My Family Code of Ethics Introduction: Codes of ethics are rules and principles created by organizations and individuals to guide them in the decision-making process and distinguish right from wrong. This essay aims to describe how to develop my family code of ethics and explain the strategies and thought processes that went into developing the code.
My family code of ethics is each family member shall remain accountable for their shortcomings or mistakes. We will hold ourselves accountable for any deed for which we will be morally responsible. We will strive for our autonomy in our personal lives to enhance responsibility and accountability for our deeds. Also, we shall avoid all situations that might compromise the family code of ethics. Accepting accountability for harmful deeds includes; seeking forgiveness and correcting unintentional wrongs. Furthermore, family members are mandated to guide each other as our mission states, “We help each other reach our maximum potential.” Finally, the punishment will be only applicable to members who know the norms and traditions of the family.
Key Roles of the Family
Family forms a foundation on which a code of ethics is built. Morals like responsibility and accountability are instilled in the young at their tender age, influencing their behaviors, actions, thoughts, and feelings, which function as standards and ideals governing their lives. The value system experience becomes automatic when family members are taught moral values properly.
The family shapes the members’ attitudes towards life and people in society supporting values and ambitions in the family. A supportive and blissful atmosphere aids in the growth and development of tolerance, generosity, love, and affection, which are essential components when advocating for responsibility and accountability in the family. Finally, kids identify themselves with their elders or parents. They will emulate and imitate what parents or elders are doing. The family is the first and immediate avenue that influences a kid’s learning behavior.
Strategies and thought processes
The initial strategy when creating a family code of ethics is to determine the purpose of the code. I establish our family’s reasons for developing the code. What we wanted to do in our daily activities and what should be anticipated during and after completing tasks among the family members. I found out that family members want accountability for their mistakes or shortcomings.
The second step was to make a list of traits for each family member. I found the most prevailing character traits to be dishonesty and kindness. The findings increased the need for having a family code of ethics to increase accountability. Additionally, I considered our relationships and discussed what we could like to change about each other with the family members.
In the next step, I developed a set of statements to follow with other family members’ help. I incorporated our current traits as well as those we wanted to embody. We developed guidelines and definitive personal statements for the code in the final step.
Strategically implementation and communication of codes in the organization
Firstly, I will institutionalize and internalize the code of ethics by making employees and other members aware (Barman & White, 2022). It involves extensive training, performance management, discussion sessions, etc. The purpose is to gain commitment for uniformity and unity towards one goal. Also, I will make the team players understand the organization’s culture, norms, values, and vision to understand the code and make it part of their attitudes, beliefs, etc.
Second, I will carefully prepare the launch of the code. I will be focusing on achieving both maximum exposure and commitment. This will be achieved by giving staff a copy and using appropriate channels and modes of communication (Barman & White, 2022). Furthermore, I will avail training programs to brainstorm what is in the code of ethics.
Thirdly, I will devise methods for reporting breaches respectfully and confidentially. This will improve accountability and the urge to learn. Finally, I will set up a committee to monitor the progress of the code and its effectiveness.
Monitoring the ethical decision-making practice
Organizations create a value-based culture by managing ethical and legal affairs to build trust with employees and clients (KnowledgeLeader, 2022). This is essential in establishing integrity and trust among team players and customers. It can be achieved by properly monitoring the ethical decision-making process.
I will make sure the organization develops and adapt to a culture that encourages employees and other stakeholders to commit to high ethical standards. This will increase the employers’ commitment and ethical level, hence performing better (KnowledgeLeader, 2022). Also, I will make sure the committee develops ethical guidelines applicable internationally. The practice is essential in ensuring fair competition both locally and internationally.
I will emphasize the need for human resources in the quest for ethics compliance and excellence during the process. Human resource is responsible for recruiting individuals with sound character, setting achievable and fair goals, and deploying ethical hiring tactics for the good of the company (KnowledgeLeader, 2022). Finally, I will commit to the improvement of the ethics quotient. Through dialogue, reflection, and evaluation, I will advocate for codes that are most likely to raise organization standards.
Need for a code of ethics
Firstly, the code of ethics sets the right culture for the organization. It fosters integrity, trust, excellence, and ethical behavior (Marcin, 2022). When organizational team players, from the managerial to the very bottom, behave and follow the same rules, automatically, productivity tends to improve as there would be limited conflicts and confusion in the workplace.
Secondly, codes of ethics build a good reputation. Customers and investors tend to invest and associate with organizations they can trust and avoid those that don’t promote ethical behavior (Marcin, 2022). Also, codes of ethics can be a guiding tool for partnerships between organizations.
Third, codes of ethics help organizations comply with laws and regulations (Marcin, 2022). It is a legal requirement for organization leaders to have a code of ethics to avoid scandals like what happened in Enron and WorldCom. Also, it provides a strong incentive for the ethical treatment of the public, employees, clients, partners, etc. Additionally, it attracts top employees. Companies with an appropriate code of ethics tend to reassure outstanding employees that they will be treated justly and ethically. Finally, codes of ethics promote social change in the business environment.
Barman, T., & White, S. (2022). Implementing an effective corporate ethics policy. FM Magazine. Retrieved 16 May 2022, from
KnowledgeLeader, P. (2022). How to Monitor and Manage Legal and Ethical Issues. Retrieved 16 May 2022, from
Marcin. (2022). Benefits of a Code of Ethics. Retrieved 16 May 2022, from
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