Maternal and Children Mortality


Maternal and   children mortality has become a major issue in many countries as the number of deaths have increased. Maternal   death or maternal mortality   is death of women   during   pregnancy or after  pregnancy. In 2000, the United Nations estimated the  global maternal   mortality to be 529,000. The  rate  of  maternal  deaths  in  rural   areas   is  high  compared  to  the   rate  of  maternal  rate  in  urban  areas. For instance, the rate of   maternal rate in Vietnam is high. There   are many causes of maternal   deaths in the   world. First, lack  of  proper  antenatal   care  and   nutrition  has  increased the  maternal  mortality and  children  mortality.

Maternal mortality and   children mortality are   preventable through   medical practices and   nutrition. Most countries have established measures to prevent  maternal mortality   and   children   mortality. For  instance,  the governments have  made   ante-natal   care  available  to  mothers  in  the   rural  areas   so  as  to  reduce  deaths. Also, the  governments have established   nutrition programs to prevent maternal deaths. This  paper analyzes  whether  ante  natal  care  and nutrition  program can be  used  to reduce  maternal deaths and infant  deaths.

Objectives of the proposal

The  proposal  is  aimed  at  determining  if  provision  of ante  natal  care  and   nutrition  programs  will  help  reduce  the  rate  of  maternal  and  children  mortality  in  rural  areas of Vietnam (De Brouwere, Tonglet &Van Lerberghe, 1998).

Research problem

Martenal mortality  and   children  mortality  have  become  a  major  issue  in  developed  and  developing   countries. This  is  because  of  lack   of  proper  nutrition  and  ante  natal  care. Most women  and  children  in  rural  areas  are  not  able  to  access  ante  natal   care  because  of  various  reasons. First, women  in  rural  areas  have  no  enough  money  to  access  ante  natal  care .This  makes  it  difficulty  to  get  proper  care before   delivery. Also, lack  of   access  to  health  care  service  has  made  it  difficulty  for  the   women  to  get     ante  natal  care  at  the  right  time. In addition, the women are not able to get good nutrition. This has led to increase in maternal deaths and children mortality in Vietnam (De Brouwere, Tonglet &Van Lerberghe, 1998).

 Literature review

The main causes of maternal death are bacterial   infections   and   various   types of gestation   hypertension. For  example, pre-eclampsia   and  HELLP  syndrome   have  increased   the  rate  of  maternal   mortality  in  many  countries. Obstetrical hemorrhage, ectopic pregnancy and   child bed fever cause maternal mortality. Other   causes include   amniotic   fluid   embolism, rupturing of the uterine and   complications   during birth. Unsanitary abortions have also led to   maternal deaths in many countries. Severe   bleeding  or  hemorrhage   account  for  25%  of  all  the maternal  deaths  in  the  world. This  is  according  to  a  report  released  by  World  Heath  Organization, UNICEF,UNFPA  in 2004 (WHO, UNICEF &UNFPA, 2004).In  addition, the  report  showed  that   infections   account  for  13 %  of  the  maternal  deaths   and  children  mortality.

Also, unsafe  abortions   and  obstructed  labor  account   for  13%  and  8%  of   maternal  deaths  in  developed  and  under  developed  countries. The  report   indicated  that  eclampsia   accounts   for 12%  of  maternal  deaths   and  other   direct  causes  and  indirect  causes  make  8%  and  20%  respectively. In this case indirect causes include   disease like   malaria, anemia   and HIV/AIDS   and cardiovascular   diseases. The  diseases  complicate  the  mothers   pregnancy  and, hence  result  to  death  of  the  mother  and  the   unborn  child. The  report  showed   that  45%   of  postpartum   death   occur  within twenty  four hours.Developing   countries   experience   high   maternal  deaths   and  children  mortality   than   developed  countries. 90%  of  maternal  death   occur  mostly  in  developing  countries   and  the   other  percentage  occurs  in  developed   countries (WHO, UNICEF &UNFPA, 2004).

Maternal mortality in Vietnam is high. The   maternal mortality   rate   is   165/ 100,000 live births. This is according to statistics released in 2004 by UNICEF. The  report  showed  that  mortality  rate  among  children  aged   5  years  was  39/100,000  live  births In addition, UNICEF  argued  that   over  7  women  in  Vietnam  die  from  pregnancy   and  child   birth  every   day. Also, 82 new born babies die prematurely every day (WHO, UNICEF &UNFPA, 2004). The maternal death rates vary from one   region to another. For example, the   highest maternal   mortality rate   occur   in the mountainous   area, rural areas   and   among   ethnically   minority populations. The  report  indicated  that  maternal  mortality   rate  is  almost   ten  times   more   higher  in CAO  bang   province   than  in  BInh   Duong  province  in  Vietnam. The  maternal  rate  in  Cao Bang  province   was  411  per  100,000  in  2004  and  the   maternal  rate  in  Binh  Duong  province  was  45  per  100,000    in  2004.

The  infant  mortality   rate   are   high  in   ethnic   minorities   groups   than  for  KInh   majority. For instance, the Gia-rai   minorities   experience 69 deaths   per 100,000 live births. De Brouwere, Tonglet and Van Lerberghe in  their work  argue that there  are  various   reasons   why  the  maternal  rate   and  children  mortality  is  high  among   ethnic  minorities  and  women  in  Vietnam. First,  lack  of   proper  nutrition  among  the  ethnic  minorities  and  women  in  general  has  led  to  high  maternal  and  child  mortality. Most women rural areas in Vietnam   are not able to afford a balanced diet during pregnancy. This is because the  minority women and   other women have no enough income.

Majority  of  the  women  depend  on   casual  jobs   and   hence  they  get  low   incomes This  makes  it   difficulty   for  the   women  to  eat  a  balanced  diet   and   take  care  of  young  children. Additionally,  lack  of  enough  income   makes  it  difficulty  for  the  women  to  access   ante  natal  care. Most women working on casual   jobs do not have health   insurance covers. This  is  because  the   employers   are  not  able  to  provide  them  with   health  insurance   covers. This  has  made  it  hard  for   minority  groups  and  women  in  general  in  Vietnam  to   get  health  care   services (De Brouwere, Tonglet &Van Lerberghe, 1998).

On  the  other  hand,  women  from  rich  families  and  major  groups   are  able  to  get  health   care  services. The women get quality ante natal cared. This  has  reduced  the maternal   rate  and   children  mortality  among  rich  people  and  major  groups. Also, they are able to   eat balanced diet. Hence, the  researchers  argue  that social  economic  factors   are  the  main  causes  of  high  maternal   rate   and   children  mortality  in  Vietnam. This  is   because  they  affect   the  kind  of   diet pregnant  women  feed  and  also  access   to  medical services. Socioeconomic   factors   limit  the  proper  eating   habits   and  quality  of  medical  services  in  the  community (Villar & Bergsjo, 1997).

Moreover, Villar and Bergsjo  argue   that lack  of     access  to  health  care  services  and  quality  care   has  led  to   high   maternal   rate  and   children   mortality  in  Vietnam (Villar & Bergsjo, 1997). The   researchers   argue  that  anted  natal  care and  nutrition  programs   can  help  reduce  the  maternal   mortality  rate  and   children  mortality  rate  in  rural  areas. Ante natal   care refers   to care   given to pregnant women   before birth. Hospitals provide different services to pregnant   women under ante natal care.

For instance, the hospitals   provide   education to   pregnant women. Also, the   hospitals  provide counseling, screening   and   treatment for various infections. The  hospitals  help   monitor  the  progress  of pregnant   women  and   the  wellbeing  of   the  mother  and  the  unborn  child. However,  the  hospitals do  not  know  the  type   of  care  that  is  effective  for  pregnant  women. Also, the hospitals   do  not   know  the  quantity  of  care   that   will  be  effective   for  pregnant  mothers  and  the  unborn  children.

The  World  health  organization, Simon,DI Mario  and Vittorio Basevi   carried  out  research to  determine  the  effectiveness  of  antennal   care  in  reducing  maternal  rate  and  children  mortality (World   health  organization, Mario & Vittorio Basevi, 2005). In  their  article  titled,” what  if  the  effectiveness  of  antenatal care?(supplement)”, the  authors  identified  various  interventions   that  can  be  used  to  prevent  maternal   rate  and  children  mortality.

For  example,  the  authors  argued   that   life  style   changes   helped  improve  the life  of   pregnant  women  and  unborn  children. The  authors   argued  that   providing   the   right   diet   and  supplements   can  help  reduce  the  rate  of  maternal  deaths  and  infant   deaths. Pregnant mothers are   supposed to take a   balanced diet. The   diet should   include   proteins, energy giving foods   and   vitamin. The   different   groups of   food   play different   roles   in the body of pregnant women.

For  example,  energy  giving   foods   provide   pregnant   mothers  with  enough  energy  to  carry  out   their   daily  activities. Also, proteins help in the   growth of the   feotus. This helps prevent   preterm births   and   children are born having   the normal weight. In  addition,  vitamins  prevent   the  pregnant  mothers  and  their  children  from contracting  diseases. The researchers  argue  that   balanced   diet  and  supplements  helps  improve  the   growth  of  the fetus  and ,hence  reduce  the   risk   of  low  birth  weight  children  and deaths  of  children  during   birth and   after  birth. Though  proteins   are important  in  reducing  maternal  and  children  mortality, high  protein  supplements alone is  not  important. This is   because high protein supplement is linked with increased risk of small for b gestation age (World   health  organization, Mario & Vittorio Basevi, 2005).

On  the  other  hand, women  who  azure   obese  or  overweight  are  supposed  to  reduce  the  amount  of  proteins  and  calories  they  take. This will  help  reduce  the  risk  of  contracting  various  diseases  like  obesity,  heart  diseases  etc. Though,   reducing  the  rate  of  calories  and  proteins  overweight  women  take  has  a lot  of  benefits,  it  has  more  harm  to  the  fetus  than  benefits. It limits the fetus from growing healthily. This  in  turn  leads  to   low  birth  weights  and  death  of   preterm  and  premature  babies. So, pregnant  women  should  be  provided  with  the proper  diet   so  as  to  prevent  the  mothers  and  children  from  contracting  diseases (World health organization, Mario & Vittorio Basevi, 2005).

Additionally, the  researchers  claim  that   providing   pregnant  women  with  dietary   supplements can  held  reduce  maternal  and  children  mortality. For example, pregnant   women can be provided with folic acid before   conception and   during   gestation. Folic acid   reduces   the   rate of complications   among pregnant women. The   pregnant women   should be provided with vitamin   and   calcium supplements. Calcium supplement helps reduce   the risk of   high   blood pressure   during pregnancy. This  is  mostly  among   women   who  are at  high  risk  of  having   high  blood  pressure  and  women   in  communities   that  have low  calculi  intake (Villar & Bergsjo, 1997).

Most organizations like WHO  and  researchers  have  associated  maternal   mortality  and   children  mortality  with  anemia. Pregnant  women  should be  provided  with  iron  supplement   as  it  helps  reduce  the  frisk  of  low  birth  weight. This  helps  reduce  the  rate  of   children  mortality  that  results   from  low  birth   weights. Moreover, iron supplements   help prevent low blood count   during   delivery   and   after delivery. This  in  turn  prevents   the   death  of  pregnant  mothers   due  to  lack  of  blood  or  bleeding. This  is  according  to  the  findings  from  the  study  carried  out by WHO  and  other  researchers. The  findings   from  the   research  showed  that  reducing  the  rate  of  smoking  and  also  the  intake  of  alcohol  can  help  reduce  the   rate  of   maternal  and  children  mortality.

Smoking causes   various disease liked heart diseases, obesity and   diabetes. This  in  turn  affects  the  health  of  the  mother  and  the   child. Heart  diseases, obesity  and   cardiovascular  diseases  have  been  associated  with   high  maternal   mortality   and  infant  mortality  in  the  world. This is according to the World health organization report. Reducing  the  risk  factor  for  heart  diseases,  diabetes  and  obesity  will  help  reduce  the   rate  of  maternal  mortality  in  the  country. Hence,  pregnant  women  should  adopt  health  life  styles  by  reducing  the   rate  of  smoking  and   alcohol  intake (Villar & Bergsjo, 1997).

Further,  the   findings  from  the  research  carried  out  by World  health  organization  and  other  researchers like Villar, Bergsjo  and Vittorio Basevi showed  that  ante  natal   care   gives  women  an  opportunity  to  get  regular  screening. Regular  screening   for  various   diseases  like  diabetes, heart  diseases   and   obesity  helps  reduce  maternal mortality  and  children  mortality. Untreated   gestation diabetes  and  abnormal   pregnancy   related  glucose  levels  in  pregnant  mothers   has  serious   effects  on  the  mother  and  foetus. This  is  according  to  the  results  from the  study  carried  out  by WHO, Mario and  Vittorio Basevi.

Pregnant mothers should be screened regular for   various diseases. For  example, the  mothers  should   have  regular  check  ups  to  determine  the   glucose  level  in  the  blood  and   check  the  amount  of  fats  in  the  body. This  will  help  lower  the  risk  factor  for  diseases  like  diabetes, obesity  and  heart  diseases. Thus, this will help reduce maternal deaths and infant   deaths. The findings  have shown  that interventions l and  treatments  like dietary  counseling, monitoring  of  blood  glucose and  insulin  level  can  help  improve  the  outcome  of the  mother and  fetus (World   health  organization, Mario & Vittorio Basevi, 2005).

Additionally, the  doctors  should   provide  regular   screening  for  the  fetus  to  help  reduce   infant  mortality. The doctor   should screen the feotus for any abnormalities. This  will  help  the  doctors  monitor  the  health  of  the  feotus  and  the  mother. In addition, to  the  feotus  screening, the  mother  should  bed  screened  for  any  infections. Bacterial  infections  and  viral  infections   have  led  to  high  rate  of  maternal  deaths  and  children  deaths  in  Vietnam  and  in  the  world. Screening  will  help   the  doctors  identify  any  infections  among  pregnant  women  and  provide   the  right  treatment. For instance, pregnant women should   be screened for asymptomatic bacteriria. This helps reduce the risk of low birth weights   among pregnant mothers. Also, the   mothers should b e tested for Hepatitis B virus. The disease is transmitted from the   mother to child. Screening  will  help  reduce  transmission  of  the   disease   and  ensure  the  chinked is  safe (WHO, UNICEF &UNFPA, 2004).

The doctors should monitor the wellbeing of the   fotujs and the mother. Regular ultrasound   in early pregnancy   can help   determine   the   gestation   age and   detect any multiple   pregnancies. It also helps   detect   any   complications   in the   fetus growth. Most  pregnant  women  from  rural  areas   and  minority  group’s  are  not  able  to   access   ante  natal  care. this   makes  it  difficulty  for  the  women  to  get   nutrition  supplements , screening  and   regular   check  ups. Hence, the  high  rate  of  deaths  among  pregnant  women  and  children  from  rural  areas. Moreover, providing   pregnant  women  with  the  right  education  can  help  reduce  the  rate  of  maternal  mortality  and  children   mortality. The  research  carried  out  by  World  health  organization, Mario and Vittorio Basevi showed  that  ante  natal  education  combined with post natal  education helps prevent  maternal  mortality  and  children mortality .

Pregnant women  are  supposed  to  be  provided  with  education  under  ante  natal  care. The women are educated on various issues. For instance, the women are educated on how to eat healthily. The women are educated on the importance of eating   a balanced   diet. This  will prevent  them  from  contracting  diseases  and   promote  health  growth  of  the   fedotus. Also, the  women  are  taught   how  to  maintain  healthy  life  styles   such  as  regular  exercise. exercise  helps   improve  the  outcome  of  pregnant  women  and  the  feotus  as  it  reduces  the  risk  factor  for  diseases  like  diabetes, obesity and  heart  diseases. Also, the  mothers  are  advised  on  the  negative  effects  of  smoking  and   alcohol  intake  on their  healthy  and  the  health  of  the  baby. Hence,  its  clear  that   ante  natal  care  and  nutritional  program  helps  reduce  the   rate  of  maternal  deaths   and  children  deaths  in the world. The  ante  natal  care   and  nutritional  program  will  help  reduce  maternal,  and  children  mortality  in  rural,  areas  of  Vietnam (WHO, UNICEF &UNFPA, 2004).



         The researcher  will  use  100  participants  from  the  rural  areas  of  Vietnam. The participants will be   pregnant women aged 26 years and above. The participants will be selected   randomly. This is to ensure the selection of the participants is not biased. Also, this will make the   results of the   research valid and reliable (World health organization, Mario & Vittorio Basevi, 2005).

 Research design

            The researcher will use the quantitative research design in his   study. The research  design  will  help him  collect  data  from  the  participants  and  use  it  in  the  study. For example, the researcher will use questionnaires   to   collect   data from the participants. The  questioners will  involve  a  set  of  questions  that  the participants  will  answer. The  researcher  can  use  the  questions  below  to  collect  data  from  the  participants.

  •  Do  chronic   diseases   like  obesity  and  heart  diseases   cause  maternal   deaths  and  children     deaths  due  to  lack  of   good  maternal  cared?
  • Does  lack  of    good  diet  lead  to     complications  during   pregnancy, hence  resulting  to  the   death  of    the mother  and  the  baby?
  • Do poor; lifestyles   lead to   high rate of maternal, deaths   and children deaths?
  • Does lack of   ante natal   education lead to   high maternal deaths   and children deaths? The participants will   be required to answer the questions   above according (World   health organization, Mario & Vittorio Basevi, 2005).

Quantities research method gives the researcher an opportunity to use a large sample size. For  example,  the   research  method   allows  the   research  to  use  a  sampled  size  of  about  100  participants  or more. This makes the research work more valid and reliable. In  addition, the  quantitative research  method  allows  the researcher to  use statistical   methods   to   analyze  or  evaluate the   data  collected   from  the   participants. In this case, the   data collected   from the participants   will   be analyzed using statistical methods like histograms   and   frequency   tables. First, the  researcher  will  code   the  results  from  the  data  collection  process  swell. For  example,  he  can  use  1  to  represent  Yes  and 2  to  represent No. Then  after  that , the  researcher  will   tabulate  the  results  in a  frequency   table  and  use   graphs  to  determine (Villar & Bergsjo, 1997)

Expected outcome

       The program  is  aimed  at   reducing  the  maternal  deaths  and  children   deaths  in  rural  areas  of  Vietnam. The  researcher  will  use  different  methods  to determine  if  the  program  is  effective  or  not. The program will be considered   effective if    it helps   reduce   the   maternal mortality   and   infant mortality. The   program should be able to reduce   diseases   that cause maternal deaths. For instance, the   program should   reduce   the prevalence of diabetes, obesity and   heart   diseases. The  pregnant   women   in  rural  areas  of   Vietnam  should   be able  to   get  ante natal  care   so  as  to  reduce   the   deaths. If  the  program  does  not  reduce  the   maternal  deaths  and   infant  deaths  in  the  area, then  it  will  not  be   effective (Villar & Bergsjo, 1997).

 Strengths and weakness   in addressing the topic

The research may have some biasness. For instance, the biasness can result from the selection of   participants. Most researchers find it difficulty to select the participants without biasness. Most   participants  in  this   research  will  be  pregnant  women  from  the  rural  areas. The participants should be selected randomly   to help eliminate biasness. Also,  biasness  can  also  occur  in   the  results   as  the  participants  will   give  different  answer. Majority  of  the  participants  might   support  that  lack  of  ante  natal  care  and  proper  diet   has  increased  maternal  and   children  mortality. Others might not agree with the   questions.

The researcher will evaluate and code the data collected well to avoid   biasness. This will   ensure the research results are not biased and are   valid. There are various   challenges   that researchers   face when carrying out research. The challenges include communication problems, lack of   education and   cultural factors. Another   challenge is   lack of   corporation between the   participants and the researcher. Most researchers   lack enough education to carry out research.

This makes it difficulty for the researcher to collect   data. Also,  it  makes  it  hard  for the  research  to   analyze  the  data  collected. Also,  cultural  factors   like  language  barrier  have  made  it  difficulty  to  gather  enough   data  to be  used  in  the  study. Apart  from  cultural  factors,  most  participants  are  not  willing  to   communicate  with  the  research. This makes it difficulty   for the participants to give   information. This  in  turn  affects  the  validity  and  reliability  of  the  data. The  following  materials  will  be  required   in order  to  help  reduce  maternal   rated  and  infant  mortality  in  the  rural  areas  of  Vietnam.

Drugs  to be  used  to  treat  the pregnant  women  and  help   reduce  maternal  deaths. For instance, one will need drugs to   treat diabetes, hypertension and obesity. Also, one will need supplements like iron supplement, calcium etc. Food   supplies  are  also  need  to  help    provide  the   pregnant  women  with  a   balanced  diet. Lastly, one will need personnel to help implement the program. That is   doctors, nurses, community workers and family members. The  personnel  will  work  together  to  provide  antenatal  care  and  nutrition  to  pregnant women(Villar & Bergsjo, 1997).


       Providing ante  natal  care  and   nutrition   programs  to  pregnant  women  in  rural  areas  of  Vietnam  can  help  reduce  maternal  deaths  and  child  death. Maternal death   and child death are caused by various   factors. First, maternal deaths are caused by lack of   ante natal care and nutrition. Most pregnant   women do not get regular screening   for   chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity. This makes them more prone to the diseases and hence death. Also,  the  women  do  not  get   foists  screening   and    ante  natal  dedication.

             This has made it difficulty for the mothers to prevent   maternal mortality. Providing   good nutrition to the   community will help reduce   maternal deaths. This  is  because  the  mothers  will be  able  to  take  balanced  diet  and  supplements. This   program  is  aimed  at  reducing  maternal   rate  and  infant  mortality  in  the  population. The researcher will use 100 participants from the area to collect data. Then after that he will analyze the data using   statistical methods and make meaningful conclusion. Also, he will measure the effectiveness of the program. The program is considered effective if it reduces the maternal deaths and infant deaths in the region.


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the effectiveness  of  antenatal   care?(Supplement).Retrieved  from on 22/10/2010