Intraprofessional, Interprofessional and Collaboration Activities

Intraprofessional, Interprofessional and Collaboration Activities
 Answers are double-spaced and
 Include word count after each answer (no you can’t go over the word count)
 Reference your answers using APA 7 th Ed. and Include a Reference List at the end of your
document. I have attached two documents to answer question #3. Please write your answers
under the 3 questions noting the word count.

Intraprofessional, Interprofessional and Collaboration Activities

1. Using the Intraprofessional Reflection Questions below to guide your answer, describe how you
can work collaboratively in the intraprofessional team (200 words MAX).
2. View the video Interdisciplinary Team Care: Case Three,

 Discuss (150 MAX) your observations of the nurse’s participation in the patient rounds using the
6 competency domains for effective interprofessional collaboration from the National
Interprofessional Competency Framework and identify what the nurse could have done

Intraprofessional, Interprofessional and Collaboration Activities
3. Using quality websites, make a post (maximum 250 words) describing the role of a member of the
interprofessional healthcare team (excluding a nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician) and how you as
a nurse anticipate you will interact with this profession in your nursing practice. Include the website
references in your reference list.

Rubric (out of 5.0):
0/5= not completed by the deadline
0.5-2.5 = responses are minimal and/or superficial
2.5-2.0/4.0= responses satisfactory but not completely answered and/or substantive
4.0-5.0=responses are substantive and offers a thoughtful perspective (shows connection with the
concepts and week's resources)

Intraprofessional Collaboration Reflection questions
1. How do your mental models about the different designations in nursing impact the way you
consult and collaborate with other nurses?
2. How can you convey respect for the knowledge skill and judgement of your nursing colleagues?
3. What do you need to learn to optimize your scope of practice?
4. What are the benefits to patients when nurses work collaboratively


Intraprofessional collaboration:
A relational and respectful process among nursing colleagues that allows for the effective use
of the knowledge, skills and talents of all nursing designations to achieve optimal client and
health system outcomes (CNA, 2020)
Interprofessional Collaboration:
A partnership between a team of health providers and a client in a participatory, collaborative
and coordinated approach to shared decision-making around health and social issues (CNO,

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