Mr. X Care Plan: a 67-year-old African American male who reports today for an annual exam

Mr. X Care Plan: a 67-year-old African American male who reports today for an annual exam. He states he is in good health but complains of lower back pain of which he denies taking any medications to solve the problem. The patient reports that he is allergic to sulfa drugs. His past medical and surgical history reveals that he had diverticulitis and had a right total knee replacement surgery. Mr. X Care Plan: a 67-year-old African American male who reports today for an annual exam

The social history reveals that he quit smoking 5 years ago, but drinks a glass of wine every night during dinner. Additionally, he drinks 2 cups of coffee a day and drinks soda and tea because he does not like water.
Mr. X Care Plan: a 67-year-old African American male who reports today for an annual exam.
The patient hardly cooks meals at home and reports no incidences of physical activity to maintain his health. Regarding his family history, he reports that the father died at the age of 60 due to colon cancer and the mother is alive but suffers from HTN and type II diabetes. Among the health concerns identified from the patient include overweight, constipation, and occasional rectal bleeding. Apart from the GI system issues identified, the results from the review of other systems are impeccable.
Mr. X Care Plan: a 67-year-old African American male who reports today for an annual exam

Provider-level of Care
Mr. X can benefit from health promotion and disease prevention strategies focused on the identified health issues. Firstly, the patient can benefit from exercise to help manage his weight. There is a positive family history of HTN and diabetes which are likely to affect MR. X in the future. The utilization of mobile app technology like Fitbit for fitness tracking will help the patient exercise, monitor daily steps, and progress of the weight management process. Secondly, I will recommend the utilization of the MyPlate calorie Tracker application to ensure an appropriate diet is taken (Han & Lee, 2018). For instance, Mr. X suffers from constipation which can be managed using foods rich in dietary fiber.

Mr. X Care Plan: a 67-year-old African American male who reports today for an annual exam Telehealth involves the use of digital communication and information technologies to access healthcare services remotely while managing health (Han & Lee, 2018). Telehealth using the mobile app technology will help reduce frequent visits and checkups for Mr.X. Information provided by the technology will ensure the patient gets to decide how to manage their health with assistance from the healthcare provider. During the use of these technologies, the patient will easily share results with the healthcare provider without necessarily visiting the hospital.
Nursing Diagnosis Imbalanced Nutrition: More than body requirements Defining characteristics
 Lack of knowledge about healthy food habits
 Overweight

Related factors
 Lack of exercise
 Food intake exceeding body needs

Expected Outcomes
 The patient will change in eating patterns and involvement in exercise.
 The patient will display weight loss with optimal health maintenance.
 Formulate an eating plan based on the patient’s eating patterns.
 Use mobile app technology to engage the patient in exercise and weight
Health education on the importance of nutritional balance and weight


Chiu, C. J., Hu, J. C., Lo, Y. H., & Chang, E. Y. (2020). Health promotion and
disease prevention interventions for the elderly: A scoping review from 2015-
2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
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Edelman, C. L., Mandle, C. L., & Kudzma, E. C. (2017). Health promotion
throughout the life span-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Han, M., & Lee, E. (2018). Effectiveness of mobile health application use to improve
health behavior changes: A systematic review of randomized controlled
trials. Healthcare Informatics Research, 24(3), 207–226.

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.). Older adults. Healthy
People 2020. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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