts of Community Health Practice
C.Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1.        Describe the historical perspectives of community health.

2.        Identify the roles of community health nurses.

3.        Describe the nursing process in relation to health provision in the community.

D. Student learning outcomes Upon completion of the module, the student should be able to:

1.        Discuss unique roles of nurses in providing preventive, promotive and curative care in the community.

2.        Describe the concept of primary health care.

E. Content overview  During this module, the students will be introduced to community health nursing where they will study the concepts of health and wellness. This topic will enable the students to understand the relationship between health and illness. The students will then learn about the characteristics of community health and the community health setting where they will work. The second topic will focus on the roles of community health nurses and how they work collaboratively with other teams in the community. Upon completion of this module, the students will then be able to acknowledge the unique role of nurses in promoting community health. The last part will discuss the concept of public health nursing, the aims of public health nursing, and its relationship with community health nursing. At this stage, the students will be able to apply the nursing process in managing population health concerns.
F. Learning resources 1.        Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2013). Community/Public Health Nursing-E-Book: Promoting the Health of Populations. Elsevier Health Sciences.

2.        Joyce, B. L., Harmon, M. J., Pilling, L. B., Johnson, R. H., Hicks, V. L., & Brown-Schott, N. (2015). The Preparation of Community/Public Health Nurses: Amplifying the Impact. DOI: 10.1111/phn.12236


G. Scenario based learning activity  Overview: A community represents a collection of people interacting together and whose common characteristics or interests give them a sense of belonging. While working in this community setup, the nurse assumes different roles including collaboration, leadership, research, advocacy, and management.

Scenario: There has been a debate in your institution about removing the community health nursing course to a diploma level. The newly joined first-year students and some of the senior students are in support of the motion. Most of them argue that a nurse at a Bachelor’s level and above is far too qualified to work in the community. Because of the mixed reactions from students, you have been asked to present to the first-year students the role of the BScN in promoting community health. Why is it necessary to teach community health nursing at your level? As you prepare, be sure to discuss what community health nurses do, the skills required of the nurse, and the position of the American Public Health Association (APHA) on this motion.

Your response should be posted in the online discussion forum by the end of week two.



B: Title of module Introduction to Communicable Diseases
C. Course objectives Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1.        Discuss the mode of transmission and the pattern of common communicable diseases.

2.        Describe the principles of communicable diseases.

3.        Explain the role of the nurse and other groups in the society in communicable disease control.

D. Student



Upon completion of the module, the student should be able to:

1. Perform community needs assessment and propose solutions to solving the problems in the community.

2. Manage different communicable diseases in the community using preventive, promotive, rehabilitative and curative approaches

E. Content overview  The first topic will introduce the students to communicable diseases and discuss the transmission of these diseases in the community. Learning these diseases will ensure the student is able to understand their treatment and control using community resources. The second topic will focus on common communicable diseases like cholera, tetanus, and oral-fecal transmitted diseases. Through this topic, the students will be able to assess common conditions in their community and propose practical preventive measures. Another topic that will be discussed is community health assessment using different tools such as windshield surveys. The students will learn the role of the community in promoting their health and interprofessional collaborative approaches to health promotion.
F. Learning


1. Lundy, K. S., & Janes, S. (2009). Community health nursing: Caring for the public’s health. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

2. Porche, D. J. (2004). Public and community health nursing practice: A population-based approach. Sage.

G. Scenario

based learning activity

Overview: Communicable diseases are illnesses caused by viruses or bacteria and are spread through contact with contaminated surfaces, body fluids, or through the air. Cholera is among the common communicable diseases transmitted through eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water and other fluids. In most cases, the disease is managed effectively when detected early, but sometimes it can be deadly if proper management is not done. Analyze the case scenario below and discuss the questions appropriately.

Scenario: A 25-year-old male patient is admitted to your facility with chief complaints of diarrhea, headache, dizziness, and stomachache. He reports that he has not taken any food that he feels was contaminated. However, he reports that he started feeling stomach pain after drinking water from his tap. On examination, the patient is dehydrated, very weak and the skin color appears yellowish. The attending physician requests some tests including CBC, ESR, and a rapid stool test. The laboratory results are back and slight deviations are observed in the levels of Hb, ESR, and Lymphocytes. The stool sample test results are also back and it is positive for cholera.

Based on the above case study

ü  Discuss the immediate management of the patient

ü  Discuss the management of the patient up to 24 hrs. A nursing care plan must be provided.

ü  What was the probable cause of the disease? Would there likely to be an outbreak? What steps will you take to ensure an outbreak does not occur?

Your work must be submitted before the end of week six. Ensure to respond to your peers in the online discussion board regarding the management of the disease including strategies to prevent an outbreak.



B: Title of module Vulnerable and Special Population Health
C. Course objectives Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1.        Identify vulnerable groups in the community

2.        Discuss the needs of special groups in the community

3.        Explain collaborative approaches to the management of vulnerable groups in the community.


D. Student



Upon completion of the module, the student should be able to:

1. Identify resources for special population management in the community

2. Collaborate with professionals to reach out to special groups in the community.


E. Content overview  Within the community context, some groups run a greater risk of poor health than others. These groups have characteristics that increase their vulnerability to poor health and access to essential resources. The first part of this module identifies special groups and vulnerable populations in the community. Students will learn about children, the elderly, immigrants, and the homeless as part of the vulnerable populations. The second topic will focus on the characteristics of these groups, resources available in the community, and the role of the nurse in collaboration with other professionals to help these groups. Upon learning this topics, the student will be able to recognize special groups, their characteristics and advocate for their support by the community and the government.
F. Learning


1. Clark, M. J. (2008).  Community Health Nursing: Advocacy for Population Health. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

2. Tangcharoensathien, V., Mills, A., Das, M. B., Patcharanarumol, W., Buntan, M., & Johns, J. (2018). Addressing the health of vulnerable populations: Social inclusion and universal health coverage. Journal of Global Health8(2), 020304.


G. Scenario

based learning activity

 Recent statistics in the United States indicate that the growing shortage of affordable housing, increasing poverty levels, and lack of social support have led to an increased number of homeless individuals. These individuals are at a greater risk of conditions such as depression, hunger, and other associated diseases.

In this task, you will conduct a windshield survey focusing on the homeless people and one other vulnerable group of your choice in the family. As you move around the community, identify areas with the highest population of homeless individuals. Observe the behavior of the two groups and note the resources available in your community to manage these populations.

1.     Write a three page paper describing the two groups and characteristics observed.

2.     Explain the community resources available to manage the identified groups.

3.     Define homelessness. How can community health nurses work to assist the homeless? Be sure to discuss the advocacy role.

Submit the completed paper for grading at the end of week eight.



Course-Related Information

Learning Environment

The environment students learn has a huge impact on the acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and competencies. An active learning environment utilizes various means to ensure students are engaged and the interactions lead to a higher level of thinking (Tharayil et al., 2018). Module 1 of this course introduces students to the concepts of community health practice. To stimulate active learning, the course outline provides three objectives and two student learning outcomes. The inclusion of these elements will ensure students get to focus on the most important aspects of the course which will increase their understanding. Secondly, two learning resources and a case scenario are provided to ensure students engage themselves in critical thinking to solve problems in the community. The learning resources will be used to increase the student’s knowledge of community health.

The second module introduces students to communicable diseases and their management. Likewise, the module contains focused student objectives and learning outcomes to direct students on the most important aspects of the topic. To intellectually stimulate the students, a case scenario of a patient presenting with signs of cholera is presented. Completion of the case study will see students improve their assessment knowledge and management skills of the patient. The module also allows students to respond to their peers using an online platform. Module 3 of this course focuses on vulnerable and special population health. The module also informs students on the course objectives and learning outcomes to promote active learning. The provision of learning resources and a case scenario will intellectually stimulate understanding and application of knowledge to real-life situations. For example, the students will conduct a windshield survey to improve their assessment and community diagnosis skills.

Learning Theory

In module two, one of the student learning outcomes is that the student should manage different communicable diseases in the community using preventive, promotive, rehabilitative, and curative approaches. This outcome reflects the constructivism learning theory which explains that students base their learning on previous experiences (Kay & Kibble, 2016). The theory recognizes the effort of the student to create a unique reality based on what they had learned earlier. For example, students will only be able to manage communicable diseases in the community based on the idea that they were introduced to the diseases and they understand the current management of the diseases. When using the constructivism theory, teachers only act as a guide to help students understand and create their learning. The online learning environment relates to the constructivism theory because the role of the teacher is to guide students as they interact with their peers. It also creates a platform where students can freely interact with teachers, ask questions and learn to form new ideas from their previous experiences.


Learning Resource Justification

The first module discusses the concepts of community health practice and the learning resource used is the community/public health nursing book. This book contains a comprehensive introduction to community health nursing, models of community health, and the different roles of community health nurses. The reason for using this material is because it is an online book that can be easily accessed by all students. Module 2 discusses communicable diseases in the community and utilizes a textbook on community health nursing. This resource contains a variety of communicable diseases and updated guidelines on their management. Module 3 discusses vulnerable and special population health whereby a peer-reviewed journal article is used as a resource. The journal discusses considerations when addressing vulnerable groups and equips students with knowledge on social inclusion and universal coverage for the special groups. Additionally, this resource is easily available for students in the library for reference.

Scenario-Based Learning Activity

In module 2, the students will conduct a windshield survey based on the homelessness case scenario. Upon completion of the windshield survey, the students will develop assessment skills of vulnerable populations. The students will be able to assess community resources available to manage homeless people and how to advocate for the special populations. Reflection on practice is a key skill for nurses because it enables practitioners to manage the personal and professional impact of addressing the patient’s health concerns (Koshy et al., 2017). The case scenario describes will promote reflective practice because students will be required to write a narrative paper on what they observed through the windshield survey. The students will also discuss the effective management of the problems observed.


Kay, D., & Kibble, J. (2016). Learning theories 101: application to everyday teaching and scholarship. Advances in physiology education40(1), 17-25.

Koshy, K., Limb, C., Gundogan, B., Whitehurst, K., & Jafree, D. J. (2017). Reflective practice in health care and how to reflect effectively. International journal of surgery. Oncology2(6), e20.

Tharayil, S., Borrego, M., Prince, M., Nguyen, K. A., Shekhar, P., Finelli, C. J., & Waters, C. (2018). Strategies to mitigate student resistance to active learning. International Journal of STEM Education5(1), 1-16.

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