Leadership and Followership

Followership Style Test Score: 3.5

Followership style: Independent worker; does not need supervision, just a bit of feedback.

Implications of the Score


Based on my score in the followership, there are various implications with regard to my role as a leader. Firstly, it is clearly evident that I have the capacity to work independently under any given situation. As such, I can fulfill all my duties and take responsibility of actions without necessarily being coerced or pressurized by other people. In addition, the test score illustrates that I might require just a bit of feedback pertaining to specific issues; this goes a very long way towards ensuring that I am headed in the right direction. (Grossman, p. 57)


However in order to attain a followership test score of more than 4 points, I have to put more effort towards taking up new challenges and then formulating comprehensive frameworks for the relevant solutions. The results of the followership style test were extremely consistent with my expectations. This is mainly occasioned by the fact that I have always rated myself as good leader with an excellent ability to work independently. Furthermore, constant supervision or monitoring is not necessary based on my leadership style since I am always fully aware of my responsibilities.


Role in Professional life as a Follower

There are numerous instances in professional life that would exemplify my attributes as a follower. Among the most applicable examples pertains to an instance where I was a junior nurse in a busy health care center. Since I did not have sufficient experience, I had to seek the advice of senior nurses on a frequent basis; however, the senior nurses were not always around and as such, I had to make independent decisions on a couple of occasions. During one of my night shifts, a seriously injured person was checked into the hospital after being involved in a road accident. He was bleeding profusely and as such, I had to come up with swift measures of stopping the loss of blood. I managed to contain the bleeding even before the doctor’s arrival. As a good follower, I had to think critically about ideas on how to solve the problem at hand.


Enhancing Followership

Based on the learning resources provided in the book, there are various ways in which I can enhance my attributes as a follower. Firstly, I have to be more passionate about life in its entirety as opposed to merely being focused about career development or advancements from a professional point of view. In terms of being informed, I have to seek both informal and formal knowledge in order to become a better follower. (Grossman, p. 52)

Developing Effective Leadership Skills

In order to become an effective leader, it is vital to set high standards for others to emulate. Furthermore, it is also essential to realize that leaders must make effective decisions. Elements of confidence and taking risks are also essential as far as effective leadership is concerned. (Grossman, p. 44)

ANA Bill of Rights

The ANA Bill of Rights provides a precise description of the specific rights that all nursing prcati0ners are entitled to. It is therefore an influential perspective with regard to leadership and followership. It provides an excellent basis on which nursing leaders should base their decisions; additionally, it stipulates the specific limits and/or boundaries that regulate the practice of nursing.


Grossman, S. & Valiga, T. (2009). The new leadership challenge: Creating the future of nursing, PA: F.A. Davis Company