mayda week 4 theory: support the argument 

mayda week 4 theory: support the argument

Roy’s career was distinguished by his philosophical, scientific and cultural assumptions. Though a philosophical approach he dedicated many of his efforts towards the understanding of humanity as it evolved with time. He envisioned this current century as one full of continuous transition, transformation, and need for spiritual vision (Smith & Parker, 2015).
Smith & Parker (2015) explain Roy’s terminology of Veritivity as the principle within his Adaptation Model of human nature that affirms a common purposefulness of human existence (p.155). Veritivity is the affirmation that human beings are viewed in the context of the purposefulness of their existence, unity of purpose of humankind, activity and creativity for the common good, and the value and meaning of life (Smith & Parker, 2015).
This principle to me represents the idea that as human beings we all share a common ground. We all seek a purpose that will identify our meaning in life. As individuals we are all unified by our desire to contribute to positive things. Roy’s principle of unity relates to my practice in many ways. Working for a focused (HIV) population has given me a very clear idea of what “unity” really means. Large groups of people with diverse backgrounds, resources and levels of experience can all come together and work towards a shared goal. Resources could be very different in nature (financial assistance, housing, medical, behavioral) yet all aids become perfectly aligned in order to provide a holistic care for one specific population.
Roy’s theory has the potential to influence nursing practices in a great manner. Unity undoubtedly is an imperative component in the success of healthcare organizations. The way I visualize medical teams is as a rowing sport crew. We’re all on the same ship, rowing towards the same direction, all with a common goal of crossing the finish line fast, safety and in synchrony. Everything is easier with unity. We can’t have 6 crew member rowing forward and 2 backwards. It will become a tougher journey for the 6 that remain in synchrony and tensions would arise between team members.
I agree with Roy’s statement regarding our society experiencing a transitional era. As technology improves and medical practices become more specific, the healthcare field is being impacted in a positive way. Change is inevitable. Recognizing change, moving forward with society and growing in knowledge should be a task that we all take seriously.

Smith M. C., & Parker, M. E. (Eds.). (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Compan