Impact of Stigma for Persons Living with Dementia

Impact of Stigma for Persons Living with Dementia

Assignment Guidelines


My chosen topic is Impact of Stigma for Persons Living with Dementia

This assignment is a narrative scholarly paper in which you Reflect on the views and feelings you have explored and or expressed this term about a topic or major theme on aging and growing older. Please address the following 6 questions with no more than the word count allotted per question, (please write this assignment in first person and reference using APA, double spaced, in 12-point font, 2.5 cm margins on all sides and use relevant headings. The length of the paper should be between 5 and 7 pages (maximum), excluding title page, references and appendices). (A general guideline is 200 to 300 words to discuss each of the 6 areas to be included in your paper. —see below


Your paper should:


  1. Identify your topic/issue and provide background information. - why the topic/issue resonates with you, importance of the topic/issue.
  2. Discuss your thoughts, feelings, insights or aha moments about your topic and growing older and how these have changed for you during this course, if at all.
  3. Discuss what theory and concepts relate to your topic and why the theory and concepts resonate with you.
  4. Include one research study on aging that you have critically reviewed. Discuss how might the findings relate to your topic /theme and give insight into enhancing the health, well-being and quality of life of older adults.
  5. Share what questions remain for you about aging and growing older.
  6. Include a photo or an image of something that represents your feelings and thoughts about aging and a brief description of how this photo represents your feelings and ideas about aging. Include how your ideas about aging in this photograph link with your topic and concepts from the course


**Ensure you provide a reference list with at least 5 scholarly references from the course or from your own literature search for this assignment. Use APA (7th Edition) formatting when citing references in your answers to each question and for the reference list.


**Ensure you provide a reference list at the end of the assignment with at least 5 scholarly references from the course or from your own literature search for this assignment. Use APA (7th Edition) format when you cite references in your answers to each question and for the reference list.  Please use double spacing and first person for this assignment.


Format of the Paper: Use the handout provided on Moodle, write in sentences, and use correct grammar. Edit all papers carefully before handing in. The paper must be typed, single-spaced is acceptable for this final assignment, you can use first person, use Times New Roman 12pt font. Include title page, reference list and appendices.

See Rubric for this paper below:




Marking Rubric Final Assignment:



A-to A                            High to Excellent B to B+

Satisfactory to Highly Satisfactory

C to C+


Quality of Answers to 4 questions on final assignment Exceptional consideration of each of the 6 questions. Reflects outstanding work of exceptional quality.  Well organized, connections evident and logical conclusions. Deep critical and analytical thinking; innovative ideas present and well integrated with other content and feelings- No or minimal APA and grammatical errors.

Integrates notable creativity with image and thoughtful description of feelings and thoughts.

Excellent consideration of the 6 questions. Well organized, connections identifiable, and logical conclusions & connections. Sound critical and analytical thinking.  Minimal (1 or 2) APA and grammatical errors.

Integrates some creativity with image and description.

Good to very good consideration of the 6 questions. Organization of thoughts could be improved upon although some connections identifiable. Some critical and analytical thinking. Some (3 or more) APA and grammatical errors.

Includes picture and limited description.

Some consideration of views of the 6 questions. Lack of organization with connections between course material and paper difficult to identify. Vague conclusions. Some weaknesses in content and/or structure with important details or perspectives left out. Repeating APA and grammatical errors.
Use of literature and resources. Excellent use of the literature (10 or more references/resources with at least 5 from scholarly journals); Draws on a wide range of current and/or relevant sources that serve as the foundation of arguments/proposals.  Evidence of much effort and personal involvement with the topic.  All 6 questions answered with extensive reasoning, creativity and explanations. Connects ideas and concepts to one another and to other concepts beyond the course or through the use of metaphor. Good use of the literature (at least 5 references/resource with at least 3 from scholarly journals); draws on a range of current and/or relevant sources that serve as the foundation of arguments/proposals.  Evidence of effort and personal involvement with the topic.  All 6 questions answered with reasoning and explanations. Connects ideas and concepts to one another. Some use of the literature (3-5 references with at least one from a scholarly journal); most details and perspectives are discussed, but considerations of additional ones would have improved the assignment.  Some evidence of personal involvement with the topic. Most of the five questions answered with reasoning and explanations. Ideas and concepts are organized. Minimal use of the literature (less than 3 references); minimal evidence of critical and analytical thinking; transitions may be inconsistent; evidence may be occasionally unconvincing or incomplete.  At times lacks clarity and succinctness.  Minimal evidence of personal involvement with the topic.  Some of the 6 questions answered with some reasoning/explanations but not sufficient for assignment. Ideas need organizing.






For your information the following are the concepts and theories used in this course But

*******I have chosen to discuss on the concept and theory that I highlighted in red


  • What are your thoughts and feelings about aging and growing older? Theory: Views about Aging
  • What assumptions do you have about being an older adult? Theory: What do older persons say about later life—what are their stories? And, what do their stories say to you about growing older? Theory: aging and the social determinants of health


  • How do different theories of aging portray older adults and the experience of aging? Theory:
  • How do intersecting complexities of social justice influence quality of life in old age? Theory: Aging and Social determinants of health-intersecting complexities of social justice
  • What is nursing’s responsibility to promote social justice with an aging population? Theory: Aging and Social determinants of health-intersecting complexities of social justice


  • How does a diagnosis of dementia change one’s quality of life? Theory: Aging and Social determinants of health-impact of dementia
  • How does personhood - one’s expression of self - change and remain the same in later life? Theory: Influence of ageism, stigma, myths and stereotypes on aging and older adults


  • How are the following concepts relevant for older adults: stigma, embodied selfhood, relational caring, gero-transcendance, ageism and intergenerational learning? Theory: Influence of ageism, stigma, myths and stereotypes on aging and older adults


How do demographics, social determinants of health, and politics impact aging experiences in Canada? Theory: Aging and Social determinants of health=impact of demographics, social determinants, politics

  • What are the complexities of ageism, and what cost is it to the individual and society? How can nurses and communities counteract ageism? Theory: Influence of ageism, stigma, myths and stereotypes on aging and older adults


What are the losses and gains of later life for older adults? Theory: Losses and Gains, Restrictions and Freedoms of Later Life - What are the losses and gains of later life for older adults?


  • What relationships are important as we grow older? (including and beyond human relationships). How do these relationships change quality of life? Theory: Losses and Gains, Restrictions and Freedoms of Later Life-Relationships
  • Can being an older adult be one of the best times in one’s life? Theory: Losses and Gains, Restrictions and Freedoms of Later Life- Can being an older adult be one of the best times in one’s life





******Below is a list of references provided in this course related to my topic but be free to research your own references relevant to the topic for the writing.


  1. McKenzie, E. L., & Brown, P. M. (2014). Nursing students' intentions to work in dementia care: Influence of age, ageism, and perceived barriers. Educational Gerontology40(8), 618-633.



  1. Braveman, P., & Gottlieb, L. (2014). The social determinants of health: It’s time to consider the causes of the causes. Public Health Reports, 129(1_suppl2), 19–31.


  1. Kontos, P., Miller, K. L., & Kontos, A. P. (2017). Relational citizenship: Supporting embodied selfhood and relationality in dementia care. Sociology of Health and Illness, 39(2), 182-198.


  1. World Health Organization. (2015). World report on ageing and health.




Stigma and Dementia


Alzheimer’s Society. (2008). Stigma and dementia - People with dementia speak out [Video webinar]. Retrieved from;_ylt=A2KLqITuThlVLn8A8NI0nIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByNDY3bGRuBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDNQ--?p=stigma+and+dementia&vid=700cc937d9d3d1733775acc29c9cf3d0&l=4%3A14&




  1. Dementia Care in Three Different Countries:

Global News. (2014, April). FULL STORY: Dementia - The unspooling mind [Video file]. Retrieved from


  1. Photos of the Very Old

Dovas. (2014). Photographer reveals what the human body looks like at age 100+. Retrieved from