HS440 | Finance for Health Care 1 Unit 2 Assignment: Third-Party Payers Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment: ? List the features of third-party payers. ? Describe third-party payers. ? Explain reimbursement methods used by third-party payers. ? Explain the effects of coding on reimbursement. Course outcome assessed/addressed in this Assignment: HS440-1: Describe the current financial environment in healthcare and its influence on decision making. HS440-2: Describe international standard diagnosis classification use in the US health care reimbursement and billing system. GEL 1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English. Instructions For this Assignment, you will be writing a report to the Board of Directors of Health Care Systems, Inc. regarding the importance of proper coding in order to ensure prompt reimbursement. In the report, the Board requires an introductory paragraph that should summarize the role of finance in Health Care Systems, Inc., the primary users of the financial information, any associated legal or regulatory issues, and a brief statement on the legal form of Health Care Systems, Inc. The body of your report to the Board of Directors should include a detailed description of the features of third-party payers, the reimbursement methods used, and the effects of coding on reimbursement. To conclude your report to the Board of Directors, summarize in a one paragraph conclusion the key points of your report and include a final statement on how you, as the CFO, will ensure proper coding to facilitate prompt reimbursement in the future. Requirements ? This report should be no less than 5 total pages in length, including the title page and separate reference page. The body of this report should be no less than three full body pages. HS440 | Finance for Health Care 2 ? Follow APA formatting for the title and reference page, as well as APA formatting within the paper itself (Times New Roman 12-point font and properly double spaced). ? Information should be summarized in your own words with appropriate APA formatting and citation style of in-text citations in the body of the text to acknowledge the source(s) of information. ? Follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, etc.). ? Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Submitting Your Work For directions on how to submit your work and review your graded assignments, refer to the Dropbox Guide found on the Academic Tools tab. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted work. Unit 2 Assignment Grading Rubric = 175 points Assignment Requirements Points possible Points earned by student Report includes a description of the role of finance and legal and regulatory issues in health care. 0-25 Report includes a description of third-party payers. 0-50 Report includes a description of the affects of coding on reimbursement 0-50 Report concludes with a description of how to ensure proper coding to facilitate prompt reimbursement 0-35 Report identifies the users of financial information and the role of finance in decision-making. 0-15 Total (Sum of all points) Points deducted for spelling, grammar, and/or APA errors. HS440 | Finance for Health Care 3 (See Writing Deductions Rubric in Course Home)
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