Locating Credible Databases and Research materials in nursing
Evidence-base practice, (EBP), is one the scientifically proven practices that enable nurses to make well-founded clinical decisions. Nurses are able to stay updated regarding the new medical practices for improving patient care through EBPs. Through online search for and application of well-researched and documented interventions that suit their patient’s needs, nurses increase the chances of achieving better health outcomes (Grave & Gray, 2018). This discussion highlights the credible databases and research related to retention as the chosen diagnosis.
Communication strategies
To encourage nurses to access online search platforms, managers and supervisors can employ various strategies. First, the use of persuasive communication strategies is significant in pushing nursing to use these resources willingly. Persuasive communication is made up of three strategies that can be used intelligently to achieve the intrinsic motivation among nurses to do online search on EBPs for management of fluid retention.
The first strategy is logos, where managers use logic to reach a conclusion (Stiff & Mongeau, 2016). The manager can highlight the failed attempts in using the routine methods, and how there is an opportunity for improvement through EBPs. The second strategy is ethos, where a supervisor uses effective communication skills to emphasize on the credibility of the sources of information on EBPs (Stiff & Mongeau, 2016). The third strategy is pathos- the communicator appeals to the audience’s needs (Stiff & Mongeau, 2016). In this case, the nurse’s need is to improve patient care and achieve better health outcome. To encourage nurses to use databases to retrieve information on EBP regarding the management of fluid retention, this need should be emphasized.
Collaboration between nurses, physicians, and other healthcare workers can be enhance through the use of technology to perform certain nursing activities which are resourceful to other collaborative teams. For instance, the use of electronic charting systems can be useful in keeping records of nutritional and fluid input and output (Henry rt al., 2016). This information is significant to doctors and nutritionists, who are actively involved in the management of such patients.
Best places to complete research
To complete research on management of fluid retention, one would need to explore various places of research. For instance, the internet is one of the easily accessible sources of information from anywhere withing our daily activities. From the internet, one can retrieve cardiac disorders management e-books, medical journals on EBPs related this management, and official websites of well recognized global health organization containing guidelines. The internet is a quick and convenient source of information, particularly in an ever-busy healthcare setting where retrieving any crucial information regarding patient care is critical. Additionally, one can use books such as textbooks and reference books. Regarding this diagnosis, one can use medical physiology books and medical surgical nursing books. The knowledge gained from books is priceless and have been proven to be reliable.
Sources of online information
Medical journals such as American Heart Journal, Elsevier, and American Journal of Cardiovascular drugs contain relevant information to the diagnosis of fluid retention. Reliable websites from which information regarding this diagnosis can be retrieved include the international academy of cardiology and American college of cardiology among others. Global standard guidelines by well-known health organizations are also reliable sources of information. For instance, centers for disease and prevention (CDC), and the world health organization (WHO). Online databases such as PubMed and Cochrane library are also resourceful. From these databases, one can retrieve research articles and books specific to the management of fluid retention. JSTOR also contains valuable up-to-date resources that are specific to the nursing management of fluid retention. These resources provide reliable information regarding the management of fluid retention since they have been carefully filtered to present only relevant information. To ensure this relevance, the searcher uses specific key words such as “fluid retention” and “nursing management” when typing in what to search. This procedure ensures that only articles that contain information related to nursing management of fluid retention are availed.
Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2018). Understanding Nursing Research E-Book: Building an Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Henry, J., Pylypchuk, Y., Searcy, T., & Patel, V. (2016). Adoption of electronic health record systems among US non-federal acute care hospitals: 2008–2015. ONC data brief, 35, 1-9.
Stiff, J. B., & Mongeau, P. A. (2016). Persuasive communication. Guilford Publications.